I'll go ahead and put that on one in particular right now.
As soon as the phoenix was released I knew I needed 3-4 but I couldn't get ahold of them quickly enough and they quickly increased in price and became very popular- a direction I was considering used Manamorphose as well and that was also out of reach for me at the time.The majority of my decks are set to private or deleted altogether- I have a hard time putting them out in the open despite the fact that they would still be virtually unnoticed. Self consciousness I think.Thank you for looking, though!
Thank you for posting your story, it's nice to have such a personal experience shared by a veteran player. (I only started in 2014 when I was 14, this would've been hard for 11-year-old-me to learn.) Reading this made my day.
I love the strategy, a "soft break" of the common color themes is what has been my favorite decks to build/draw inspiration from. I definitely haven't built blue ramp before, that's for sure. The leveling tag rating is also a great idea.
Very cool deck, may I suggest Alms of the Vein and Needlebite Trap (sideboard)? They are my personal favorites for black burn.
Don't say that! You made an original deck that looks both creative and effective. That's commendable.
Yea, I knew Bloodbraid is still banned (free bloodbraid elf!) but I wasn't quite sure how formal your plans for this deck were. As for cuts for Tremors, how necessary does this level of ramp feel to you? Your dorks (BoP especially) feel like they would be a weak draw past the start of the game. I love Purphuros for my aggro ETB triggers, but that would be a curve topper if you used it in here. Ash Zealot could help to effectively sideboard against some graveyard strats (if you don't think it deviates from the main strategy too much). Overall, you know this deck so much better than me, so the best I can do is give my limited speculation. ^ I can't wait to hear more about how this deck plays for you and if anything develops differently in the actual list. Thanks!
I love this deck, I would totally play it. Bloodbraid Elf would be an excellent way to shoot off extra creatures, and maybe a single Kessig Wolf Run for mana sink? (Besides Lightning Berserker's firebreathing) I love impact tremors, I would even suggest Warstorm Surge if it's within reason at all. Great deck, can't wait to hear more.
@DedWards brings up a very good point. Nullifying the search effect of Path would make it free of drawbacks, and Ghost Quarter is an excellent card with those in play as well.
Agreed, Radiant Flames are a flexible addition as well.
Are their no land destruction lands in Modern right now?
Very cool, I've always wanted to utilize this mechanic but never really gotten into it. Any suggestions for implementing Morph into a deck that isn't entirely oriented around it like this one?
How did you decide what to put in this deck?
Smallpox, Crack the Earth and Pox are all very destructive routes to take. Love the deck!
Very cool EDH, I've never seen a Slivers Tribal EDH before. How does it play?
Makes sense, To the Slaughter excels in that situation as it is a sacrifice where Grasp of Darkness does not sufficiently kill the tree.
IMO there are much better removal cards available in Standard rn. Grasp of Darkness is a great one, To the Slaughter (might not work in this deck), Fatal Push, even Anguished Unmaking which is more versatile.
Very cool deck, a lot of wild shit in here. I would play this if I had a playset of Trisks.
Stensia Bloodhall could fit the Fatale bit of the theme, if you have room for a utility land
I love the theme. Planning on adding any nonbasics or utility lands?
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