ideally...Turn 1: Forest, SlitherheadTurn 2: Island, Rapid Hybridization on Slitherhead. You get a 3/3 Frog Lizard creature. Use Slitherhead's 0 mana scavenge ability, place a +1/+1 counter on your Frog/Lizard. You now have a 4/4 Frog Lizard. If things worked out just right for you, draw a Blessing of Nature on turn two. Pay it's miracle cost. Put 4 +1/+1 counters on your 4/4 Frog Lizard. On turn two you have a mother fuckin 8/8 Frog Lizard creature!Turn 3: Attack with your 8/8 Frog Lizard of DOOM.The EndThere are many different variations of this, but it's fun, fast and didn't cost much to put the basic idea to bear. Sure, I have a few cards that aren't all that cheap in the deck as well, but all of the cards are in here because they were just sitting around without a home.Please let me know what you think!Thanks
I created the core of this deck on the Khans of Tarkir pre-release night. I just threw in a few extra cards since then to make it 60 cards. I would like to make this deck standard worthy. Please help me out folks! :)
Athreos would make this deck very interesting indeed.