Vengeful Fauna Sculpting

by scorpio7777 on 13 October 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (7)

Artifacts (1)

Enchantments (3)

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Deck Description

Aside from the turn three Frost Titan draws, the deck has a lot of other things going for it. It has the following combos:

1. The standard Fauna Shaman + Vengevine package with plenty of fodder critters to fuel the combo.

2. The Squadron Hawk + Fauna Shaman combo, allowing you to fetch creatures out of your deck basically for free.

3. The Squadron Hawk + Vengevine combo, allowing you to return all your Vengevines from the graveyard by casting a hawk, searching out another hawk, and casting the searched out hawk.

4. The Jace, the Mind Sculptor + Squadron Hawk combo where you cast Squadron Hawk #1, search out Squadron Hawks 2, 3, and 4, then activate the Brainstorm ability of Jace to put Hawks 2 and 3 back on top, then search out those same two hawks with Hawk #4. This is a depleting resource as next turn you will only have 1 more Hawk to search out, but by then you have already drawn the equivalent of about 7 extra cards and still have a Jace on the table, so the fact that it only works a couple times is not such a terrible thing. It also gets better with shuffle effects, either via fetchlands or Fauna Shaman.

5. Eldrazi Monument + Squadron Hawk combo. Does the Monument need to be paid homage to? Throw a hawk on the alter – they're easily expandable!

6. Jace, the Mind Sculptor + Frost Titan. Bounce their creature with Jace, tap their other creature (or their land) with the Titan. Games don't last long when this combo is online.

7. Finally, Fauna Shaman + Frost Titan. So you had the Mana Leak for the Frost Titan? Do you have 3 more? Because I have three more Titans on the way!

As you can tell from all the combos listed above, the deck has a lot of synergy. Most of the cards are very powerful on their own, and they each tend to work very well with the others. Games are also exciting with this deck because unlike most decks in Standard (or any format for that matter), the range of ways that games play out with the deck is quite large.

For instance, you might start off by going for the quick Lotus Cobra into Frost Titan plan. Then if that plan gets thwarted, you cast a Fauna Shaman and a Squadron Hawk, looking either to start searching out Vengevines and recurring them with Hawks or just discarding Hawks to find other monsters such as Frost Titans. Then the game might take another turn when your opponent casts Day of Judgment and you respond by playing Jace, the Mind Sculptor and going on the combo #4 plan of brainstorming away your hawks to refill your hand. Then if he deals with Jace, you've already drawn enough cards to where you can go back on the Jace plan with a fresh Jace or just start smashing with Vengevines.

Usually the opponent will run out of answers before you run out of gas with this deck. That's an uncommon feat for a deck that typically assumes the beatdown role. I just brewed this list the other day, and I'm still getting ideas from other Bant lists and from testing it against the big decks in the field, but my Intuition is that this deck has all the tools to compete with the big dogs.

The sideboard has some specific answers in it. Refraction Trap is primarily Pyroclasm protection. It's the card Elves wishes it had access to in Green. It also doubles as a great answer to burn spells in various Mono Red lists, and can turn a Lightning Bolt or Searing Blaze or Arc Trail against its caster's own creatures (or at his own face!), prompting the appropriate “Why did you kill your own creature?”

Sylvok Replica is an Acidic Slime that can sit on the board and kill an Argentum Armor as soon as it ‘enters the battlefield' (I still cringe when I hear that phrase). It is also a catch-all answer to everything Slime is intended to kill, except lands in the Primeval Titan matchups. It does kill opposing Eldrazi Monuments and Basilisk Collars though.

Speaking of answers to Basilisk Collar (indirectly at least), I'm happy to be playing with Linvala on my side of the board rather than on my opponent's side. She is great against all the Elf builds, including Girl Scouts, and she is also great against all the other Birds of Paradise decks, including Naya and other Bant decks. Cunning Sparkmage? Try again. She also happens to be the best way to combat an opposing Linvala (since they Legend Rule each other).

Journey to Nowhere is a card that I'd maindeck except for the fact that it's generally pretty terrible against control decks, and in game 1 you're better off maximizing your creature count for Fauna Shaman and Vengevine. And Mana Leak is slightly better than Journey maindeck I think.

Twisted Image is for Birds of Paradise, Cunning Sparkmage, Wall of Omens, Overgrown Battlement, Steppe Lynx, Ornithopter, Renegade Doppleganger, Hedron Crab, and Enclave Crypotologist.

Tajuru Preserver is for All Is Dust.

Baneslayer Angel is for decks with burn spells. Once you establish control, getting burnt out is really bad. I might end up running 2 of these in the board just to make sure this doesn't happen. Obstinate Baloth is another card to consider.

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,367 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Vengeful Fauna Sculpting

Looks good. Have you played it yet.

Posted 13 October 2010 at 10:31


lokiluck has deleted this comment.

Posted 13 October 2010 at 11:12


isn't this Craig Wescoe's new deck from,

Posted 13 October 2010 at 11:19


EtheriumShift has deleted this comment.

Posted 13 October 2010 at 11:23


@ EtheriumShift: Not yet. But I'll let you know soon.

@ lokiluck: It is Craig's Deck. I plan on testing it and making it better. This is just so I have a reference point.

Posted 13 October 2010 at 12:55


Ya, i was looking at it and it seems like a good deck, i really do enjoy his articles.

Posted 13 October 2010 at 13:48


Same here. I try to be unique and not steal other people's ideas if possible but this idea looks like a good foundation to build upon. With some testing it SHOULD be a quality tourney deck.

Posted 13 October 2010 at 14:08


Ya, it is just sometimes someone finds a good archtype that we didn't think of and then we play around with and figure out how it works.

Posted 13 October 2010 at 15:35
