David Gearhart has been busy today, starting off 6-0 before suffering an unintentional draw against Dredge on SCGLive. David is known for his Legacy chops, and he's playing one of the coolest decks in the room today. When players were asked where they thought Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas deserved, most of them said Legacy. They were thinking about an Affinity build, but in reality Legacy is so wide-open and powerful that it's impossible to limit the man. David has put him to good use in an Enlightened Tutor build focused on putting together Sword of the Meek and Thopter Foundry to kill the opponent.
I really wanted to get a chance to sit down and chat with David about the deck, but he's busy playing with Top 8 on the line in matches that go quite long. I'll do my best to fill in with the strategic insight, as I'd much rather post a feature on this sweet deck than make you wait to see the list elsewhere! The synergy Tezzeret has with the Thopter/Sword combo should be obvious. Assembling it becomes easier, the tokens defend Tezzeret, and you can make them into 5/5s or play the ultimate for massive amounts of damage. You can dig through the deck for mana or defense, and the clock he represents is tremendous. All of the Standard interactions with Jace are present as well, and the Moxes make it easy to drop him on turn 3 with turn 2 in the realm of possibility.
Ensnaring Bridge David's deck is excellent at creating an Ensnaring Bridge lock against opposing creature decks, playing out the bulk of his hand while the Thopters go to work. I've seen him drop to zero cards several times, casting the top card of his deck after attacking each turn to clinch the game. If you can't beat a Bridge, you will not beat David. Humility is an excellent backup plan, as Thopter/Sword will out-creature any opponent in conjunction with that enchantment.
The traditional U/W elements are there. The staple Brainstorm and Force of Will, the Swords to Plowshares and Jaces, and of course the Sensei's Divining Tops. With redundant copies of Sword and Foundry, David's deck can afford to play through disruption, and he has a selection of handy silver bullets to choose from. Karmic Justice balances out an opposing Pernicious Deed, while Oblivion Ring is the usual catch-all alongside Engineered Explosives. David's lands are very vulnerable to Wasteland, but he makes up for that with a healthy amount of artifact mana and the ability to play most of his spells for very little. In his first feature match, David won the second game with no lands, facing Crucible/Wasteland and leaning on Moxes for all his spellcasting needs.
The sideboard offers a crazy amount of disruption, with full playsets of Pithing Needle, Meddling Mage, and Engineered Explosives available. Additional copies of important cards like Academy Ruins, Karmic Justice, and Ensnaring Bridge let him tweak the deck into the right configuration, with Nihil Spellbomb being his token graveyard hate of choice. There's room to play with these sideboard slots—adjust to suit your personal metagame.