Okay, this is my first time making an article deck, so don't annihalate me for making it "too short" please?
Okay, som I have this small EDH group where we play every Wednesday/Friday, and every time there is always that one player, that one guy/girl who does the most cruel things. Sakoshima is a popular deck among the confused EDH players who don't understand the word casual. Yes, I know that I have some very unbudget decks that people might not see as very casual, but, I have my limits. I will never make an infinite combo EDH deck. I will never destroy your entire land base with Azusa, wasteland, and Crucible of worlds. The reasoning behind this is simply fun. I don't find it fun to kill another player's fun. Some people might, but I don't, and I don't think that most EDH players would. But if you do like to ruin people's fun, play standard..
Yes, I totally get the mindset. Win no matter what, if that means spending a couple more bucks on your deck then you'll do it. But why have this mindset? EDH is a casual format with no prizes for winning, no packs, no store credit, no prize at all. And no one wants to play against miracle combo winner #453. But it's not fun to play against these people, and I will often find myself questioning I EDH is really a casual format. And that is not a place to be for any casual format.
And please, look at the deck techs on YouTube. I saw a Glissa deck that was designed for infinite combos. To be honest, it made me feel, well, bad. I thought the idea of stealing someone's opurtunith for any fun past the mindslaver lock was just way too excessive. I like Glissa because she's dripping with flavor oil (pun intended) and that the lore behind her is great, and the artwork for Glissa is awesome. But there are people out their that play Glissa to win.
If your EDH isn't casual, and you do win prizes for winning, then just disregard all of what I've just said.