
116 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

I agree that it isn't the best card, but I need something for the big mana decks. And blood moon is a powerful answer. I have gone down to two thought scour and added a fourth probe. Painful truth gives this deck away to grind in the late game when we get into topped wars against the Junds of the format and also helps with flooding

Posted 25 December 2015 at 22:25 in reply to #570569 on delver cruz part 2


I don't know what your meta is like, but i would cut the glare's and one of the dispel. I would replace them with one gainsay and two last breath. I feel that gainsay can do more for you in the Mono blue match ups and can still come in against the control decks and fill the game roll as dispel. The two last breath are great against mono black, mono blue, and RDW. You have an instant against master and can remove merchant without fear of a whip bringing him back. against RDW you can takeout all of their creatures except for the fanatic and the Boros Reckoner if they are running it. P.S. I love the one of render Silent, it is also a one of in my blue white deck.

Posted 31 October 2013 at 17:29 in reply to #407636 on Azorius Control V2
