I would advise adding Lava Spike, which is the exact same thing as lightning bolt but it only effects the other player.. Its kind of expensive though.
There are too little spell cards for pyromancer ascention to be in this deck and all of the spells you have are of the "burn" type not "discard"
You need to try and limit the amount of mana consuming cards or you will never get anything out, but if you want to keep the bigger creatures in try putting creatures like birds of paradise or something like that for extra mana
Thanks for having this deck here xDD Quest for Pure Flame is WAAAY better for my deck than Pyromancer Ascension.. Plus its way cheaper :PP
I think that you should think about adding red to this and put a few pyromancer ascensions to end the game A LOT quicker
Also, the cards that take 7+ mana to cast takes almost half of your deck! Just because a card is good doesnt mean it will work in a deck like that. Take a look at my deck; the majority takes only 1 mana to play.
"This was made using the only eldrazi i had..." Try going to http://www.cardkingdom.com/ to get specific eldrazi cards or, if you have a store like this near you, go to Hobbies from James where you can say which cards you need and they'll find it for you (like Card Kingdom but without the shipping and handling charge).