
18 Decks, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

After reading many more rulings i think i have come to the conclusion that this instance of "hellbent" is static and there for is constantly checked, so i will remove this from the deck seeing as it was not an important part but still a nice addition to piss people off, if anyone has information that contradicts this plz let me know as this is an interesting card match up

Posted 29 March 2010 at 05:40 in reply to #58980 on Multi-player Cluster F*CK


"When any instruction is followed in the game, it may match the trigger event of any number of triggered abilities. Each time this happens, the triggered event triggers. When a player is in the process of gaining priority to play spells and abilities, players put any triggered abilities that have triggered onto the stack. First the active player adds all the triggered abilities that he or she controls, in the order of his or her choice, and then the non-active player does so. With multiple non-active players, players go in turn order."

"5/1/2007: If you have no cards in hand at the time your upkeep step would start, instead that step is skipped and your draw step starts."

maybe im missing something or reading these wrong but it seems to me that it would work

Posted 29 March 2010 at 04:27 in reply to #58980 on Multi-player Cluster F*CK


yah but again... both bottled cloister and gibbering are at the begining of your upkeep and are both my abilities should i should be able to order them how i please, and if you read the rulings on gibbering i think it would work, idkbut youd have to read the wording and take into account that two of my cards would resolve at the same time, its confusing and idk how the matchup of the two would work for sure but read the updates on the rulings of gibbering and tell me what you think

Posted 29 March 2010 at 04:21 in reply to #58980 on Multi-player Cluster F*CK


well i believe that technically the way it would work is that since they are both my riggered abilites that i would get to place them on the stack in the order i choose, therefore choosing to return my cards, and since the ruling on gibbering says that its the cards in your hand as the upkeep would start, would still allow me to return my cards and forgoe any negative effects of the card. i could be wrong but from reading the rulings this would seem to me how it would work, if anyone has any clearification on how this effects would resolve maily bc they both say "At the beginning of your upkeep" and both being my abilities

Posted 29 March 2010 at 02:51 in reply to #58980 on Multi-player Cluster F*CK


nice, check mine out

Posted 28 March 2010 at 08:54 as a comment on The evil that won't quit.
