
33 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

Try Prison Term instead of Arrest, a lot better.

Posted 26 December 2011 at 00:28 as a comment on Mono White 2


Also try Elvish Spirit Guide to get your glimpse out faster to, same thing as Simian but produces green mana instead of red!

Posted 28 January 2011 at 18:21 as a comment on Turn 1 grapeshot win!


I played against a guy last night who played a deck very similar to this, save he used Tendrils of Agony instead. Might want to look into it cause he took 2nd or 3rd against some stiff competition, but he pissed many of a people of by bombing then before they could even draw :D

Posted 28 January 2011 at 18:19 as a comment on Turn 1 grapeshot win!


Tribal Forcemage I believe is a must for elf decks, even if you are using token production with the hivemaster, because when you morph him you chose the creature type that is effected so you can rail them with insects if you really wanted to. And Priest of Titania are a must for elf decks, Llanowar Elves are nice also (probably my favorite turn one drop for elves). I would also junk the expensive elves like the Guardian and Aberration, they just cost to much verses the gains. And some Elvish champions or some of the other new elves that give elves +1/+1 are great too, I would use them over Coat of Arms due to the fact that Coat of Arms affects your opponents creatures also, where as the champions are only elves and some of the new ones are only your elves. If you want to see some of these cards you can check my elf deck that I play with alot in real life and it averages a turn 3 or 4 kill in 1v1 tourney play. Best of luck to you!

Posted 14 April 2010 at 22:09 as a comment on Elves Don_t Age


Nice build, how is the speed on it? I always love playing creature type decks that it seems not many people use!

Posted 11 April 2010 at 05:10 as a comment on rats


In addition if your looking to run a goblin burn deck check this build I made for my friend that he runs now, it is a monster.

Posted 03 April 2010 at 18:37 as a comment on Direct Damage+Gobbies (Please comment)


Agreed, red is all about hitting them hard and fast not caring about your life, there is a joke that players who use red decks don't know what the blocking mechanic is because they never do it. It is burn their creatures so yours smash through for damage, or just burn your opponent straight up. I would also go with trimming the fat so to say. Just figure out what you want to keep and get a full play set of those cards to increase your draw chances of them.

Posted 03 April 2010 at 18:34 in reply to #59628 on Direct Damage+Gobbies (Please comment)


Nice build, if you want to make the life gain even more crazy try tossing in some boons reflections

Posted 03 April 2010 at 18:25 as a comment on No such thing as too much life gain
