
22 Decks, 44 Comments, 0 Reputation

Putrid Imp is alright as a discard engine, but unlike with decks like Dredge, with this deck you really want cards that give card advantage as well as discard instead of a discard engine. I already have Faithless Looting, Careful Study, and--of course--the best "discard" card: Entomb. The problem with Putrid Imp is that it doesn't give me card advantage like those other one-drops do. So while it's certainly a good card, it isn't necessarily the best card for this deck.

Avacyn isn't nearly as good as Iona or Elesh Norn, because when you don't have a lot of creatures, she doesn't have nearly as much immediate board presence. That being said, I like the idea of Griselbrand just because he can net you so much as soon as you drop him. Jin is a good idea too, I might add a copy of each of those to the deck if I can find a place. I also really want to have Blazing Archon, but I'm not sure what to take out. I might remove a couple of lands.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 03:16 in reply to #261228 on Legacy Reanimator - Because who needs Mystical Tutor anyways?


Personally, I really like Knotvine Paladin. I would have a play set of him instead of 4 Avengers. Knotvine Paladin basically doubles the Exalted stacks that your permanents give him, making him the ideal choice for you to attack with. Also, Avenger can be difficult to play since it's three different mana.

More Path to Exile would be really great. 3 Bant Charms, 3 Hindering Lights, and 4 Paths might be a better balance of those three cards. Bant Charm is great, but just like Avenger without proper mana fixing, it can be really difficult to play. Path to Exile can be great to instantly get rid of a chump blocker for your massive Double-Striking Knotvine Paladin. Hindering Light is good, but there will be some decks where it has next to no use against, so having an entire playset of them is pretty worthless in some match-ups.

I'm going to assume that Noble Hierarch isn't really in the question seeing as a playset would triple the price of this deck, but if you can afford it I would definitely get four of those. In regards to what CJReedemption wrote, Hierarch is by far the best 1-drop in Exalted.

Take out 2 Islands, 1 Forest, and 1 Plains and add in Four Terramorphic Expanses for better mana fixing. They're not as good as Fetch lands, but they're also affordable in a deck like this.

Hope I could help. If you get a chance take a look at one of my decks such as my Legacy Reanimation deck.

Posted 02 June 2012 at 21:15 as a comment on The Lonely Knight


Pit Dragon and Lightning Bolt are easily two of the best cards in this deck, yet they're in your sideboard. I think they're both better than some of the cards in your main (like Rakdos Ickspitter).

Your mana curve isn't very good. You want more 1 drops and less 3 drops.

Fetch lands, unless you're playing both colors, are not really worth it unless you have Badlands or Blood Crypt. If you had those lands too, then I would say that the fetch lands are more than worth it. The mind games just aren't really worth it.

Finally I wouldn't use Grim Harvest. There are better cards and you don't really want to be putting stuff into your hand. Maybe Exhume would be better, since it puts it right into play.

Take a look at my Legacy Reanimation deck if you get the chance or any of my decks.

Posted 02 June 2012 at 21:01 as a comment on Hellbent Nights


I haven't really looked at this deck in a while, but I think you're right. I hadn't even considered Gideon as an option, but he certainly would have potential to be a good option. I think I'm going to change Jace to Tamiyo and try to squeeze a copy of Gideon into the Sideboard. Thank you very much!

Posted 01 June 2012 at 22:58 in reply to #259253 on UW Miracle Control


I must say, since I last looked at this deck, this deck has improved a lot! :D

The ramp is great, Black Cat is a fantastic card to drop early to give you some chump blockers and it always has the chance to completely shut down come players. Basically I fully agree with what has happened with this deck.

I understand the money dilemma, but I must say, for the price, this is a great deck.

Posted 24 May 2012 at 02:40 as a comment on Curses


What are you even talking about? I'm going to have untapped lands. This deck runs the same number of Evolving Wilds that his deck ran. The dual lands great cards that he didn't have access to; if you think that he would have preferred to play without them, then you're an idiot. As long as you play your lands properly and mulligan at the right times, you should still be ready to play those important miracles. Also, with Ponder you can better set up those Miracles so that they are not just a sudden thing you need to be ready for.

Elesh Norn is a great card, especially when you able to delay for as long as this deck can. Yes those Angels are ridiculously good, but there are four of them in this deck. Chances are you will draw them, but if not, there are two more cards that will help delay until you can get them and can win the game by herself. Plus--especially right after you drop 3-4 Angels, if you can play her suddenly all their fliers are dead and you have 6/6 Angels. Elesh Norn is for after you have played some Angels, but not the 6-7 Angels that will win you the game immediately.

Complicating the deck? The fact that a Miracle deck won without the card Ponder still puzzles me. There is no card that is better than Ponder for setting up Miracles. The fact that Hayne won is just a testament to how ridiculously powerful these cards are.

Is this the absolute best variant of this deck for the format: probably not. But that being said, I think it's pretty good and for somebody who isn't Hayne or Finkel or any other pro, I think I did a decent job. If we saw more of this format I'm sure that we'll see decks like this, especially after Hayne's miracle win. This deck is made so much stronger by Dual Lands and Ponder that it's not even funny. Mana Leak also gives you a better counterspell than anything in Innistrad Block constructed. What I am wondering about is whether Jace or Tamiyo are better for this deck. They're both good for different reasons, but I'm really not sure who would be better. Jace is a personal preference, but Tamiyo may be the new best Blue planeswalker.

Posted 24 May 2012 at 02:31 in reply to #257397 on UW Miracle Control


Don't comment on my deck if you're going to post completely bullshit self-promoting posts like that.

Posted 19 May 2012 at 18:53 in reply to #255865 on RU Kiln Fiend Aggro-Control


This is an interesting idea for a deck, but I think you need a few things if you really want this deck to be solid at various levels:
1. More ramp: Generally, I don't think that Manalith is as good as Sphere of Suns for ramp like this. Yes Sphere has a limited number of uses, but after three turns you don't need the additional mana nearly as much. Both work, but that turn earlier is extremely important. The other thing you could use is Rampant Growth. The lack of Duel lands could hurt you just because it means that your mana base is a bit inconsistent, so Rampant Growth along with Sphere of Suns and maybe a one or two Manaliths could be good.
2. The next thing you need 100% is artifact removal. Witchbane Orb is a fairly common card in a lot of sideboards (less because of the effect on Curses and more because of the Hexproof, but regardless it will completely shut down your deck). Ancient Grudge is probably the best card in Type 2 for artifact removal right now, just because of the Flashback.
3. Bone Splinters really doesn't make any sense in this deck. Yes you can sacrifice the one creature you have and it works well, but you only have four of them. A lot of the time Bone Splinters is just going to be a dead card in your hand and even if you draw the creature it won't be until after you have five mana a turn that you can do anything with it. A better card would be Slagstorm (I think it is better than Blasphemous Act, just because it is more reliable if you fix your mana base), as it will remove creatures early game, can kill your creature to set off the combo, and is in general just a better card. Yes it costs more (the two red can be hard to get out) but with proper mana ramp like I described earlier, it should still be playable without Duel Lands.
4. Avacyn's Pilgrim/Birds of Paradise/Llanowar Elves are all good. They give you some ramp and a body to block with early on. Birds would be ideal, but any of the three could work.
5. The blue really is not worth it. You could remove Ponder and Amass Components and still keep that single curse in there. You have ways of getting Curse of Echoes out without having islands (whether it is from searching it or using mana fixers like Manalith/Sphere of Suns), and if you remove the islands you can better fix your mana base. Without Duel Lands, every other color you have in there is just dead weight.
Overall, you have a good idea for a deck here, but it could use a bit of a rework. The curses are kind of slow and you really, really, really need the artifact removal. I hope what I had to say was helpful as opposed to the people who just post links to their decks. Take a look at one of mine if you get the chance. Thanks in advance and good luck.

Posted 19 May 2012 at 17:59 as a comment on Curses


Neither of those cards give card advantage....

As far as this deck is concerned, I don't think that Spiders is a good tribe.
Also, you claim that you wanted your deck to be faster and not involve Arachnus Spinner/Web, but you have a bunch of ramp. That seems to be a good card for this deck, especially with all the ramp you have. If you want to be more aggressive before you could ever play Arachnus Spinner, then take out the ramp cards and just play creatures and cards like Gaea's Anthem (also add that).
Regarding your land structure, keep the Fetch lands, but dump some of the "comes into play tapped" lands. They're going to really slow down your early game aggression and make it near impossible. Without any 1-drop creatures, I just fail to see how this could be an effective aggro-deck.

Posted 17 May 2012 at 03:04 in reply to #256406 on Arachnophobia!


I'm a bit unsure what you actually achieve by playing all those Gargoyles. Most tribal decks like Elves or Zombies contain creatures and spells that make the other creatures in the deck stronger because they all share a creature type, but there's nothing here that really does that for you. It's a cool idea, but I don't know what it really accomplishes.

Posted 16 May 2012 at 23:21 as a comment on Gargoyle's Revenge


Just one question... where's the Griselbrand? Gisela and Avacyn are cool, but there's only one Griselbrand (plus his ability to draw ridiculous amounts of cards happens to work extremely well with a lot of these cards.

Posted 14 May 2012 at 01:17 as a comment on Affordable Reanimator


The two blue mana in the cost is a bit too much for this deck I think.

Posted 09 May 2012 at 22:46 as a comment on Three Color Ramp GRu


It also gives you the Flashback on Desperate Ravings and--generally later in the game--allows you to play the Metamorph without having to pay life. Metamorph is a great card for this deck, but later in the game, sacrificing life can put your total dangerously low, so having the chance to play it with mana is good. Plus, the presence that Mana Leak brings to the table is completely worth adding blue.

I'm trying to think of what to remove to get another Mana Leak into the deck, what do you think? I don't really think Ponder is that great in the deck because of how often you wind up searching and shuffling it. I agree that more blue would be great, but I'm not entirely sure what to add and what to remove to make place for it. I had Spellskite in my Sideboard for a bit in case there was a deck with a lot of removal

I'm thinking of removing Sword of Feast and Famine from my main deck and moving it to the Sideboard to get more room for other, better spells/more lands. Thanks for the reply and suggestion.

Posted 09 May 2012 at 22:22 in reply to #254298 on Three Color Ramp GRu


The Mayors aren't worth it and you really don't need four Thalias. Champion of the Parish really should be in here, seeing as he's one of the best cards for Humans. Even if he isn't your strongest creature, it's still a 1 Drop that requires them to either waste removal that could otherwise be used to target a better creature you have or you.

Also, you have way too many Forests for a deck with so few Green cards. The only green cards you have are Mayor and Pilgrims--which are nice, but not worth adding an entire color into your deck to get. Even on your sideboard, you only have a single Green card, and you don't even need Green to play it. I still think Green is great in this deck, but having 7 Forests for Mayor, Pilgrim and Township seems bit too much. Maybe 4 or even 3 Forests in addition to the duel lands. I would say either cutting Forests for more Plains would be better unless you were to add a greater Green presence to this deck.

So basically, I would remove two of the Mayors, a Pilgrim, and one Thalia to put back four Champions just because they're so important to Human decks. I might also remove the Angelic Overseers to add in two Sun Titans. It costs more mana and doesn't fly, but once you get it out, you get back one of your dead creatures every turn. The hexproof/indestructible is nice, but Sun Titan will be better when you're down and need blockers. Both are great cards, but I think that Sun Titan would be better here with every creature in your deck >3 Converted mana cost. Naturalize is a lot better than Revoke Existence and you have the green mana to play it so definitely swap that. I would try to find some way to have Timely Reinforcements in your main deck.

Finally sideboarding a copy of Sword of Body and Mind and Sword of Feast and Famine would be good. Sword of War and Peace is great, but if you're playing UB Zombies or Delver the protection is almost certainly going to be worthless. The passive also isn't that great late game because you probably will have next to no cards in your hand since they're all so cheap.

Posted 08 May 2012 at 00:02 as a comment on G/W Humans V2.0


Thanks, I thought about having Bridge from Beyond in here too, but since Grave Pact doesn't really work with it, I decided to stick with GP. I think Bridge is only better if you have all 4cards for the combo whereas GP works better without the full combo while still being devastating.

Posted 05 May 2012 at 15:31 in reply to #253015 on Carnival Crawler B Sacrifice Deck


Oh, final thoughts: I don't particularly like Garuk, so that might be what I would remove and also I think that removing a Kessig Wolf Run would be good. It's a great card to have, but three is a little bit too much. Replace that with either a Forest or a Mountain.

Replacing Garuk with Naturalize would be a great move in my opinion.

Posted 04 May 2012 at 23:20 as a comment on G/R Werewolf


Personally I think that the Pyreheart Wolf certainly serves a purpose, but since you need other creatures out before it becomes really effective, I would only have two in your deck. Remove one of those and add in another Huntmaster of the Fells just because it's such a good card.

Additionally I just think that the deck needs more in the way of spells. Corrosive Gale is a great card that decimates Illusion decks as well as picks off any fliers your opponent could have--which happens to be something you're weak to. Because your deck is so creature heavy, Descendant's Path could be a good card to get out a lot of creatures.

I think removing a copy of Daybreak Ranger and Full Moon Rise and replacing them with two copies of Wolfir Silverheart would add a lot of punch to your deck for a turn 5-6 big punch as well as transitioning into the later stages of the game.

Finally some sort of Naturalize to deal with artifacts/enchantments is essential to this deck. Otherwise your whole deck could be shut down by certain enchantments or artifacts and there would be very little you could do.

Posted 04 May 2012 at 23:10 as a comment on G/R Werewolf


Gutshot would also be a good card to have for more removal. If you get a chance, take a look at one of my decks. Thanks and good luck

Posted 04 May 2012 at 02:25 in reply to #252737 on g/w humans


I don't like the Mayor. There are a lot of better two drops that you can play for a deck that needs to start off strong. Also, his whole mechanic of flipping is not only completely unhelpful for this deck, but it is detrimental.

Also, for a deck that is 41 White Mana symbols to 8 Green Mana symbols, why do you have 8 Forests and 7 Plains? Also, the amount of creatures you have seems too much, but I suppose

Less creatures and more instants/spells would be really beneficial I think. Maybe Rebuke or Smite the Monstrous to add a bit more removal at instant speed. Another options could be Spare From Evil (which is a pretty worthless card if your opponent has humans, but if they don't--they're running an infect deck like you mentioned, for example--then it can be a great game ending move.

Surgical Extraction is always a great card against a lot of decks built around Snapcaster Mage and Corrosive Gale is helpful against Spirits/Delvers plus you don't have any flying. Both of those are great cards to have in your sideboard, whereas Lead the Stampede might be better just in your main deck. I might consider exchanging those just to see how it works.

Posted 04 May 2012 at 02:24 as a comment on g/w humans


Two more Snapcaster Mages would be really beneficial. Everything about that card is just so good especially in this sort of deck.

Posted 03 May 2012 at 02:32 as a comment on Illusionary Delver


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