Filthiness is Godliness

by SavageTheCabbage on 20 October 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (3)

Sorceries (2)

Artifacts (3)

Land (2)

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Deck Description

The filth deck I'm currently working on for standard.

Update: I've been playing around with a few other cards. Boneyard Wurm and Liliana have been disappointing in this deck, so I'm testing out Bloodgift Demon, Reaper, and Skirsdag High Priest.

Update: Shuffling things around a bit more. First I dropped two lands -- I've consistently top-decked more lands than needed with all the low casting cost spells. Second, after much arm twisting, I'm giving Mulch a second chance. Finally Reaper made an interesting addition to the deck, but was largely unnecessary. Instead I've decided to run Vault Skirge and Wreath of Geists -- the latter I think will be much more satisfying than Boneyard Wurm.

Deck Tags

  • Graveyard

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 23,335 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Filthiness is Godliness

Mulch man. Mulch fuels Filth so well! It's a little low on 1-drops, but otherwise looks very good, especially since Standard is pretty slow atm =]

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:02


I've tried mulch time and time again, but I just seem to have the worst luck with it. With regards to 1-drops, I was running Typhoid Rats, and love them, but I dropped them to try out Grave Titans. I think Wurmcoils are enough and will likely switch back.

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:10


Then honestly, I'd suggest dropping the Slimes and giving Gnaw to the Bone a try. I was a bit hesitant about it too, but it gains you a substantial amount of life =]

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:30


Standard slow? o.O You should try playing against my group. Though not as fast as Legacy decks, the Standard played in my group is pretty fast.

Posted 21 October 2011 at 06:46


plus gnaw has flashback.

Posted 26 October 2011 at 17:25


Like the deck sir.

If I may ask (as a new player to MtG), what exactly is a "filth" deck?

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:14


It's a term I just learned within the past week or so, from surewhynot, that describes a green & black deck that loves the graveyard. In this case Splinterfright and Boneyard Wurm are really the only cards that benefit from filling my graveyard up, and this deck is otherwise aggressive creature removal.

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:18


*Splinterfright, Boneyard Wurm, Viridian Emissary, and Solemn Similacrum

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:20


Specifically, it's a G/B aggro deck that is made to benefit from its own self-destructive nature =]

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:24


Thank you for the explaination sirs!

I really like Typhoid Rats, a 1 cost deathtouch creature? Yes please.

Also casting Smallpox in your own favour must be one hell of a laugh :).

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:35


One more thing, would Caravan Vigil be appropriate for this deck? It is one of the newer cards that I quite like in green, and if you're constantly moving cards into the graveyard it could help with getting lands. (That and I'm only familiar with modern as I haven't looked up the other sets yet).

Posted 20 October 2011 at 04:46


With my mana curve, and between Birds, Emissary, and Simulacrum, I seldom find myself in need of lands.

One thing I have had problems with is the consistency of Boneyard Wurm. I often find myself disappointed to have one in my opening hand, which should not happen with a 2-drop creature. They wind up sitting around waiting for something to fill the graveyard, and indeed sometimes I have to cast them just to get something in there. Likewise, Liliana's performance in this deck has left me wanting. She mostly winds up sitting around because I cannot afford to activate her +1. So instead, I'm trying something else out, +2 Skirsdag High Priest, and +3 Despise.

Posted 20 October 2011 at 17:10


I'm tellin ya, Mulch is the card you need. I know you said you've had bad luck with it, but that the thing, it was just bad luck!

Mulch was in the ORIGINAL Filth deck all those years ago...A Filth deck without Mulch is like...PB&J without bread...

Posted 21 October 2011 at 00:31


Which doesn't actually taste that :P

Posted 22 October 2011 at 06:33


Is this the Filth deck you mentioned in your comment on my Kill It deck? because I like what I see. I must agree with surewhynot that Mulch is a must and Gnaw to the Bone is also a nice way to gain from all the self destruction. I only see life as a way to buy time and more life = more time :p

Posted 21 October 2011 at 06:54


Yes, this is the deck I mentioned.

And okay, okay, you guys can stop twisting my arm. I'll give Mulch another try. But I've got another idea for it entirely, and have to reconsider how I'm going to take advantage of my graveyard. I've been very disappointed with how Boneyard and Liliana have disrupted the continuity of the deck, despite appearing to be obvious picks. So I think I may have another approach.

As much as I dislike spells that do nothing but gain life outside of life gain/shift decks, I have to admit Gnaw to the Bone does look absolutely disgusting.

Posted 21 October 2011 at 17:07


Also, what do you think of Grimoire of the Dead? I consider it a very casual card, but with all the death touch in here I think it could make a pretty neat alternate win-con.

Posted 21 October 2011 at 17:09


I don't know about Grimoire, its second ability would make Splinterfright and Wreath of Geists useless as you'd no longer have creatures in your own grave.

Posted 22 October 2011 at 08:35


Losing Splinterfright wasn't so much a concern as sucking creatures out of the opponent's graveyard, which is currently a very big deal. It's too slow to be worth it though. Assume a third turn cast, that's fourth through sixth turns spent charging it up, and seventh turn to set it off. If an opponent doesn't have an answer for it by then, chances are you would have won anyways.

Posted 22 October 2011 at 14:04


More updates! First I have to say, I <3 Cockatrice. Without it, I'd have to wait for 1-2 week intervals to test decks. Because of it, this deck has rapidly evolved over the past two days :)

Skirsdag High Priest showed much promise in early testing, but I attribute that more towards luck, because on a more consistent basis I maintain only two creatures on the board. On the other hand, the more I play with Bloodgift Demon the more appreciate him. I can't tell you why more people don't like him. I am also loving Wreath of Geists over Boneyard Wurm. I've not yet been able to play it onto a Vault Skirge (*drools*), but have been able to turn my birds into game winning beaters. So. -2 Priests, +1 Demon, +1 Wreath.

Posted 22 October 2011 at 02:03


I love the new demons that were added, and might even put together a Demon tribal =]

This is looking really good now, and I'm glad to see you put in the Mulches. I don't think the Skirsdag will help much, so I'd lose them completely. I'd also maybe cut down to just 2 demons. They're awesome, but 3 is a bit heavy. With those drops you could move to an aggressive but semi-safe 19 lands (8 forests, 7 swamps, 4 WC)

Hope I helped!

Posted 22 October 2011 at 05:58


Woops! The Priests were supposed to be gone, I have no idea why there were 3 of them still in there... I do want to try out three Bloodgift Demons for consistency of the draw. I agree though, it is a bit high and I'm short on targeted removal after all the changes, so I may drop one for another Dismember.

Thanks for all the help :)

Posted 22 October 2011 at 13:07


Have you considered Altar's Reap? It seems like it would work well with your emmisary/simulacrum and with the overall idea of putting creatures into your graveyard.

Posted 22 October 2011 at 19:26


It could work, but generally most of my creatures will die on their own. Either by attacking / blocking or Smallpox. Otherwise I don't really /want/ them to die, just doesn't bother me if they do/ The card draw could be nice, though, but that's what Bloodgift is for ;P

Posted 22 October 2011 at 23:58


That's the awesome thing about Filth. For many other aggro decks, your creatures dying sucks. With Filth, you just don't care.

Normal Aggro:
Opponent: "Doomblade your ____"

You: "Shit"

Oppenent: "Doomblader your ____"

You: "Sounds good."

Posted 23 October 2011 at 00:10


And right there is something I've learned to love about Vault Skirge since adding it. I actually had this exchange one game:

Solar Flare: "Doomblade your Skirge."
Me: "No can do, chief, it's black. The only legal targets are your Sun Titan and Phantasmal Image."
Solar Flare: "Oh! Crap, I wasn't paying attention, can I take that back?"
Me: "Sure."
Solar Flare: "Thanks, Go For The Throat on your Skirge."
Me: "Sorry, mate, can't do that either. Would you like to try again?"

Posted 23 October 2011 at 04:23


Black artifact creatures are indeed one of the hardest freakin things to get rid of "kill" spells (though, I've been seeing a rise in the use of Victim...It's good) =]

Posted 23 October 2011 at 05:02


I have to ask, was the 'Solar Flare' player a 'noob' ? Or was it just one of those 'off days' for him? because what he was doing was very noob-ish :p

Black artifact creatures is why I run Grasp of Darkness mainboard in my 'Kill It' :p

Posted 23 October 2011 at 07:48


i really see no threats in your deck. go back to the drawing board. thanx for playing standard magic see ya again

Posted 23 October 2011 at 06:03


"no threats" ? How so?

Posted 23 October 2011 at 07:50


He said he 'sees' none, not that there aren't any :P

Posted 23 October 2011 at 09:36


I kill things with Birds of Paradise :)

Posted 23 October 2011 at 13:46



Posted 23 October 2011 at 20:25


Generally people post their decks on mtgvvsult in order to elevate them through constructive criticism. I would never post something on this site unless I have some advice or a suggestion. So on that note Tylees, I would suggest you go back to 9th grade english if you want someone to take you seriously. Also, it's obvious that your feeble mind is incapable of finding the numerous threats in this deck. Stop wasting peoples time. On a different note, I agree with candy that Bonehoard might be worth consideration. I think it's the colorless epitome of Filth.

Posted 23 October 2011 at 23:15


I'm surprised that there are no "bonehoard" cards in here

Posted 23 October 2011 at 15:27


Wreath of Geists and Splinterfright each scale in power based on the number of creatures in my graveyard. But.. in light of those new cards, I had completely forgotten about Bonehoard! I think with some tweaking it could fit right into the build ^-^ Thanks!

Posted 24 October 2011 at 04:10


Posted 23 October 2011 at 22:53


If you are looking for a low-ish drop for standard, with mulch putting a potential of up to 16 creatures in the graveyard, unbreathing horde could be something to think about. I'm not the biggest expert on "filth" decks and don't exactly know how the work best, but its just something to think about.

Posted 24 October 2011 at 02:08


He'd be pretty great for a purely Zombie-Based Filth...which could be pretty cool actually...But outherwise it won't be of much help to this one.

But yeah, he'd without question have some serious power in the right design =]

Posted 24 October 2011 at 03:08


That is basically what I went for with:
If you'd be willing to take a look.

Posted 24 October 2011 at 03:18


Y'know, they need to make a keyword for "number of creatures in your graveyard" effects. Innistrad is not the first time the term has been used.

Posted 24 October 2011 at 05:03


How bout "Shenanigans"? LOL

Posted 24 October 2011 at 06:37


Gravebond (this creature gets +1/+1 for each creature in your graveyard)
Deathbond (this creature gets +1/+1 for each creature in each graveyard)
Shenaniganbond (this creature gets +1/+1 for each creature in each graveyard you can see from your seat)
Jamesbond (Sean Connery or Daniel Craig?)

Posted 24 October 2011 at 18:34



Posted 24 October 2011 at 19:54


if black/green is filth what is green/blue ?

Posted 24 October 2011 at 14:22


I dunno...beyond just calling it Simic, I don't think any specific design style has made a name for itself in U/G like Filth has for G/B. And not all G/B is Filth...just the ones that work like this =]

Posted 24 October 2011 at 20:04


Great deck, i stumbled on it when I was looking for smallpox/acidic slime land destruction deck. I think im going to make a filth deck instead :)

Posted 25 October 2011 at 13:14


I'd made a graveyard based deck prior to uncovering surewhynot's "filth" coined deck, and then your's, after I saw splinterfright and bone wurm. It played fairly well, but after readjusting and borrowing some idea's I made a variation that incorporates the funnest card imo from innistrad -> Kessig Cagebreakers. Please take a look and give me any advise. ( Filth is my new favorite deck type, though my werewolf tribal/aggro is gaining.

Posted 26 October 2011 at 03:42


I was strongly considering Kessig Cagebreakers when I made mine, and I've seen what they can do. They're a little too high up in mana cost for how I wanted to design mine, but believe me, you get what you pay for with them. The other great thing about them is that at times Filth can get low on creatures, but Cagebreakers give ample amounts of creatures for attacking or chumping =]

One last thing, the link you put is to your deck edit page, not the actual deck link =P

Posted 26 October 2011 at 04:06


I had considered Kessig Cagebreakers for mine as well, but I too am trying to keep my mana curve slim, and I'm already too fond of Bloodgift Demon to drop him from the list. I can say, I've had the pleasure of facing one of those buggers, and it ain't pretty!

Posted 26 October 2011 at 07:02


Haha I fail!!!

Posted 28 October 2011 at 02:14


So this is a really cool looking take one the Graveyard based filth decks. Sadly I haven't had the money to pick up wurmcoil engines. I've been testing this deck out minus the garruk's and I like it but feel like it could do better. I'd appreciate any advise

Posted 26 October 2011 at 20:09


This is great -- I absolutely love everything about this deck! And it could easily become a legacy deck with some Tarmogoyfs :)

I personally couldn't play this against my one friend's decks, though. He always pulls out a Blightsteel Colossus on me, and there's really nothing in this deck that could take care of it :(

Posted 31 October 2011 at 20:34


Glad you like it :)

That's what side-boards are for ;) You might want to run something like Praetor's Grasp against him then, since that'd pull his Blightsteel out of his library. Or Sever the Bloodline, or some way to dismantle his method of getting Blightsteel into play.

Posted 31 October 2011 at 20:50


very true! usually I play white, so I can just exile the damn thing ... but ... thanks for the SB suggestions -- those are definitely useful, since I can unfortunately not destroy it in any way

Posted 31 October 2011 at 21:02


I made a new version of my filth deck that I'd made using ideas from your deck here. I ended up adding blue to it and making it a tri-color, and I've been quite happy with the results. If you get a chance take a look and tell me what you think.

Posted 19 November 2011 at 08:08
