Sure, a new BB ban wouldn't be funny. But the commander prints doesn't affect modern, so there is some free space.
Yep Lorwyn is so great with the tribal themes. Every year I wait for return to Lorwyn and the faeries. :) Wotc announced tribal commander decks for 2017. So I realy hope there will be a faerie deck. So we can play them in commander too or maybe also some faerie prints for legacy. That would be cool.
Yep. :) But a second Tasigur & a second Hero's Downfall is new to my deck. So I have to play some games with it and test it. Also i might try out replacing one Ceremonial Rejection with a Spellskite or a Pithing Needle for annoying things like walking ballista or endbringer.
I think the same about snapcaster. :) I think snapcaster has more potential in grixis because you have a larger spectrum of instant spells to flashback. I realy don't want to tap out in turn 3 to play snapcaster and play a iok or thoughtseize. But surely Tasigur is in Grixis stronger too.
Yes, Snapcaster is the common choice and it is very good choice. I like playing Tasigur because you cant remove him with Fatal Push and he can recycle spells in the lategame and "Topdeck-Modus". Thoughtseize is the king of discard so its a good choice. But Collective Brutality is really a great card because it so flexible. Also you have the option to play 3 spells in turn 2 vs aggressive decks like burn if you need to. So this spell can give you a lot of tempo. You should try it. In your Sideboard i would recommend you to try ceremonious rejection. It is a good sideboard card for tron, affinity, lantern, eldrazi tron and bant eldrazi.
Yes ub faeries is my all time favorite magic deck. :) About bitterblossom: Yes I thought about cutting bb and replace it with Eternal Witness to play more Cocos. Maybe thats better. But actualy I decided that bb works also as a second game plan. Also an idea was to play ghostly flicker instead of the green splash and coco. But then you have to replace the scion of oona.
That is my current ub deck in mtgo & paper. Alternative to this deck list you could play 4 ancestral vision instead of the inquisitions. But I prefer the iok because i hate loosing against turn 3 bloodmoon and my only weapon would be mana leak then.
@Dedwardsmaybe you are right with blackguard and mimic. :) Thing is Quickling is cool, but it does nothing if you have 3 of them on the hand. Thieving Sprite is realy great with a lot of faeries because oftenly you can choose from the whole enemy hand and remove mass removal and combo pieces. Also with the combo thieving Sprite + Mimic Vat you can instant discard at the enemy draw step.
Hi, I totaly agree. it is only just a fun deck and it is not for competive play. I normaly play the classic ub control faeries deck in paper and mtgo. :)