I don't know that I would consider just tinker to be a valid excuse, you run your own tinker as well and from what we have been seeing a resolved Thrun normally end's the game.
Their only win conditions... are workshops and Jace, Thrun kills both of these ... he eats 2/2's, and if they get 2 to block him he can just regenerate. Jace can't unsummon him since he has hexproof, and Landstill only has 1 counterspell for Thrun, Mindbreak Trap and it's a 2 of in their deck.
Duress.... or card that they have absolutely zero answers for in their main and sideboard?
Manalith = mana crypt
Most vintage events are 15 proxies... that price goes way down with 15 proxies.
I run it in type 2, that's not the point though... there is currently no mental misstep to stop this deck, it probably runs better in modern than it does in standard.
Nah, reliquary tower is not in type 2 and additional nonland cards break's the combo.
It's because you go turn 3 mirran crusader turn 4 jump you for 10. same idea behind sword of war and peace on crusader.
Yea, just playing around with some ideas.