mmm reduce the number of angelic destiny and add few land... it would be lighter for drawing
well... 2013 welcome to Nicol bolas and gem of becoming... no wonder if everyone would start playing grixis
i really likes the bloodthrone + pawn of ulamog combo... it was a brilliant idea to sacrifice many creatures while bloodthrone getting unstoppable and rewarded with many eldrazi tokens
hmmm... although it was pretty good for early game rush but based on my experience this deck set can be helpless against big creature decks like werewolf aggro deck, especially if your opponent can survive about 6 or 7 turn you're only depending on gisela for the late game track which still risky if your opponent have a big trample creatures. maybe if you add 1 more increasing devotion this deck would have better chance for late game. and 2 reckless waif was good enough... because 4 reckless waif then you're too dependant on small werewolf which wouldnt synergistic for champion of the parish's growth
oop yes... im sorry my bad
i think 106 cards would be a very long waiting for broodmother if your idea was to hold off until broodmother come out
if you consider to add charmbreaker demon as a substitute of kiln fiend would be nice.. e
i personally didnt really like white but i like an unique combo.. nice life gaining deck
brass herald would nice
you cannot have more than 4 veteran armorsmith in your deck
trying to be more tricky by adding blue spells now? i'm sure there's many potency if we using Blue & red
may be you would like creatures with swamp affinity like korlash, dakkon blackblade, or non legendary tricky creature like magus of the coffer or nightmare instead elesh-norn
demonic tutor was banned
im still thinking why guardian beast was not banned, it was very cheap for 2/4 creature and overtkill for artifact deck!
a genius unusual W/B defensive deck. i say
nice... but it's a little too hard to cast the combo especially in early game... i trying to calculate it and i found this deck contain too much heavy eldrazi that would easily slaughtered by aggro or control opponents... urza's land didn't help much, i don't know but i think if u remove 1 or 2 giant eldrazi and some of costly instant like not of this world it would made this deck better. maybe spawning breath would help much. it's great spell for eldrazi theme IMO
how about vengeful pharaoh for this undead deck? it's costly but can frustrating the opponent
whatever the deck is.... the deck name was catch me very well
nice theme... well i don't see a problem if there's lack if some creatures... it seems brood birthing & corpsehatch works well with this proliferate deck
add spine of ish-sah to your buy list... it's great for artifact sacrificing
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