this is one of the meta decks im not familiar with but seems awesome. morbid whenever you want, creature sacking shenanigans and ofc blasphemous act+boros reckoner :D
i really like the way my deck plays. no match up is really tough except for the the america matchup so i am currently making changes like -2 dreadbore +2-3 doomblade. after splashing red, so far out of 2 FNM's i have gone 5-0 (lost 1 out of 11 games) and 3-1 .i did just go down to 1 dreadbore because planeswalkers were less of a problem, rather flashing creatures like america's resto angels, or selesnya's advent of the wurm,, or thundermaw were a more annoying problem to deal with. dreadbore is too slow 1-2 extra will go into the sideboard.i have loved ratchet bomb- it usually always does something- however i am still considering putting it in sb for something else mb just because i really only NEED ratchet against aggro, humans, or bant hexproof.underworld connections is amazing- against any non fast deck this card is amazing, even against aggro after i stabilize this card is useful- i have even tutored for it once... you can side out for removal game 2 if they're playing a really fast deck.diabolic tutor is similar to underworld in that against any non turn 4-5 win aggro deck i love when i draw it. one of because 90% of the time it will be extremely usefulthanks for comment- link your deck if you'd like me to take a look :D
take it out for more corrupts, creature kill, or mainboard lifebane zombie.... very worth mainboarding considering how much of either white and/or green people are playinghere is a link to my mono black ive been tweaking for a week or so, been working out surprisingly well
where is the mana sliver? if you run collective blessing and door of destinies you need himrun 4x sentinel sliver, steelform sliver is mediocre at best
standard meta is so boring right now. this is something that's different and fun/funny to play^^^^^
temple garden for the times when you need to play an untapped land for a "fog" card, thrag, healer, verdict, or whatever spell. it doesnt happen every game but there are definitely times when playing the temple garden untapped has saved me. drownyard i have been experimenting with, tried running 2 maindeck for milling against control decks, i prefer it over jace because its a land and jace is expensive and requires work to keep alive. but not sure how i feel about drownyard yet . it can be really satisfying to mill the cards your opponents need to stop your mazes end win condition though :D
i thought it would make a clickable link haha
the url address? i tried copying the url and it didn't work :(
speaking from experience with the "turbo fog" or mazes end deck i agree with a lot of what JacethemindSculptor and Zipec said the main problem with this deck is that its trying to do two things, kill the opponent with crackling perimeter with the help of urbon budgeoning and use into the wilds to win with the the mazes end combo. you need to pick one of those two things and focus on that. for one your creatures cant kill anything so you need to run either enchantments like pacifism, arrest, soul tithe, and detention sphere as someone mentioned, or oblivion ring etc (to go along with the sphere of safety strategy) OR you need to run cards like"fog", "Safe passage" and "riot control" these last 3 will go a long way to ensure that you stay alive until your win condition. It will also protect your creatures so you can save them to chump block them on on 7, 8, 9 gates. the saruli gate keepers are decent but you need to take out the other ones, they are much more efficient ways to draw and/or defender creatures. or you could take all 8 out and throw in 3-4 thragtusks, a very efficient creature. next thing: you already have lifegain and rarely do i find that elixir of immortality does anything for the maze's end deck, the best thing it does is protect you from being milled out, i would put it in the sideboard and put in A LOT more cards to either PREVENT DAMAGE or slow down their creatures. Run 1 at most maindeck [otherworld atlas] is nice for drawing, i LOVE think twice because it gets your through your deck and you can usually draw twice with it. [merciless eviction] is a nice mass removal spell ($1rare, or less) because it lets you choose, creatures, artifacts, enchantments, or planeswalkersthere are definitely better creature options than hulk, something like Obzedat Ghost council, but props for originality :)so in summary, focus on one strategy not two, that's what your sideboard is for. either win with maze's end and 10 gates or win by pinging your opponent with crackling perimeters, trying to do both just hurts the overall cohesion deck and the way it will play. perimeter- burdgeoning synergy is nice but can be replaced with much more effective cards like removal (arrest, detention sphere, oblivion ring) or "fog" cardsURBAN EVOLUTION. URBAN EVOLUTION. URBAN EVOLUTION.. this card is a must-play in the maze's end deck. it gives you an additional land drop usually meaning a win at least one turn sooner. it also nets you cards that you need to stall and delay your opponent. unexpected results is much too slow when you have urban evolution as an option. One major your weakness your deck has is board wipes... you're running a lot of creatures, and yeah they might have really high toughness, as a result of your "hold the gates" but what if they get removed. you have no safety net if they remove your blockers or your sphere of safety. conclusion: you have no removal and nothing to quick enough to ramp mana and cast your sphere of safety a turn or 2 early. to increase the consistency of your deck. try cards like fog, riot control, which prevent damage or cards like arrest, pacifism, detention sphere, and oblivion ring which eliminate individual threats. bottom line: Sphere of safety is too slow, and your enchantments are too weak. they dont impact the board enough, particularly the enemies board. suggestions for the deck without changing the playstyle: find something on turn 2 or 3 that allows you to drop sphere of safety a turn earlier, you deck relies on playing a ton of defensive creatures and casting them each turn but everything is really expensive and you need 4 mana for maze's end (including itself) so mana ramp would not be a bad idea (before turn 4) the major problem with your deck is that it forces a huge decision from you at turn 5 when you have four mana accessible (guildgates come into play tapped) and you must decide whether to cast "into the wilds" , "unexpected results" or one of your gatekeepers. by that time your opponent may have a few creatures in play and you that would be the first thing you cast with any real impact. you may be forced to cast a creature every time. Put in:+ 4x "fog"+ 4x Urban evolution + 2-3x more distinct guildgates so of 3 your most common color unless you have dual lands e.g. Temple Garden, forest plains+ Xx Pacifism, arrest, oblivion ring Take out:-2 crackling perimeter-4 burgeoning-1x or 2x into the wilds-4 opal lake gatekeepershope this was helpful, just my opinions based of experience ive had with the deck in standard 2013 i dont know how to link my deck but i have a turbo fog mazes end deck if you want to check it out
this deck is not legacy legal fyi
very cool strategy! personally I agree with Poetmaster-x i also like the idea of some bigger creatures that will win it for you once you've rotated around with your sacrifices. Putting in some big higher costing creatures might also give you the chance to drop them very early since you have "cull of the weak" and mana production through sacrificing dropping a 6/6 or 7/7 flyer demon or w/e could be crazy on turn 3-4- . sorry i am not really up to date on newest cards so can't give specifics- but "Avatar of Woe" is one of my old favorites (cost 2 black if there are ten or more creatures in ALL graveyards), also check out "Devouring Strossus" (9/9 flyer trample) - you might like it for your sacrificial strat"
maybe squadron over suntails, but then i lose my chance for a first turn drop
hah yeah those are great, sadly i don't own any though. I'm also struggling with what cards I would take out were I to swap anything. Thanks for the reply, Ill head over to your deck and check it out!
haven't you heard of crystalline sliver bro
need a few more lands
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