Sounds like someone hasn't played a post tron deck lol. It's very easy to generate a lot of colorless mana with those lands. I've actually made one with a very similar manabase not too long ago: for your deck, I like the list a lot. The Steel Overseer seems a bit redundant to me though, since all your creatures are definitely large enough to win games already, and the Witchbane Orb is usually seen as a sideboard card. Hows' it been working out for you so far? I'd remove the Overseers and possibly the Witchbanes in order to add some nice artifacts that produce colorless mana as well alongside the lands, possibly some Sol Rings or Thran Dynamo's?EDIT: Also, adding Darksteel Colossus seems a bit redundant alongside Blightsteel, as he completely obsoletes his Darksteel cousin. I'd definitely remove him for 2 more of your other big guys. Maybe Platinum Angel or Emperion?
I know. This isn't meant for tournament play.
I'd definitely drop the Vexing Devils for Stromkirk Nobles if I were you. Much better Turn 1 play.
The deck is very inconsistent. You have far too many 1-of's. Adding more copies of cards improves your chances of drawing them. Going just by the title alone, this deck looks like it wants to just stall/play defense to gain a large amount of life, which makes Archangel, Knight of Glory, Thran Golem, and especially Juggernaut out of place here, among others that I haven't listed. You should get playsets of the important lifegain cards like Cathedral Sanctifier and good blockers like Guardians of Akrasa and Angelic Wall. Another awesome card to improve lifegain decks is Rhox Faithmender. Get some of those ASAP. And you don't need to just stall until you get life, then start attacking. You can turn all that life into your win condition. I'd invest in at least 1 more Serra Avatar, and Serra Ascendant is great too. The prime creature that lets you win with a lot of life though is Felidar Sovereign. He's a 4/6 Vigilance Lifelink, so he serves the double duty of blocking and gaining you life, but his other ability awesome. If he's on the field and you have 40 or more life, you win right then & there.So overall, I'd just recommend streamlining and refine the list, and focus on getting more copies of the important cards.
I feel like 20 lands is far too few for the deck. You can probably remove some cards to add more lands. I'd definitely remove the Walking Corpse (2 mana for essentially a zombie token?) and the Warpath Ghouls for sure. Some cards that you can add to make it more lethal are Mikaeus, the Unhallowed (all your zombies have Undying sounds nice, no?) and the usual creatures Gravecrawler and Geralf's Messenger could be nice non-budget inclusions. Skaab Ruinator may be pretty good too as a 1 or 2-of.
I would probably go for some more "hard counters" instead of having some to counter creatures & some to counter spells. Get some that counter any spell, such as Mana Leak, Cancel, Dissipate (definitely a good option), or Syncopate. Also, Tribute to Hunger could be a removal spell worth looking into, since it can get rid of even indestructible/hexproof creatures and nets you some life in the process.
@IamBLEU: Thalia is pretty strong in the current Standard metagame. She's a 2-power first Striker for 2, which holds off a lot of early-game combat & pretty much a large chunk of Zombies & RDW/Rakdos aggro decks, and she puts your opponent's spells back by a turn, which can be devastating for a lot of decks, even moreso for control variants.As for my advice for the deck, the only thing I could possibly suggest is MAYBE swap your Sublime Archangel for a 4th Huntmaster. He's so good. But hey, use whatever works best for you.EDIT: Nevermind, I somehow missed that the 4th was in your sideboard. Carry on, then! :D
I'm also going to be building a Dimir mill deck once Gatecrash comes out. I know you don't want many creatures, but Lazav, Dimir Mastermind should definitely be one to look out for since he can steal any big creatures you mill out. Also, Consuming Aberration seems like an awesome finisher since he mills and makes himself stronger at the same time, and is aggressively-costed for such a great card.Also, good to see that you have Duskmantle Guildmage in your "Wants" list. Have him out and play Jace on turn 5, then come turn 6, activate his 3-cost ability twice and use Jace's 0-loyalty mill 10 ability for game!The only thing I'd be careful of is your deck size. 74 is a lot larger than usual, and can severely impact your draws and overall deck consistency. I don't know how things will turn out for mill decks, but you may find that green can be cut entirely, and if I really had to make some suggestions for removal, I'd say you can drop Codex Shredder, Sleep, Ghoulcaller's Bell, and Downpour without much harm at all.
Nice to see another Rakdos EDH deck. Here's the one I run: decks have a lot of similarities in card choices. Personally, one of the only suggestions I could make would be to swap out Pestilence for Pestilence Demon (same effect but on a huge Demon). Also, I really like Pulse Tracker and Kederekt Parasite. I've been looking for a few more early-game creatures with my list, and those may work beautifully. One other suggestion. If you can find room for Lyzoda, the Blood Witch and Murderous Redcap, I'd highly suggest doing so. They work great together and are also good cheap enablers to get Rakdos into play.
This is actually a REALLY fun looking deck. I'm gonna have to try something like this out sometime.
@What I Died:Casting a spell is the process of paying costs and putting a spell on the stack.Resolving a spell is finishing it successfully, so yes, all the spells are cast and contribute to the storm count of Tendrils, but they just aren't resolved (and really don't need to be).
You play Chalice of the Void for 0, which means all 0-cost spells get countered right away. After that, you get Multani's Presence or Glimpse of Nature in play (whenever a spell you control is countered, draw a card), then start dropping your mass of 0-drop spells, let all of them get countered, then draw as much of your deck as possible so you can play more. Once you have hardly any deck left and a huge graveyard, use Songs of the Damned to generate huge mana and kill them instantly with Tendrils of Agony. Yes, it's a combo deck, but it's much simpler than it sounds. I've won on turn 1 or 2 several times with it.
Thanks for the comment man. Yeah, it honestly took me quite awhile to build it, but it was sooooo worth it. It's really fun and the sheer power it has in that it can play any card, regardless of color, is awesome. Nothing like playing a Sphinx's Revelation for mas life and drawing, then next turn play Gisela, then follow her up with Griselbrand. That kind of flexibility from the mana base and Chromatic Lantern always draws funny looks from opponents at FNM's or other events.
This here is a great thread on mtgsalvation forums for exactly the kind of deck you're looking to make here. I'm sure you'll find a couple ideas from this topic.
Man, all I gotta say is the Dragon coming in Gatecrash is gonna have a field day with this deck haha. Looks good though.
He could, but the odds of that are pretty slim, plus he draws me more answers to the opponent's board, which is always welcome. Plus with the tutors & other draw in the deck already, it really won't be too big of a setback if he throws a BoW to the bottom.
A budget card that can somewhat replace Bonfire (if you're looking for that kind of card) could be Devil's Play. Works wonders, especially with it's Flashback so you get 2 uses out of single X burn spell.
The Archons are just placeholders until I get some Angel of Serenity to add in. And what would you suggest removing for the extra curses?
Forgot to add that I like the deck though. It's really not bad at all considering you're still getting into the game. Good job!
I'd cut the two Serra Angels. There are some seriously powerful new angels in the Avacyn Restored set that you could swap them out with. You could potentially use Restoration Angel to the same effect as Cloudshift, for example.
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