That could work. Are you planning it as a spell to weaken an opponent's creature, or to buff your own? If it is a neutralizing spell, it might give them an advantage when Doran is out
Very nice. I substituted a paranoid delusions for divination, but without compromising the effectiveness of my deck, there is not much else I can do fetch-wise. After I give it a few tries, I might be able to sub in some other cards. I am also trying to find room for a Painter's servant-grindstone combo.
Sideboard currently in revisement. I am open to revision suggestions
Also, thanks for the tip-off on memory sluice. Such great card!
thanks! About the thought scour(I am in no way degrading your comment. I really am curious). Why choose it over mind sculpt or other mill options? Although it does have you draw a card, it has little mill for for the price. Would it be more effective to add more card draw with other mill cards? Nice deck by the way.
I am currently working on a sideboard. I am open to any deck revisement suggestions