
16 Decks, 11 Comments, 6 Reputation

My only question is, if you're going to go all colorless and mainly artifact based, why not more affinity creatures?

Posted 19 June 2013 at 17:34 as a comment on Don't Need No Stinking Colors!


This actually looks really fun. I'm going to proxy it and try it out with my friends to see how it works. Might actually build it if it turns out to be modern competitive.

Posted 19 June 2013 at 17:33 as a comment on Don't Need No Stinking Colors!


If this is for standard, I feel like there are a lot of ways to make this better. It basically looks like the skeleton for a goblin version of red deck wins. The problem with goblins is that they have very little "tribal" style support right now in standard. That could change in M14. Who knows? But for now, I think that as far as the actual goblin creatures go, the only ones in your deck I'd actually keep in there are Krenko, the Legion Loyalists and possibly Pyrewild Shaman. Krenko's Command is a much better card than the other goblin you're playing, only because it's 2 goblins for 2 mana and only takes up 1 card space per copy. I think searing spear is a good choice and you should sub out the crappy goblins for more burn. With all the life gain in the format (Sphinx's Revelation, Thragtusk, Huntmaster, etc.) it's pretty much impossible to play red without playing Skullcrack, there should be 4 of those in there.

In your sideboard, if you're going to play goblins, Guttersnipe seems like the obvious choice to board in against reanimator and decks with alot of flashback that play cards like Lingering Souls.

If you were willing to make it red black, you could play spike jester (a 3/1 goblin haster for 2 mana is REALLY good) and it would open up the door for loads of other options. You could also play Rakdos Shredfreak even though he's not a goblin. It's still a budget deck too because blood crypts and dragonskull summits don't cost that much. Also, if you play black it gives you access to a much wider card pool than just mono red with goblins.

Hope this helped. Check out some of my decks and tell me what you think.

Posted 13 May 2013 at 22:23 as a comment on Goblins


I am on the home stretch for cutting cards but I can't decide what else to take out.

Posted 17 April 2013 at 23:41 as a comment on Enchantment? Enchantment! (Zur EDH)


Why no isolated chapels? Also, what is the one disentomb for?

Posted 31 July 2012 at 00:28 as a comment on Exalted
