W/B Token deck with main idea to win with Blood artist & Killing wave! :) How can I improve it? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=387240
Thanks for commenting my EDH :) I would cut the deck down to 60 cards by removing 2 elixirs and since I dislike fog I would run lightning bolt instead. :D
Nice zombie deck :) I personally hate Diregraf Ghoul so I would replace them with Gravecrawler! Also I think Grimgrin is a bit slow...
You know you can modify the number of creatures by editing the deck and changing the 1 to 4 and saving. To delete a card, make the number 0.
I have been wanting to make a standard knight deck! This seems good enough :D 'Maybe you can give me some advice on my W/G knight deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=384142
I think you have way too few lands! I would drop some cards to make it 60 card deck and keep the 22 lands then this would be good I guess :)
Seems like an OK deck! =) I prob would use Arc Trail instead of flames of the firebrand. I'd also drop 1 Ring.
Lightning bolt! ^^
How the hell do you shuffle that deck? :D
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