Not to bad for a starter sliver deck. First thing I would do is take out Karona, he will most likely be a hindrance rather then help, keep it to strictly slivers. Another suggestion is toss in Gemhide, one of the best slivers in the game. Next would be to get rid of the enchantments that you have, they can be a help but more likely not to be. Also take out he artifacts, chances are they will be totaled before they can be useful. Now for beat down you want multiple powerup slivers (ie. Muscle or Might Sliver) the other cards that are required in a sliver beat down are Sliver Overlord and Sliver Legion. Not a bad start, keep at it.
The deck is promising however there are still many many ways around the deck even my own sliver deck has one way around it. Still a good deck though.
Wow now this deck looks promising, I was wondering why you had the sacrificial slivers in there till I saw Sliver Queen then it all made sense. As well with Sinew, Muscle, and Legion your good for power(also taking note of Coat of arms. nice touch)
A good card to add as a combo for Spined Sliver is Two headed Sliver. That card would make better use of Spined Slivers ability. Me personally I would take out Firewake Sliver for another sliver say like Sinew Sliver, or Watcher Sliver or even 2 of each to help out with your power for the deck. Other then that good job.
Well as a Sliver player my self I find that multiple slivers do come in handy especially when you the target of everyone else that is playing. Also having multiple slivers gives you a fall back (ie Gemhide Sliver) as every deck sliver or not needs a fall back. Now with only one Spitting Sliver there is a rare possibility that you will be able to do anything till it gets out as well as the lack of boosting for your slivers (only one Might Sliver). However I can see that your sliver deck is based on defense allowing your opponent to increase your slivers strength. However overall I would say that your kill factor lies in 2 cards, Virulent Sliver, and Shifting Sliver. Those are my thoughts and no you cant holler and whine that I don't know the rules and don't play Slivers cause I do. As well as have my deck listed. Take a look at it if you want.
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