How to Splinter Twin(???)

by s0rinmark0v on 02 September 2015

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

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Deck Description

Since SOME PEOPLE didn't (for lack of a better word.....) appreciate my attempt at a similar deck involving Kiki-Jiki, I have decided to give them a *proper* Splinter Twin deck
Which the last deck WAS NOT MEANT TO BE, SO GO AWAY!

This is a R/W burn with a Splinter Twin combo for competitive play. Any advice is welcome.

How to Play

Burn, burn, burn and stall until you can give Midnight Guard a copy of Splinter Twin

Deck Tags

  • Modern
  • Burn
  • Competitive
  • Splinter Twin

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 10,609 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for How to Splinter Twin(???)

Village Bell-ringer works with Splinter Twin too, if you want to double up on the untap effect of Midnight Guard.
Impact Tremors is an addition that can cause a win without attacking, though space for it is almost non existent.

Here's my take on a Boros Twin deck:

Posted 02 September 2015 at 09:26


I think Bell-ringer is the better choice too. It has a 4 butt and Lightning Bolt is a pretty popular card in modern.

Edit: Oh, and flash...seems legit...

Posted 03 September 2015 at 12:17


I was going to SB them. They seem better in there

Posted 04 September 2015 at 05:56


To be honest, I think it is a strictly better choice than midnight guard. I cant actually think of a reason to play guard over bell ringer.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 11:41


Ok. I'll swap them around

Posted 04 September 2015 at 22:44


In my opinion, I think Midnight Guard is better because it has more power, but since it can go infinite, I guess it doesn't really matter?

Posted 06 September 2015 at 08:51


I scrolled just a little farther and saw "Itsmagic"s comment. Bell Ringer cannot be killed by lightning bolt.

Posted 06 September 2015 at 08:54


Pretty much all that needs to be said for the modern format. =) Maybe run 2 Midnight cards as your psuedo-pestermites? It doesnt have flash though, which kinda sucks.

Posted 11 September 2015 at 13:42


Seems cool, but Village Bell Ringer is much better in my opinion. He has much more combat utility for you. You can swing with your eidolons and guides, leaving 3 mana open. If they swing you can take them by surprise. The extra toughness is also incredibly relevant in Modern, so it's less likely to die to bolt. For the same amount of mana and a better effect I think Midnight Guard is a bit sub-par.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 10:56


Here is the real question. Would Swiftspear be better than guide in this deck. I think the answer might be a resounding yes!

Posted 11 September 2015 at 13:43


Posted 02 September 2015 at 15:42


Now now, let's not be that rude.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 15:45


Posted 02 September 2015 at 16:16


Did you take a few shots since your last comment?

Posted 02 September 2015 at 22:37


And why MY decks? Why not just make a second account and abuse your own decks? Or just rage on some easy mode shooter/fighting games? That's a great outlet

Posted 04 September 2015 at 05:55


Some people just like being internet trolls. You have some people on here who want to criticize and bash others, when they have no place to do so. If you want to provide some constructive criticism, or just offer a suggestion, that's one thing. Just don't be a douche about everything. It doesn't make you look cool.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 18:33


SOMEONE is sane here.......,,....

Posted 13 September 2015 at 20:45


Posted 02 September 2015 at 15:51


How about I just add 2 land? Problem solved!

Posted 04 September 2015 at 05:57


Done. Added 2 lands in replace of a Skullcrack and a Shard Volley for more possible Splinter Twining

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:13


Why are you splashing a combo. Now the burn cards detract from the combo and the combo detracts from the burn. Pick a theme and don't make an aggro combo deck if the combo wins you the game.

Posted 05 September 2015 at 18:00


If you played against boros burn, would you expect splinter twin? Probably not. This deck will catch a lot of people off guard. Are you saying that people shouldn't play storm or dredge, etc?

Posted 06 September 2015 at 20:09


I love the surprise aspect, but I think as soon as your opponent sees midnight guard they will know whats up

Posted 02 September 2015 at 16:08


First off, very nice deck. I like the twist on the typical burn deck, as most people will board in kor firewalker or burrenton forge-tender against burn decks. I have to agree with the comments above. Replace midnight guard with village bell-ringer. Aside from the fact that he has flash, midnight guard is in bolt range, so they will bolt in response to you trying to enchant with twin and then you lose both cards. I think that's the main reason the typical UR twin decks run deceiver exarch, cause it's outta bolt range.

Recommendations for the sideboard: searing blaze and path to exile for creature hate, smash to smithereens for artifact hate, relic of progenitus for graveyard hate, and disenchant for enchantment hate (and artifact I guess).

Posted 02 September 2015 at 16:28


What about wear//tear? Does double duty

Posted 02 September 2015 at 16:43


Posted 02 September 2015 at 16:46


good job being half right asshole. deceiver is played in higher numbers than pestermite because of his 4 toughness. guarantee it. you got the blue part right, but your "may god bless ur'e souls" and "please educate youselves" comments are pretty fucking annoying. give constructive comments or don't comment. ive literally never seen you post anything constructive

Posted 02 September 2015 at 16:59


Posted 02 September 2015 at 17:11


your comments sure said your just a genius of course. you shot down someone saying that deceiver exarch is good because it doesn't die to bolt. I doubt you play magic at this point, just a loser troll who makes a bunch of forum decks and does nothing

Posted 02 September 2015 at 18:01


Posted 02 September 2015 at 18:29


@Zaklax13 - oops! forgot about wear and tear in the sideboard. Yes, great for both enchantment/artifact hate.
@uGanDap0rn0 - I am well aware of the modern meta. Saying some dumb shit like "educate yourself" actually says a lot about YOU, instead of me. I've gone up against twin many times, as it is the most popular deck in the modern meta. Zaklax13 already made the point about deceiver exarch. But he was MORE correct about you being a loser troll. lol! good one zak! bam!

Posted 04 September 2015 at 02:39


I don't know Deceiver Exarch, or Wear // Tear, but thanks!
Also, uGanDap0rn0, if you don't play nice, then you will simply be ignored and downvoted. I've seen it happen!

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:17


You know shit has hit the fan when Gothy gets so mad (and happy with some of you, looking at you Zaklax) he returns for a bit. Not dying to bolt makes creature resilient to 1 of the 3 most played removal spells in modern (Bolt, Path and Decay IMO) Personally I would like to see a Jeskai build, but that's a different deck. I like that you've gone with the tarmo-twin aspect to attack from a different angle although with 21 land I am not sure about Shard Volley! I think you should take advantage of having access to path, because it is awesome to have bolt and path available turn 1. Now onto a little rant, to the gentleman that is using truly foul, and sometimes racist, language with no idea about how to play magic, stop screaming abuse and rubbish at players who actually know what they are talking about. Exarch is the best twin creature, because strangely, it survives bolt and blocks well against most creatures that you care about- kitchen finks for example. Although I'm not sure what you gents have done to my good bye deck/article, I'll let it slide for now ;) Keep doing what you're doing, unless you're being a racist loud mouth with nothing to say :) To quote Moriarty- Miss me?

Posted 04 September 2015 at 20:05



Posted 04 September 2015 at 22:48


Posted 05 September 2015 at 09:23


Oh really? I totally hadn't realised.. oh no wait shut up. FEEL THE SASS BITCH! You were bitching about exarch, I put you in your place and now you're back tracking, just remain silent.

Posted 05 September 2015 at 11:51


Umoonpuca has deleted this comment.

Posted 05 September 2015 at 14:10


Posted 05 September 2015 at 21:54



Posted 14 September 2015 at 18:23


crexalbo has deleted this comment.

Posted 14 September 2015 at 18:23


crexalbo has deleted this comment.

Posted 14 September 2015 at 18:24


gothy u stupid? he never say it worse than pestermite lol

Posted 19 February 2018 at 16:04


I'm loving the comments!

Posted 02 September 2015 at 17:26


...Same, but only half of them.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:17


I know right?

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:27


My least fav are by uGanDap0rn0. How 'bout you?
Also, long time no see KJSJ3!

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:37


Been a while hasn't it. Congrats on another hot page deck. I'm not on as often as I used to be, but I try to get on when I can. Job schedule changing soon so hopefully I'll be able to re acclimate to a sleep schedule... I'd say my favorite comments are the rebuttals to the original comment(s).

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:49


Sadly though, my first in something like 6 months....
And here I was thinking that a Standard token burn would be up here too :.(

Posted 04 September 2015 at 22:49


I am laughing while reading these comments.

Posted 13 September 2015 at 20:48


I actually really like this deck. Reminds me of my childhood troubles back in primary school, but that's just the flavour part. On an actual playability level I enjoy this deck as well. Many comments may seem quite hateful, but this is pure genius. Honestly nobody sees it coming when you play a typical modern burn deck and suddenly out of nowhere a combo pops out. Very good in the control matchup. I hope you continue making more decks and ignore the haters, I have to ignore many haters too, but this is due to me obsessing over animated colourful equines.

Either way, have a nice day and stay euphoric. I hope a new friendship will blossom between us.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 18:31


Haters gonna hate 'cause I did something good from something shit!

Posted 04 September 2015 at 05:58


Nice! I love the twist on this deck! i'm tired of seeing the traditional splinter twins and Grixis twins.

So, since you don't have counterspells, what's your plan to protect your combo from a kill spell? I was thinking Apostle's Blessing, Brave the Elements, Emerge Unscathed, or Gods Willing. what do u think?

Posted 02 September 2015 at 18:36


I agree with this comment. Maybe not a counter per-say. However having some sideboarded protection is never a bad idea against burn.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 19:59


there is a lot of twin hate, some save spells sound like a good option

Posted 02 September 2015 at 20:02


I prefer Brave the Elements. It has kind of become a staple in my white creature decks. Otherwise use God's Willing.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 12:50


That's what I think the SB is for this deck.
While it is a "Splinter Twin" deck, advertised anyway, it is basically a R/W Burn with a Splinter Twin combo for extra hate.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:19


Pretty cool deck, I would consider putting in cards like Guttersnipe and Young Pyromancer to help out your burn. If you want to replicate your burn, you could use cards like Dual Casting, Pyromancers Ascension, and Increasing Vengeance.

Out of anything, I would up your land base by one and put in Guttersnipe and a couple Purphoros for an infinite damage combo with Midnight Guard and Splinter Twin.

If you have time, check out my newest deck on here.. all about dragons. :)

Posted 02 September 2015 at 20:27


... what do you need infinite damage combo if you have infinite haste dudes?
- may god bless ur'e souls

Posted 02 September 2015 at 20:41


Just another win condition.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 20:43


not sure when turning a 2 card combo into a three card combo is good..... I think guttersnipe is too slow in modern. best plan here is to play burn until your opponent tries to go off then cast the combo. it may be better even to run zealous conscripts. he costs a lot more but at least his ability does something without twin in hand

Posted 02 September 2015 at 20:45


nothing wrong munchkin, I just try to follow KISS when first assembling a deck (keep it simple stupid) I don't get to techy until the deck is well tested and I know where the major flaws are

Posted 02 September 2015 at 20:49


Of course, I try to do the same, was just an idea. Zealous Conscripts would be good for this deck. Maybe would be better than the Guides on this deck, but then again those let you see what Your opponent is going to draw. KISS is definitely a good rule to follow, I just feel like the more win conditions you can have without compromising the deck the better as well.

Posted 02 September 2015 at 21:24


But I have proven before that ONE Win-Con done well, over multiple cards, is better than LOTS of Win-Cons spread over several in a deck.
This deck also already has 2 Win-Cons. Also, Zealous Conscripts didn't make the cut because of their 5 CMC for a Burn deck and the SB is now focusing on creature protection

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:22


This is an interesting idea, & the first really fresh take I've seen on Twin since the introduction of the UR archetype. My thinking is, could this work as an alt win-con in a bad match-up if boarded-in after game 1? I'm seeing all KINDS of pitfalls w/ that, but w/ Silence & flash, at the end of your opponent's turn...possible? (I'm pondering the complexities of this as I type, so if anyone reads this & thinks I'm full of shiZAM!, please don't start gathering stones...just point out the frailties.) The biggest problems I see off the top of my head are needing 3 cards for the combo, having to devote too much of the SB to it, loss of tempo, & control w/ mana open...which is to say, control. It's a tough nut to crack, but I'd be really excited to see you &/or this community find a way to make this one work. High marks for originality; hope you keep brewing w/ it.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 01:32


Originality is something I strive for in my decks. I like your point as well. While the Splinter Twin combo of 2 cards is the main focus, the deck is still heavily a R/W burn deck with lots of hate (as a burn deck should!)
And I will probably build this deck once I have a job to pay for it..... and Splinter Twin decks are less popular

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:25


I think the only thing that will make Splinter Twin decks less popular is a ban.

Posted 06 September 2015 at 14:29


2 volleys and 4 lavaspike is way better. you dont like sacing your land. its the finisher card.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 07:32


This deck is essentially the Midnight Guard and Presence of Gond combo but instead of waiting until next turn to win you have the haste to do it right there and then, I dont understand why know one saw the combo earlier lol. Stop hating its just a deck idea.

From my perspective its unlikely you'd even get the combo out before you burn your opponent or lose. The deck has no search or draw so your hoping to draw at least 2 of 8 cards to hit the combo at a minimum of turn 4 or 5 for the win conditions. Not the best odds. In Modern format you're pushing your luck.

(From a quick search)
Some additions to consider may be:
Tallowisp - Enchant search
Magamatic Insight or Tormenting Voice - Draw
Wall of Omens or Pressure Point - Draw and stalling purposes

Good Luck with the deck.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 08:34


As awesome as Tallowisp is, it doesn't trigger itself, it only triggers for any following spirit cast. Heliod's Pilgrim,while costing 1 mana more, does search the turn it comes out. Idyllic Tutor isn't a bad choice for enchantment search, but I prefer the Pilgrim as it gives another body to block with.
I've not had a chance to test Magamatic Insight, but Tormenting Voice works well.
Wall of Omens is an awesome draw + stall card. Pressure Point isn't bad, but if there's only space for one of these, the wall is often a better choice.
As for stalling, Intimidation Bolt is an interesting choice, though fogs might work better (Ethereal Haze; Holy Day; Angel Song).

I still think my idea of Village Bell-Ringer over Midnight Guard is good. Besides the higher toughness, it has flash, allowing you to play it during their turn.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 09:01


Ahhh too true I didnt see the Tallowisp trigger, how silly of me. I was going to suggest Heliod's Pilgrim or Idyllic Tutor as an alternative but figured with the lower mana cost Tallowisp would do. Thanks for the pick up

Posted 03 September 2015 at 10:53


Also, Vexing devil would provide awesome synergy with Twin.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 11:00


The reason people run blue with Splinter Twin is to help setup to initate the combo with counterspells and cantrips. Not to mention Exarch and Pestermite having flash to bring in EoT, then slap on Splinter Twin on your turn.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 15:46


So what you're saying is, you didn't read any of the other posts here? Or you just didn't comprehend them?

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:36


Am i supposed to care? It's a burn deck diluted with a janky ST combo. That's what I've gathered. So run back to your cave, troll.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:50


So, I'm taking it that's a "yes" to the latter.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:00


Do you even play Modern? Clearly not.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:07


thesex has deleted this comment.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 15:49


This deck is no good. Burn and twin run counter to one another. The point of twin is to go infinite, the point of burn is to throw everything you can at the opponent. Twin works to stay alive longer, burn looks to put the opponent down as quickly as possible.
It might win a few games here and there, but it's by no means competitive. By playing twin and midnight guard you're lowering the consistency of burn by seven cards, which will make burn utterly inconsistent. By running a burn cards in twin, you're reducing the likelihood that you'll be able to stay alive to combo off.

TlDr: Just because two decks are in the same color, doesn't mean that they should be shoved into one...

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:07


finally, someone else that gets it
- may god bless ur'e souls

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:14


Thanks, man.
Magic is, at its simplest, a game of numbers, and this deck doesn't add up.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:23


I couldn't agree more. ;)
Also, you can't EVER base a BURN deck on TWO cards, cos burn is meant to be quick and simple, and you should never have to wait if you're playing with one. I'd like to add...check out my decks and comment 'em, 'cos you're wasting your time here.
Yours truly,

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:49


I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was. :'(

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:53


ebaskes Wow, did I just read that right? - that by running burn cards in Twin, you're reducing the likelihood that you'll be able to stay alive to combo off? Every Twin deck that's top-8'd in recent history ran burn. Where exactly do you get your information from? And as for you, GDOO, the one thing you've definitely gotten right so far as that all those decks also ran 2 Pestermites alongside 4 Exarchs. So don't blow what credibility you've managed to accrue now.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 16:58


Every deck that has topped has run lightning bolt. As a kill spell. No more burn.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:01


...what? this is a full burn deck with combo pieces, splintertwin deck in itself runs burn to remove early threats, with counter spells and card draw to get the combo out, your points are irrelevant and don't make this deck any better compared to a normal splintertwin combo deck
- may god bless ur'e souls

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:06


Every red spell must be thrown to face by that logic. lmao

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:08


Oh my brother, please get your facts straight before you post. They've all run ELECTROLYZE; 1 ran Lightning Bolt; 1 ran Flame Slash; & the 1 that ran LB also ran Roast. *the more you know*

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:10


... roast and flame slash can only be used on creatures, and electrolyze is used because it removes threat and draws a card, pls lad, and bolt is used as removal because it rapes every early drop in modern, not as face damage
- may god bles ur'e souls

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:12


Cuz roast and Flame Slash hit face right? Can you even read? I'm starting to wonder...

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:14


"girls, girls, you're both pretty" - that guy from megamind

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:17


Perhaps what I said was unclear... By playing burn, you're wasting cards. Twin is a control based deck, burn is an aggro deck. Aggro decks work to throw everything that they can at the opponent while control works to stay alive for the long run. Control works on hand advantage, aggro works on reducing the opponent to zero. By playing burn spells, you're hurting your hand and the opponent. The goal of twin is to infinite, so hurting the opponent doesn't provide any real advantage to your game strategy, in fact, playing burn hurts you more than them, because it is negative card advantage.
Where I said that playing burn reduced your chance to stay alive long enough to combo off, what I meant was that you're hurting your hand and not really gaining any card advantage from it. Lightning bolt is used as a kill spell because it's one mana and forms a hyper-efficient 1 for 1 on card advantage (usually positive for you).
On the flip side, by playing twin and an exarch in burn ( in this case, midnight guard) you're reducing your chances to kill the opponent through burn because you're wasting slots that could be used for extra burn spells. These slots (7) total to, potentially, 21 damage.

My main point is that these two strategies are not trying to achieve the same things and therefore are not viable as one deck.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:20


well said, dear friend

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:22


Yes, you're right, it does run electrolyze, but only BC it draws a card and forms a 2 for zero. Electrolyze has been shown dozens of times as one of the best cards in modern. And yes, roast is a kill spell, not burn. Just because something does direct damage doesn't make it a viable burn spell. It's why you never see burn decks playing electrolyze.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:23


I see that you have been having an intriguing discussion about Splinter Twin and you have some interesting opinions. So I have decided to post my own Splinter Twin deck I own in real life. I would like to get some critique on it from you gentlemen if you wouldn't mind.

I hope you can take the time to check it out and have a wonderful day.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:45


shuihoppy has deleted this comment.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 17:53


I have played with the deck for many months now, using it in modern tournaments hosted by my local game store. The deck is very good at consistently fighting against almost all decks in the modern meta at the moment and can be easily tuned to fight in a different modern meta. It already deals well with early aggro decks and can have a sideboard to completely demolish most aggro matchups. Midrange is probably one of the easiest matchups if they do not contain black, it's always a dissapointment to see your opponent cast Thoughtseize on you turn 1, but unless they take away a key card recovering should be fairly easy. Now control decks are sometimes quite the pain, while this deck is control, it cannot easily beat down control decks when they counter your combo. This is a good reason to splash black to get hand disruption to stop this from happening.

I hope I gave some relevant information, I hope you have a wonderful day.

Edit: It seems you have deleted your comment, oh well.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 18:00


Has anyone stopped to think that Splinter Twin is simply a late game "Oh, shit. I'm loosing and it's turn 10" combo? Seriously? Also, you can be a control deck with just burn. And yes, I have played a Control/Burn using simply burn spells and kill spells (Standard Rakdos aggro) AND IT WORKED! HAH!
You simply pressure with burn then hit them with Twin

Now shut up and get off my deck!
Except you, TheElightenedScholar, you're cool.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:34


I used to play melira's torment in modern. Although abrupt decay easily stopped the combo, it was always fun to watch blasphemous act be a 1 sided board wipe.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:42


S0rin, actually, yes, I did consider that. And actually, I don't believe that this deck has much other chance of winning.
You're right, you can steal games with twin, no one, no one, is arguing that... Because twin is a good, established combo in modern and this deck is never going to win without it... That doesn't mean it fits in this deck.

You could throw scapeshift into a CoCo deck and call it an Alt. Win con, but that doesn't mean it should be there...

As for your rakdos aggro comment, sure, burn can play control, but it's not nearly as good as an actual control deck. It simply doesn't have the draw power to sustain itself. Furthermore, rakdos aggro is an ENTIRELY different deck and has black for draw power. (read the bones, sign in blood, hell, even black's fireball: Damnable Pact). Furthermore, Rakdos Aggro is in standard, which is a very different, far slower, format than modern.

S0rin, stop being a prick. This is why I don't like this website anymore. The same 8-10 people post their decks and get 80% of them to the top page because they have a few, loyal followers. Then they get all upset when someone disagrees with their ideas. Just because other people have adequate ideas that may run counter to your own doesn't mean you can or should be able to shout them down and tell them they're wrong. Rational debate and testing paves the way to higher thinking. It's why we've developed the Scientific method rather than simply going with whomever can shout the loudest.

Look, I'm not trying to be mean to you in any way, in fact, I respect many of the decks you have posted, but I simply don't agree with this one. Telling me and the other dissenters to "shut up and get off my deck" is neither mature nor is it a good way to improve upon what you've built. Admittedly, some people commenting on this deck have been neither respectful nor particularly intelligent, but that is a personal problem, one that you could address through a private message or elsewise.

I'm sorry that not 100% of people, me included, agree with you. Life isn't always that perfect.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 14:42


Just because burn can't control like a traditional control deck, doesn't mean it needs to!
As for the "Shut up" comment, it was for the fact that these people have been simply calling me a shit player since my original twin combo deck and I've simply had enough. I also know that things don't always go your way in life, but there is a limit to the abuse that I can tolerate. That comment was to ask the trolls, in their own language, to simply go and annoy someone else

Posted 04 September 2015 at 22:56


OK, those saying that Twin can't be put into different decks are hilariously wrong. Gerry Thompson put several articles about decks going 4-0 on MTGO with Twin shoved into Abzan CoCo because strangely enough, Twin can be a turn 4 "Oh look I win" which is pretty awesome in any deck, and this whole moaning about how you aren't going to win because you aren't focused on one particular strategy- TARMO-TWIN! 2 People played tarmo-twin at the World Championship so the ideology is quite clearly awesome and powerful. This is an innovative take on that idea which has a lot of potential so actually turning round and bitching how its going to lose and you're so much better at this game because look at me I know how to classify things is really quite unhelpful. Modern is such a diverse format that mash ups can and do work because they have the solid roots of one deck, burn for example, and the potential to just win on the spot, splinter twin for example. Oh look wait, a Twin-Burn deck that I shall christen Splinter Bolt ! Stop hating about innovating on pro decks, it works.

Posted 05 September 2015 at 06:51


...tarmo twin is just normal splintertwin deck with green splashed into it for tarmo, which gets you board presence early.
- may god bless ur'e souls

Posted 05 September 2015 at 09:25


Actually, after extensive research of Tarmo-Twin on both channel Fireball, Star City Games and watching pro-level magic, its usually the goyf part that wins the game, twin is there as a threat and an instant win sometimes

Posted 05 September 2015 at 11:53


Further to my point that you can drop twin into any modern deck and its usually pretty awesome... TADAAAAAA This deck went 3-1 on MTGO, which is a solid result.

Posted 05 September 2015 at 12:02


So, contrary to the nay-sayers, innovation lives on...good times.

Posted 05 September 2015 at 14:54


When it top 8's come back to me.

Posted 08 September 2015 at 20:28


Slivers for innovation. Oh wait look,it top 8ed an open. And actually not every sweet deck top 8s, simply becausenot enough people play it or it has a few bad match ups particularly in modern where sometimes you just die.

Posted 09 September 2015 at 15:33


oh hey goth again, saying splashing twin combo in deck with 20 cards with cycling is same as splash twin in burn deck lol

Posted 19 February 2018 at 16:12


Out of curiosity, has anyone had any success running Twin Alarm? It probably isn't as competitive as regular splinter twin, but it's a lot funnier to pull off.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 06:20


I think it might work, but I also think that the deck would have to be reconstructed from the ground up to make it work. A lot of the reason the "normal" twin decks run flash creatures is for the ease of setting up the combo. Twin Alarm, on the other hand, would open up to a lot of options for ETB effects. It may not be the best choice, but just imagine Twin Alarm with Twin attached to a Frost Titan :P

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:51


I had mine on a gray merchant... I have a deck list somewhere on my account. Hadn't thought of frost Titan..., more funny shenanigans.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 07:57


I run Frost and Grave Titan in my Heartless Summoning deck (when it's not mono black) with Phyrexian Metamorph, so I know how devastating multiple Titans can be to the opponent, but a nigh infinite number of Frost Titan (you have to choose to stop duplicating some time) will just be hilarious / depressing.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 08:06


What's the point of Arid Mesa when you only have Mountains, and No Plains in the deck? If the point is to thin the deck, then use one of the Khans fetches that can also get mountains for a much less expensive card.

Posted 04 September 2015 at 20:27


if you got the Mesa, you might as well use them

Posted 04 September 2015 at 20:34


if you got the Mesa, you might as well use them

Posted 04 September 2015 at 20:34


very good deck!!! spells do damage to face, and then you copy golbin guide, and mill 2 cards!

Posted 06 September 2015 at 17:59


.... What?! Lol read goblin guide for us

Posted 06 September 2015 at 18:28


they reveal a land from their deck, so it mills!! even better is if you copy guide, then play village bel ringer and make another copy!

Posted 06 September 2015 at 18:29


If only that happened... The goblin has them reveal the top card. If it's not a land, it just goes back to the top of the deck...

Posted 06 September 2015 at 20:12


I don't think mtgblackman is actually reading the card descriptions

Posted 08 September 2015 at 18:30


Interesting. I designed a splinter twin deck a while ago. But it is red and blue. This looks like a lot of fun though, with all the burn. :)

Posted 06 September 2015 at 22:04


The card I knew to combo with were red and white (Twin + Guard) and just soammed a burn deck from there!

Posted 07 September 2015 at 08:32


Right on. :)

Posted 07 September 2015 at 19:50


Heheh. I don't think much more could be said about this deck. But I'm still curious about the name of the deck. How to Splinter Twin (???). Obviously, I get the splinter twin part, but the "how to"? and the "(???)"?

Posted 08 September 2015 at 20:50


Since people gave me so much shit with my first attempt, I didn't know if I was doing it right. Thus the (???). As for the reason its still like that is because I haven't gottin to changing it while dealing eith the nay-sayers and other parts of life

Posted 09 September 2015 at 00:27


well, don't let those people get to you. if they criticize instead of offering advice, they're just being trolly.

Posted 09 September 2015 at 16:33


I personally don't feel this is the best way to twin, but its certainly a way and its a very interesting way but I would want some Path to Exile and Grim Lavamancers. I think people get too hung up on 'You must combo in this linear way' and forget to innovate so I think with a little more work this would be something to play at a tournament and get positive results, your only problem will be Abrupt decay because you don't have remand, but I'm sure there are ways to play around it!

Posted 09 September 2015 at 19:29


I personally don't feel this is the best way to twin, but its certainly a way and its a very interesting way but I would want some Path to Exile and Grim Lavamancers. I think people get too hung up on 'You must combo in this linear way' and forget to innovate so I think with a little more work this would be something to play at a tournament and get positive results, your only problem will be Abrupt decay because you don't have remand, but I'm sure there are ways to play around it!

Posted 09 September 2015 at 19:29


Do you have any stats on how this deck performs, number of games/number of wins?

Posted 09 September 2015 at 09:31


Nope. And I don't have half the cards to play it either!

Posted 11 September 2015 at 22:56


Soul's Attendant would be kind of fun to throw in. It's kinda retracting from your overall theme, but you could always add infinite life to your combo?

Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:36


what youy need infinite life if you have infinte haste dudes and you win the game right there??

Posted 11 September 2015 at 10:20


Maybe to make it seem more impressive of a combo

Posted 11 September 2015 at 21:52


But detracting from the overall theme probably wouldn't be productive...what do you think about Grim Lavamancer?

Posted 11 September 2015 at 21:58


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Posted 12 September 2015 at 00:21


You would have to tap a red mana each time you tapped the creature and you would have to keep removing cards from your hand each time you tapped him. The thing with a creature like Midnight Guard is that he untaps every time another creature enters the battlefield so you could just keep doing his combo over and over.

Posted 12 September 2015 at 00:23


Yeah. While the extra damage is helpful, I have other cards that I need more

Posted 12 September 2015 at 01:17


DaveYoyo76, Grim Lavamancer's ability exiles cards from your GY, not your hand....sOrinmarkOv, not dissing your choices...brought up G.L. in response to Soul's Attendant being suggested. Really just putting it out there that a creature that "burns" would be more consistent w/ your deck.

Posted 12 September 2015 at 02:34


If he didn't have the twin combo, I hope some grims would make their way in here

Posted 13 September 2015 at 22:53


If he didn't have the twin combo, I hope some grims would make their way in here

Posted 13 September 2015 at 22:53


They would, r rather that thing that gives burn spells Lifelink

Posted 14 September 2015 at 08:29


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:39


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:40


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:41


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:42


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:42


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:43


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:44


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 00:44


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 02:09


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Posted 11 September 2015 at 02:10


Awesome deck man! Boros Twin is a force to be reckoned with.

Posted 14 September 2015 at 18:26


have you thought about some draw spells like tormenting voice or magmatic insight? the deck draws and stats never look like you draw into the pieces to combo off.

Posted 15 September 2015 at 15:50


I have been playing this online for some time now, I run 8 fetches and more creatures, less burn, won a lot of 8 mans. Don't need midnight guard . Also, should think about blade splicer and flicker wisp .

Posted 15 September 2015 at 22:28


I have been playing this online for some time now, I run 8 fetches and more creatures, less burn, won a lot of 8 mans. Don't need midnight guard . Also, should think about blade splicer and flicker wisp .

Posted 15 September 2015 at 22:28


I have been playing this online for some time now, I run 8 fetches and more creatures, less burn, won a lot of 8 mans. Don't need midnight guard . Also, should think about blade splicer and flicker wisp .

Posted 15 September 2015 at 22:30



Serious question to a competitive design...

The deck has no way to deal with counterspells, so the combo is likely being stopped everytime they get one.
With goblin guide and village bellringer being scouts, why not have 1-2 cavern of souls against counterspells?
At the very least consider boseiju, who shelters all...

Posted 17 September 2015 at 09:17


Comment noted and decent advice given... That being said, think of how the consistency in the mana base would change. With the cmc of cards being 4 and less it shouldn't be much of an issue however, cavern is great for playing cmc 1 non creature spells if you have it in the opening hand (you and I might hit it with GQ) (comment based on personal experience). Both land are great and should be considered although personally I wouldn't run more than 2 of them. The thing about control players (myself being one) is that we have ways of dealing with a variety of situations. The thing about this being Boros burn, I would not expect to see twin, so I would allocate my resources to deal with other things (unless you played one of the creatures, then I'd have an idea that you were running it). Since we are on the suggestions of cards, play testing needed, I will suggest gitaxian probe as a method to find out information.

Posted 17 September 2015 at 12:21


Personally I believe 'Dies to removal' or 'Gets countered' is not really a valid point because they are universal, also the most played counterspell is remand which isn't too much of a bother

Posted 17 September 2015 at 17:37


Personally I believe 'Dies to removal' or 'Gets countered' is not really a valid point because they are universal, also the most played counterspell is remand which isn't too much of a bother

Posted 17 September 2015 at 17:38


I build longterm, so when suggesting stuff like the above I asume that others might be able to test stuff enough for it to show if something works or not. Even if Caverns of souls only produced colorless all the time, the fact that the above deck has 21 ways of getting red mana means that there is plenty of space for even up to 4 caverns. Cutting 4 mountains out will reduce it to 17 ways of getting red mana which is still overkill compared to how many islands a deck like merfolk or burn plays. The room is there for a change which occasionally will produce the right mana. In a few cases it even improves the white manabase a little. So it's a logical decission to start out with 1-2 caverns to see the effect in reallife :D though I doubt it would only backfire in the cases where you draw all caverns at the opening.
So essentially a minimum of 1 cavern can only improve the deck.

The deck has been marked as competitive, so I treat it with competitiveness in mind. Competetive decks needs a gameplane for just about everything, so comments like "dies to removal/counterspells" points out fatal flaws that are unwanted in a competitive environment! No deck can have "Well I might not meet a counterspell deck" as an argument for taking it to a competitive environment because YOU WILL FACE EVERYTHING!

Posted 18 September 2015 at 06:20


Actually I play competitively a lot, at PPTQs, PTQs and WMCQs. The simple fact is, as you say, you will always face removal and counterspells especially over 15 rounds. However they are going to be around whatever you play and so you will simply have to fight through them, otherwise infect wouldn't be played in modern or suicide zoo. Almost every deck is soft to counterspells but the whole 'every time it will get stopped' is simply wrong because sometimes, hey they won't have the counterspell.

Posted 18 September 2015 at 19:20


Yeah. Also, this is where the SB becomes really important. For this deck, you can outfit it with lots of creature protection to ensure that the combo stays safe

Posted 18 September 2015 at 22:58


Well infect is on a whole other sort of combo where you cannot either counter their turn 1 glistener or their inkmoth nexus, and they can play several spells for 1 mana to kill with, so they actually walk through counterspells.
Zoo uses a similar slip, as their first critter usually cannot be countered, and once the counterspeller uses removal zoo will have enough mana to cast another cheap critter AND pay to bypass a counterspell or simply casts 2 small critters.

Village bellringer does not walk through the same way these decks does, and splinter certainly doesn't either.
The burn part is fine, but the combo needs to slip through counters...

You need to slip through counterspells!

Posted 21 September 2015 at 07:04


....... But if I burn them enough, they'll save counterspells for burn spells. Also, if I flash in Village Bell Ringer at the START of their turn, they might not suspect it with the combo!

Posted 22 September 2015 at 05:10


I like the idea in general and I could see burn being viable as an alternate win condition/creature control until you can get your combo going. I left a like earlier but I made my own Splinter Twin deck which is more based on control (counter spells, removal and some burn). I'd appreciate any feedback. :)

Posted 21 September 2015 at 22:25


A RW SquirrelCraft?

Except SquirrelCraft is exclusively green and costs less at the expense of haste... Tangle/Holy Day kind of stuff is not an uncommon find in sideboards and a lot of decks that play defense will have ways of shutting down creatures or combat damage. Point is... what's your backup plan?

I am sure there is some kind of card that: whenever a creature etb, deal 1 damage to opponent.

I made a similar but different deck that utilized SC's token generation as an engine:
Skullclamp: draw
Grave Pact: because infinite sacrifice doesn't care what it says on your creature card.
Sadistic Hypnotist/Nath of the Gilt-Leaf: discard your hand.
Natural Affinity: It's time to kill your lands.

Suffice to say, I usually told people I'm not going to attack with Squirrels because it was so much more fun to see the despair on their face when the only card that wasn't in their graveyard was the one they were about to draw next turn.

Hid behind Tangle and Grave Pact.

Posted 26 September 2015 at 14:34


Ummmmm. This deck doesn't have any squirrels. I think you have the wrong deck

Posted 28 September 2015 at 04:59


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Posted 26 September 2015 at 14:34


For all you people who love my crazy deck ideas, here's a new deck for you to have a look at:

Feedback appreciated!

Posted 28 September 2015 at 06:10


this taught me splinter twin. I am fairly new to magic so this deck opened my eyes to a new method. pretty awesome! thank you!!+1. Y'all should check out some of my decks. just posted a new one called "blue jerk, animal control". pretty useful beating that guy with the tribal minotaur deck that you hate on the kitchen table.

Posted 04 October 2015 at 12:45


Thanks, but this is far from a true Twin deck. Normally these decks are R/U control and use Deciever Exarch to activate the combo. I have a deck if you want to have a look. Just look for my "Simply Unfair 2.0" deck

Posted 06 October 2015 at 07:33


Well, bell-twin seems to do the job without cavern of souls!

Posted 07 October 2015 at 06:22


I would be curious to see what you guys think of my splinter twin deck.

Posted 14 October 2015 at 22:58


So expensive, but still good

Posted 20 November 2015 at 20:21


Hey sorin. Been a while since I commented on this deck. Hope you're doing well with it hehehe.
Since you're one of the few people who make modern decks that are non-budget, I was hoping you had time to take a look at a new modern, non-budget deck I had. Thanks a lot man!

Posted 02 December 2015 at 06:04


I like this idea behind this version of Splintertwin. It's different, you have lot's of options on building and most of all it's different. Most people would expect the u/r version. You mind checking my deck out? And throw A like and your opinion Would be greatful.

Posted 02 December 2015 at 19:20


I like this idea behind this version of Splinter-twin. It's different, you have lot's of options on building and most of all it's different. Most people would expect the u/r version. You mind checking my deck out? And throw A like and your opinion Would be grateful.

Posted 02 December 2015 at 19:21


Currently I play a "splinter-mill" with 2 pestermites, 1 splinter twin and 2 spellskite, because the splintercombo is less important than the rest of the deck.

Since your deck is more geared towards burn you could probably use 2 bell ringers, 2 splinter twin and 2 spellskite, which would give you 2 slots for more burn. You could keep 1 extra bell and one extra splinter in the sideboard.

Posted 03 December 2015 at 06:24


Let's say : Soulfire Grand Master

Posted 17 December 2015 at 01:07


Deflecting Palm is one of my favorites

Posted 17 December 2015 at 13:49
