Since this deck has a fair bit of modern in it, did you consider Climpse the Unthinkable?
This ALMOST seems like my deck with some slight alterations....... bloodinmykhorneflakes, have you been on MY Rakdos deck before?
This is the decks's 300th comment!
True, and they're legendary. And people rarely kill them
I TOLD YOU, BUT NO. YOU JUST HAD TO DENY IT BECAUSE IT WAS ME; AZORIUSLIKEABOSS! Just go back to you senate building and hang your head in shame
I have a standard deck that only cost me about $50 (Because of pre-release), because I don't just go out buy most of my cards. I trade for what I need. And to Mopik, I love a bit of Scars of Mirridon; it has infect after all. Still, with cards like the Shocklands making a return, Standard has really shot up in price
Rancor is +2/+0 as well. If I didn't have an unblockable spell, trample would be nice. It can also remove one of their creatures, rather than leaving you open to attack
I would. Not to be negative, but I would seriously reconsider having Cloak of Mist and swapping them for Artful Dodge for a more modern play Also less creatures. You don't need Plague Myr and if you're playing Phyrexian Swarmlord you should have won with infect. Well, compedative infect anywho. I'd only run 2 Hand of the Praetors. Rancor for trample, Mutagenic Growth for buff. Shocklands are much better for infect than guildgates. Giant Growth is a good option Sorry for the rant, I just really like infect and hate it when some people put up decks when the deck appears that they don't know too much about infect
Although, part of my difficulty with playing Rakdos himself, is that the highest CMC card in MY deck is 4 and there are 4 of them (2 Des Demon, 1 Exava, 1 Rakdos) But overall, exava is a much better option
Spike Jester over Rakdos Shred-Freak almost every time. They're worth it for the very rare instance that you don't have both types of mana for casting Spike Jester
Cool, I'll check some of them out! Bomber Corps is in there for the 1 damage battalion and for use with 3 or 4 of them.
Lots of Spike Jester And Madcap Skills
Converted Mana Cost, the mana curve on the deck at a glance Rakdos should be low CMC
Less Lord of Riots Lower CMC More removal Dual lands/Guildgates Rogue's passage, because you have Master of Cruelties (Because you said need help)
I mainly play modern
The first deck that I ever posted It almost ALWYAS wins. Only ceratin decks have beaten it
Fine, find me and bring your best deck and we'll see who is really better. Tournament style; full mulligain rules, shuffling each other's decks, 0 proxies and a referee overlooking it You wouldn't even last 5 turns
Not to mention your supposedly "better" Dimir mill deck that I wouldn't even wipe my arse with I has one, so don't you think that I would know about using a Rakdos, Lord of Riots? And like you can talk, most of your decks are illegal e.g. 36 Boros Reckoner, 12 Slayer's Stronghold and 12 Sacred Foundary?
Wow, HotPoloPlayer. I give you a private "deck" to continue our war and you back down faster than the USA retaliated to the Japanese because of Pearl Harbour What's wrong, Hitler? Your cyanide pill too slow a death?
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