
0 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

You know, I have to say I think this deck is a little broken. Like Chilly said, are you trying to win through damage or milling.

It's a Best Case Scenario type deal, and it's also very dependant on your opponent having a fetchland. I mean, if it works it's pretty cool, but I feel that it is very much dependent upon them having that fetchland in play.

I definitely think the blue can be removed from this deck all together, as I believe splashing white would increase the power of archive trap.

It's not that it's a bad idea, it's just that a lot of things have to fall into place for the big kill to take place.
I also think Quest for Pure Flame could be removed. Again, not a slight to the deck, but it's like a burn deck with hopes of being able to play archive trap. If you want to Mill, Mill...but if not, why not use cards to support your regular attack.

I'm all for creative decks and this is a neat combo, so it's ok for that. It just depends on what level of competition or how much you'll want to win on a percentage basis.

Just my .02, not intended to slam

Posted 23 December 2009 at 16:56 as a comment on It's a trap!


Wheel & Deal is devistating in this type of deck. As is Wistful Thinking, or Sign in Blood.

I feel Duress & Hymn are counter productive. You're trying to make them draw, not discard correct? Why not add something to force them to draw more cards?

Posted 04 November 2009 at 14:07 as a comment on underworld dreams


You know, I hate to say it...but I would probably remove the Pikemaster's for some Path to Exile's.

You can use them to remove anything big your Journey can't handle, or you can Path your own little soldier creature to draw a land.

I like it otherwise

Posted 28 October 2009 at 09:45 as a comment on white/ nuke


I run a Kithkin deck myself, so I can't help but comment on a few cards.
Captain of the Watch is great for a Soldier deck, but I don't feel is so great in this deck. While it's nice he produces tokens, those tokens are soldiers, not Kithkin soldiers. So they wouldn't have synergy with the Wizened Cenn.

Thistledown Liege is a decent card, although you really only should care about the +1/+1 to white creatures. Steel of Godhead is nice, but only relevant on 2 of your creatures.

Vetern's Armamants benefit a soldier deck, and a Kithkin since some of these are both. I think they could be removed and other pure Kithkin's added.

I really like Kinsdale Borderguard for creature generation. Figure of Destiny's would be way sexy. I'm a big fan of removing anything not white from a Kithkin deck. This looks incredibly similar to one of my early Kithkin builds, but I just found pumping out more creatures vs. a few that gave +1/+1 was more benefitial.

My suggestion would be:
-4 Steel of Godhead
-1 Captain of the Watch
-4 Zealous Guardian
-4 Veteran Armaments
-4 Thistledown Duo
-4 Surge of THoughtweft

+4 Path to Exile (every good Kithkin deck needs spot removal for the big guy flyers)
+4 Goldmeadow Harrier (A 1 drop that's a Kithkin and can tap a creature. Also great for control early or late)
+4 Kinsdale Borderguard (2W1C for a guy that's going to be bigger depending on how many Kithkin's are in play. Once he dies (which you want to happen) out come your forces
+2 Honor of Pure (Keep your boys big, cheaper and harder to deal with then Thistledown Duo)
+2 Cloadgoat Rangers (helps with flyers, helps generate additional Kithkin's, and is a nice big creature in this deck)
+4 Figure of Destiny (an expensive card, but one that helps towards the entire idea of the deck. The Surge is a great spell to give things +1/+1 for the round, but why not use Honor of Pure and have it stick)

Just a few constructive thoughts

Posted 28 October 2009 at 09:40 as a comment on kithkin


So you're going to imprint Dash Hopes on the Scepter? I like the path you're going with, but it seems like those two work together, but the likelihood of pulling those is tough.

Since you have the UW dreams, I'd like to see something to boost both...maybe Howling Mines or something to that effect. I know lots of people don't like giving cards to their opponents, but they'll draw into UW dreams, and you'll be able to Dash most spells. Plus, you'll be able to kick your combo's out faster.

I have a similar deck that's based around Wheel & Deal

Posted 28 October 2009 at 09:23 as a comment on The Hand from hell.


I really, really like this build. It seems to take care of all the things you need or that could become a problem.

I guess maybe any type of enchant/artifacts right? But I've been looking for a solid Rogue deck, and this is one of the coolest I've seen. Very well done dude. This one gets book marked

Posted 28 October 2009 at 09:14 as a comment on Tweaked Rogues
