Needs Moar Serra Ascendant
How could you forget such Classic win-cons as: Carnival of Souls/Wretched Anurid combo (Souls is the perfect win con all by itself, combos well with massive army of Storm Crows) The classic Riven Turnbull/Bond of Agony/Channel combo for the win (amazingly awesome!) Blessing of Leeches (wonderful to keep your Storm Crows alive!) Doomsday (draw nothing but Storm Crows and/or Shelkin Brownies the rest of the game!) Murderous Betrayal (have to have something to hurt them, right? This kills anything they throw out!) Wall of Blood (Lifegain is overrated, right?) I know this pushes the deck in a highly black direction, but you have plenty of swamps (5) to pull it off.
Some Revoke Existences in the sideboard for those nasty artifacts and enchantments (including Eldrazi). Also more Kor Outfitters (entering and auto equip is amazing). Also Kor Firewalkers for pro red in the Sideboard. Aeronaut is okay, but Skyfisher helps this deck more as it can bounce things to come back quickly. Nomad's Assembly is amazing too, especially with the rebound ability, if you can find anywhere to fit it in. Cartographer, while he has a nice ability is way too expensive to pull off usually. -3 Kor Aeronaut -3 Bone Saw -2 Kor Cartographer +2 Kor Outfitter +4 Kor Skyfisher +2 Pilgrim's Eye/Expedition Map/Horizon Spellbomb (Each is 1 less expensive than Cartographer, and although the lands come to your hand, not the battlefield, the turn earlier allows you to use it the same turn anyway). Unfortunately there is no good replacement in Standard for Gift of Estates. Sideboard: +4 Revoke Existence (Exiles Artifacts and Enchantments) +4 Kor Firewalker (Pro Red/Life) +3 Devout Lightcaster (Pro Black)
Kor Duelist, Kor Outfitter, Kor Firewalker for the sideboard. Idea looks good so far, but these will get it out more frequently (don't have to rely entirely on the Brass Squire). Also bouncing the Outfitters can be fun too.