you might want to put some reflecting pools ito this deck
too many cards
where is your 4 force of wills??
why dont you hav e knight errent planeswalker
path to exile instead of unmake is prob a good move or just adding path to exile oblivion ring would also be good
no i have not but i am just dont know what to take out for it
and lastly you will prob want to cut your deck down to 60 cards posibly by cutting the two krosans from your deck but that is your choice
you also might want to put some discard spells into your deck so you can get rid of big creatures that are in your hand
i agree krosan is a bad choice
oh nevermind i forgot it was for playing sry
also you might want to raise the deck to 60
instead of cancel use counterspell its better also you might want to use the blue planeswalker its meant for mill decks
what if you area attacked by a darksteel colossus?
you might want a relearn in that deck
instead of crib swap use unmake you dont give them a 1/1 you just remove the creature from the game
also you do know that you can only have one legend out at a time
also you should put in some tundra's :)
i think that azorius chancery is terrible land
i like your deck but i think you should take a look at my deck it uses a simliar idea of destroying there lands the link to it is