This one Seems tricky for some odd reason. Most people forget that it's all about creatures with devour eating their own allies to become bigger creatures.
So far either way, this deck wins. Kind of a cheap shot deck but it is tricky to get the extra turns going. The exponential health on the other hand is easy. As an opponent who has never played before has shown me much to my own embarrassment. It's an overpowered deck.
Which land card is that?
This deck was tested and comes out on top quite often. That's a lot to do with the Fleshbag Marauders and Blightnings. Plus that Nemesis of Reason never fails. Once you play Sedris and start Unearthing things with Deathtouch; this deck is pretty tough.
Both of those other two decks also my inventions. The guys playing them I had to teach how to play. Once they got it though... Double Teamed.
I don't think I made it that far, no. But the battle was pretty quick. Problem is I pumped out all my creatures and built an army to utilize Exalted. Going against a Grixis deck with Unearth and a Sedris, The Traitor King and a Jund deck built around Devour, I was DOOOMED!
Thanks. I think Asha's Favor could help get a single Rhox Charger through. Unless they block with a flier that has deathtouch.
Tested Somewhat good. It's fast and works, but not as hard hitting as previously thought. Gets easily overwhelmed if the opponents make you sacrifice or have bigger creatures. Plus Deathtouch. Would like to hear ideas or thoughts and build. Keep in mind I'd like it to remain true to the block.