Correct me of I'm wrong but since Primal Surge says, "if you do, repeat this process," and NOT "you may repeat this process," wouldn't Primal Surge theoretically deck you since your be in a trigger loop? Your turn would end with you being unable to draw a card (win no other non-permanents in your deck.Or am I missing something?
Both Syphon Soul cards impact ALL opponents. As this is a multiplayer deck, the return on each is significantly better than a traditional build.That being said, with the addition of Bottomless Pit and Necrogon Mists, Syphon Mind is perhaps becoming a wasted card.
I'm not convinced that the Capsizes are needed. To promote the Isochron's health and viability, look towards upping the Boomerang count to 4 and adding in another Counterspell.Additionally, Sensei's Divining Top and Sol Ring would be HUGE additions to this build.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't Greater Auramancy prevent you from bouncing Stasis back to your hand via the Mastermind?Perhaps removal in the form of Swords to Plowshares might come in handy?
Preordain and/or Serum Vision would be solid here to give the build some digging opportunities. Without an Isochron out, you're really having to rely on deck faith and the right combination of mana. Up the count of Remand and consider dropping Red. Lightning Bolt and Magma Jet are nice (Magma Jet particularly), but you handicap yourself at the same time. Entreat 'could' be a solid win condition but you'll want a more solid way to create enough mana to make it more consistent. To do this, you could consider dropping Blue (which would be hard) and go dedicated W/R and roll with Seething or Pyretic Rituals to add some extra mana, albeit one.
Muddle the Mixture might be a better play than Fabricate here. It will fetch you the Isochron but also be a counter in hand if you already have one (or two) in play. I'm not really sold on the Ascendant either, or the life gain from Reunion. I think you'd be better off playing Echoing Truth (as previously mentioned) and/or look towards some option for spot removal (Geth's Verdict comes to mind but would involve splashing Black). That said, I don't know what to replace as a win con; my old Stick deck was paired with Stasis/Boomerang and a Morphling to win. I'm not convinced on Truth or Tale, perhaps some of the Scry mechanics might be a better option so that you can keep things you need close to the top and sift the filler to the bottom without exposing too much. Serum Visions and Preordain would help in both areas; while they are both Sorceries, you wouldn't want them on the Stick anyway as you'd be using them to just sift through the deck.
Wow! Well designed! The balance you have here is so seemingly perfect I really don't know what to suggest. I'm surprised not to see Putrid Imp, but at the same time, am not convinced that this particular build needs it. I could, though, justify the use of Underground River in this particular build, but even still, that wouldn't help deck thinning targets. Well done, man! Should you get a chance, please take a look at something of mine. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Any feedback you could offer would be much appreciated.
Yeah, I know you have Feldikar, but ToE is cheaper and at least one other win opportunity.
I can't help but wonder if Test of Endurance would make for an incredibly cheap win here. I'm not even sure it's legal in EDH, but it'd be pretty sick if it was. Plus with al the enchantment search white offers, it could be one help if a way to make EDH games take less time than normal. Just a thought, figured it'd play well with the General and al the life gain. Should you get a chance, please take a look at something of mine. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Any feedback you could offer would be much appreciated.
Wow, this actually looks pretty fun, and, you've seemingly thought through everything pretty well. You've implemented draw, have a solid, strong curve, well done. The only thing i will suggest is Noxious Revival to grab back a fling or draw mechanic when in a pinch, or, to get back another larger creature to Fling in the event you get lucky top decking. Creative! Should you get a chance, please take a look at something of mine. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Any feedback you could offer would be much appreciated.
Yeah, the Trickster is out if place here. Instead, Merfolk Looter would be a prime add for the build. It will give you some utility when you need it most. You might also find some surprise Merfolk to replace the vanilla Pearl Trident. Hit up the Gatherer, I think you'd be surprised at what you'll find that really make Merfolk a riot to play. Should you get a chance, please take a look at something of mine. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Any feedback you could offer would be much appreciated.
I think you've spread the build to thin. Most if the singles are good cards, but you're losing a tremendous amount of reliability keeping it the way it is. Since legality doesn't matter, look towards some tutors to fill the role where Memnite and the Skirge are. look to increase counter count to tie up loose ends, and, consider Tezzerits Gambit for added draw and some proliferate for the planewalkers. Should you get a chance, please take a look at something of mine. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Any feedback you could offer would be much appreciated.
If Sol ring is coming out (one has to at least as its restricted), you could add in a fourth Retriever. Beyond that, some type of draw might help, Sign in Blood would fit the bill easily, Tezzerits Gambit for the proliferate couldn't hurt either (pay it via Phyrexian). Should you get a chance, please take a look at something of mine. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Any feedback you could offer would be much appreciated.
You might want to strongly consider Beast Within and Noxious Revival as viable sideboard options. Both will offer flexibility in what I assume to be a pretty threat and removal heavy bracket. As for the rest, I dont have too much experience as a Standard player, but I can say that when it comes to deck building, follow your instincts. Check eBay for the Titans, youll probably find them to be more affordable than you may think. Should you get a chance, please take a look at something if mine. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Any feedback you could offer would be much appreciated.
23 land is a bit heavy considering your curve. Consider shaving down to 20 and implementing Duress, Thoughtseize, or perhaps Tezzerits Gambit or Sign in Blood for some draw to help round out the build. Hope the idea helps. Should you get a chance, i welcome any constructive feedback you could offer to amy of the decks I have posted here. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Thanks!
With a lower curve, i think youll find yourself habing to rely on deck faith and top decking a lot of threats as the game goes on. Consider making room for some type of draw, Sign in Blood or Necropotence would easily get the job done (Necro is the better option), thogu, you could also consider Promise of Power. Null Brooch is a nice, strong add, though, without the presence of draw mechanics, i just question its overall effectiveness in the long run. Just my two cents. Should you get a moment, i welcome any feedback on ajy of the decks i have posted on the site. Just click on my name to see the deck list. Thanks.
Thanks, man! Yeah, im in the process of finaliaing the ANT build atm. Im trying to make it a guaranteed third turn win. As it stands now, its capable of first or second turn wins, but i dont want it to take any longer than three turns total; sometimes it hangs a little longer than i anticipate or hope. Might be adding more tutors. If you have an idea, please post it there. I have it labeled as such so that random people dont comment on it. Youre not a random person.
I guess it works, but how do you plan on paying the upkeep every turn once hes out? Its possible, but unrealistic, to play him turn 1. Consider Dragonspeaker Shaman to help the longevity if the build, Browbeat to help regain some cards for accel. If you get a chance, i welcome any feedback you can offer to my B/W land destruction deck ( ). However, if that deck doesn't suit your tastes, feel free to click on my name to see my complete deck list. Thanks!
You should easily be able to drop your land count to 20 with the low curve. Beyond that, while the Obliterator is good, with only 1 we could question its usefulness. Try adding in some life gain to balance the life lost from the Arena. Syphon Soul or Consume Spirit should get the job done. If you get a chance, i welcome any feedback you can offer to my B/W land destruction deck ( ). However, if that deck doesn't suit your tastes, feel free to click on my name to see my complete deck list. Thanks!
Mainboarding 4 Cabal Coffers can be disasterous in the early game. Instead, consider dropping it to 2 and add in Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. Also, consider mainboarding Necropotence and support it with Corrrupt or Drain Life. For search, consider Lilliana Vess; she could offer unique utility for you. If you get a chance, i welcome any feedback you can offer to my B/W land destruction deck ( ). However, if that deck doesn't suit your tastes, feel free to click on my name to see my complete deck list. Thanks!
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