
5 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

Time Sieve, Thopter Foundry, but no Sword of the Meek? Not looking for an infinite combo in your deck? haha

Posted 08 June 2010 at 14:35 as a comment on always wins (only 7 tix in total)


Usually when you see a DD deck, you see the Thopter Foundry/Sword of the Meek combo. Might I suggest that combo in there, possibly with a Time Sieve so you have the chance at infinite turns, helping you get out your Hexmage/DD combo and win?

Posted 01 June 2010 at 13:06 as a comment on Dark Depths


Agreed. I'd really hate to Polymorph into a Wall of Omens...

Iona is only a sideboard card for an Eldrazimorph deck. That's something you sub in if you happen to play against a mono-colored deck or a deck where all of the spells have one color in common.

Also, UW is a bad choice for a Polymorph deck. I'd stick with the norm and go UG so you can get that 2nd turn double land drop meaning you MIGHT be able to morph a plant token from Khalni Garden on turn 3. I know everyone hates to see an Emrakul staring at them turn 3...

Also, for your counters, you need to have Negate and Dispel. The dispel to counter anytime they try to counter your Polymorph, Negate to counter O-Ring and Journey and maybe if you're unlucky enough to pull your dispel and you need it to counter a counter for your Polymorph.

Posted 09 May 2010 at 13:16 as a comment on Poly


Too expensive. I want to focus on getting really cheap combos. Don't get me wrong, I've considered it, but I'm more in it to make my little Hedrons do the grunt work.

Posted 20 April 2010 at 17:51 as a comment on Landfall Abuse


If you're worried about flying, the new Rise of the Eldrazi card Gravity Well would be much more useful than Opposition.

Posted 17 April 2010 at 11:18 as a comment on G/U Saprolings


For Bond of Agony, you have to pay X mana, and THEN pay X life. In order to have a 2nd turn win, you'd have to have 18 mana on the field, one of them being the mountain you used to lightning bolt them on turn 1. Otherwise Bond of Agony would be a horribly broken card if you could just play it by paying X life, which at any time your life total was higher than your opponent's, you'd win immediately. That's not the case, though.

Posted 12 April 2010 at 22:11 as a comment on bond of agony 2nd turn win.


I made it in Magic Workstation and tried it against some of my biggest and baddest decks, and most of the time, this deck can just roll over everything in its way, though my better control decks CAN get the best of it.

Posted 11 April 2010 at 20:10 as a comment on Cairn's Assault


Ah, thanks for pointing that out. I'll use Spirit Links in Lifelink's place because I want to stick with a 1 mana enchantment. Lifelink isn't exactly a big part of the deck, it's just there for a little extra time to buy if I'm in a bind.

Also, I wanted to keep it without any control for a reason: More creatures. It does leave me slightly vulnerable, but I've been able to win consistently against control decks because they can't kill all of my creatures.

Posted 10 April 2010 at 16:56 as a comment on Swarming Knights


Personally, seeing as you're going for quick goblin attacks, I would highly recommend Raging Goblin. 1 for a 1/1 with haste. It's a staple in Goblin decks and it surprised me to not see it in here.

Posted 12 June 2009 at 17:31 as a comment on Goblinses, oh goblinses. My precious..


Needs an incubator. Remove a buttload of those artifacts from the game, and get a buttload of Myrs on the field in one turn.

Posted 31 May 2009 at 23:26 as a comment on Myr Spam


You might could drop in a rage reflection or two. You're going to have some small creatures, and odds are, you're going to boost em too. They all have double strike as long as you have rage reflection in play.

Also, you could look into Brawn. It's a must-have in a red/green weenie or brute deck. Trample is something you could definitely use, and that's what brawn is for.

Posted 31 May 2009 at 23:06 as a comment on Dragon Burn Weenie
