
115 Decks, 116 Comments, 30 Reputation

Since you're running Temur Battle Rage, I think you may be obliged to call the deck; Temur Badger Rage.

Posted 03 January 2016 at 13:47 as a comment on Temur Badger Rage


Yeah it was kind of nuts really, I mean even though I came 4th of 6 players (our pod was the small one) at no point can I claim it was a bad night; after all I had the 2nd most expensive deck there! Someone pulled a Misty Rainforest Expedition Land... but that happens at every draft...right?

Posted 31 October 2015 at 01:57 in reply to #566576 on Planeswalker Draft!


Yeah Erebos almost certainly would better, although I was considering running cards that give my opponent's creatures lifelink, that way if they do damage me they damage themselves too or maybe running creatures that have abilities opponents can activate; like Oona's Prowler just as an example not that I would run the Prowler here..... or should I?.....

Posted 31 October 2015 at 01:17 in reply to #566463 on You made your choice....


Congrats on the repeat wins again!

Out of curiosity does anyone at your local area play Abzan? Only reason I ask is since Anafenza the Foremost is seeming to be a half decent card against Megamorph decks for my local area and can be a sideboard option in Megamorph for mirror matches; even in worse case scenario it's a 4/4 for 3 that makes your Den Protector even harder to block.

Posted 31 October 2015 at 00:22 in reply to #565982 on raptor games


Umoonpuca: Choice of Damnation seems perfect, never heard of the card before now, so in it goes! (Sideboard for now

Morty: Remedy is there to make decisions slightly harder for opponents, losing 5 life to Quandry/Dash Hopes isn't really a decision to a lifegain deck who can afford it anyway so it's mainly there for them and actually would make it harder for them to decide since a main component of their deck is neutralized.

Posted 31 October 2015 at 00:12 in reply to #566463 on You made your choice....


They would certainly be very good practical cards to add; however the primary theme is more interested in allowing the opponents to make choices that they'll (hopefully) regret, it's for those games where you win due to your opponent making the wrong decision and then kicking themselves for it; I doubt this deck would win 1 in 10 games but for that 1 it does your opponent will be wracking their brain hours after the game!

In other words; Mind-mess Magic.

Posted 31 October 2015 at 00:06 in reply to #566565 on You made your choice....


Have you thought about splashing green for a bunch of Herald of the Pantheon, could help build life total in order to assist will Pillow Forting.

Oh and Empty the Vaults might be useful vs mill or enchantment hate sideboards.

Posted 07 October 2015 at 19:37 as a comment on Modern PILLOW FORT


Not a problem, hopefully not given you bad advice!
If you're likely to play it on FNM I'd be interested to hear how it does, good luck!

Posted 07 October 2015 at 19:25 in reply to #564213 on raptor games


Very nice deck it certainly does look very solid I was also looking at making an Abzan Felidar/Mastery with blue splash, slightly different of course but still somewhat similar! There is a lot of G/W splash goodstuff on the go at the mo.

The only card I'd fully drop is the Archangel of Tithes, as great as her ability is I don't know what decks that see much play are really that concerned by her; I think another Felidar has better synergy in the deck.
Might also reduce the Whisperwoods by 1, 3 of them should be enough to reliably see play and that'll open up a slot for.... well something.

Secret Plans might fit in the deck, would certainly offer some serious draw potential and you are in colour for it.

Last thing I might suggest is switching Negate for Disdainful Stroke, I'm assuming (so I might well be very wrong) that it's there mainly for countering board sweeps, Stroke covers all the board sweepers too and more than a couple big creatures too, the Naturalize's you've got along with Dromaka's Command you have mainboarded probably cover Artifact/Enchantments enough that Negate doesn't serve that function.

Posted 07 October 2015 at 00:11 as a comment on raptor games


Ok fair enough, however he's just been booted out of standard though along with the Watery Grave so you may need to find a replacement effect; it's no Jace but Sigiled Starfish makes for an early game scry/blocker to cover some of Jace going out of standard.

If you're looking at sideboarding counters then Calculated Dismissal may fit for you along side the Rakasha's Disdain, it'll let you fix what you have on top for manifesting.

Posted 06 October 2015 at 23:48 in reply to #564197 on Manifest Demise


Not been tempted to run it as an Abzan Manifest/Morph deck with Rattleclaw Mystics to potentially produce blue for whatever cards you may want to splash for.

Also regarding Jace's ultimate you'll probably be better of just using Learn form the Past, same mana cost and gives graveyard reshuffle plus it doesn't take 4 turns (minimum assuming nothing hurts him) before you can trigger it.

Posted 06 October 2015 at 22:42 as a comment on Manifest Demise


Well looking at the decklist as it is I think I set the mana base as follows:

7 Plains
4 Swamp
4 Mountain
4 Nomad Outpost (can be switched with Evolving Wilds if you prefer)
4 Scoured Barrens

This is just for the cheaper mana base, I'll have a look at your finished version to see which rare lands could be included.

Posted 06 October 2015 at 21:59 in reply to #563833 on Help Needed


Is there a way to take more advantage of her then?
Hardened Scales with some cheap renowned creatures, would certainly help the Undergrowth Champion, although might be too narrow a synergy to be all that useful, if it is a route then Servant of the Scale, Honored Hierarch and Goblin Glory Chaser would be 1 drops to take the most advantage of it.

Posted 05 October 2015 at 19:22 in reply to #563812 on Naya Zoo - Standard


Yeah you get the new elemental to the top of the library, but you still need to find a way to get it from hand to board, the Nova Chaser is ok to hardcast at 4, but I can only see the Exemplar hitting the field via non-hardcast so unless you can keep the Soulstroke protected it'll be hard to make use of Exemplar; maybe put the Lightning Greaves to the mainboard?

Posted 05 October 2015 at 19:13 in reply to #563789 on Soulstoke of Nova Exemplars


If you're keeping the Archetype of Aggression then there's no need to drop in the Herald, Vigilance is more for a defensive mentality and the Archetype is more aggressive in it's approach (unsurprisingly)!

I would bring the Blood-Chin Rager back to the mainboard, you're down to only 9 cards in the 2 or less mana cost part of the curve which for a somewhat aggressive creature deck feels a little light to me, also the pseudo-menace ability the Rager offers is very nice for the more aggressive approach this deck seems to have.

If anyone at your playgroup plays dragons then Dragon Hunter is a nice addition, fits in as a 2/1 for 1 mana even if they don't, pretty sure he's a Warrior too to benefit from your other cards.

Posted 05 October 2015 at 11:16 in reply to #563810 on Help Needed


I would add Goblin Glory Chaser I've found him to be surprisingly good and possibly Kolaghan Aspirant/War Name Aspirant.
If you fancy a more goblin based route then both Subterranean Scout for and the Goblin Piledriver are pretty damn strong along with the Goblin Glory Chaser, making the Piledriver unblockable then swinging for 7 (before instants buffing) certainly has it's moments.

Not 100% sold on Anafenza due to the double white mana cost even with the very nice mana base you've got.

Posted 04 October 2015 at 23:59 as a comment on Naya Zoo - Standard


Since you're trying to keep it budget I try to avoid adding too expensive cards!

Ok so I think that Herald of Dromoka is a decent addition for the Vigilance, I would drop both Arrow Storm and Archetype of Aggression since they're both double red might affect mana reliability.
Foul-Tongue Shriek would also be a good addition along with Raider's Spoils, keeps together with the Warrior theme.

Oh also Harsh Sustenance would fit.

Posted 04 October 2015 at 23:39 as a comment on Help Needed


When it comes to the sorceries I'm only really convinced by Past in Flames and maybe Serum Visions, also if you're looking to use Past in Flames then running spells at 1 mana might be better; if you're sat on 7 mana (pretty much late game) then once you've cast Past in Flames you'll only have 3 mana left; Electrolyze gives you 2 damage whilst 3 Shock style cards would give you 6 damage or Gitaxin Probe and 2 Shock effect cards gives you the same draw and more damage and counterspells aren't going to be useful at sorcery speed!

Posted 04 October 2015 at 23:25 as a comment on Snipers don't dance


Looking at this I'm wondering if it's better for you to switch from Blue to Black, if you use spells with looting style effects like Tormenting Voice or Wild Guess to drop Supreme Exemplar into the graveyard then bring it back using either Makeshift Mannequin or Ritual of the Returned; that way you'll have a second way to 'cheat' it back into play (also means having them killed is not so problematic).

Posted 04 October 2015 at 22:25 as a comment on Soulstoke of Nova Exemplars


Time to fix that, thanks for pointing it out!

Posted 06 September 2015 at 16:51 in reply to #561000 on Remove it from my sight!


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