Your reaction made my day, thank you. I've never had someone say "FUCK YES" upon seeing one of my decks. May you not be the last. Now, for my answers to your input. O-Ring, while versatile, has always been slow, With Mono-Black Aggro and RDW more than likely dominating the format for the first month (If history is anything to go on, especially with RDW) I do not believe x4 O-Ring in the main is the right call. But with it being a new world out there, I do agree that 3-4 O-Rings should appear in the 75 and that's why I rock the third O-Ring in the side. Currently, the Ajani's serve a specific purpose on the side: G/W Ajani gives control a headache, while Mono W Ajani make's aggro's day a lot harder and pump's up the Nyx-Fleece in the side. They are meant to swap with each other in the main, to bump one Ajani to a 3 of on an as needed basis. But I do agree that a 2/1 for 3 that blows up artifacts/enchantments is nuts and would love to fit another one in, I just don't think the it is worth getting rid of the sideboard O-Ring for another Reclamation Sage. I believe Soldier of the Pantheon to be in a poor position right now. RDW and Mono-Black are going to be serious contenders coming up, and Mono X Devotion won't be far behind. I know we have Christmas land mana bases with fetches and all, but for the first month, people will more than likely favor known consistency rather than massive experimentation. What's more consistent than a Mono colored deck? Very little. On top of that, going back to the whole RDW and Mono-Black Aggro, Soldier of the Pantheon is a very terrible Anti-Aggro card. Goblin Rabblemaster is a real threat that we will have to contend with in the next month 1/2 or so, and Soldier only trades with a Goblin Token, never the Rabblemaster himself. If you noticed, most of the creatures in the deck are cheap, high impact with Toughness 3 or greater. The goal was to dodge most burn spells and the power of the most aggressively cost creatures.As for dropping land, I could see myself dropping down to 23 after playtesting, but not anything lower. As you said, 24 is the magic Elspeth number (And Midrange number in general) and with 8 plainswalkers main, I do not need to miss a landrop, especially with my mana ramp being so Wrathable and weak to Anger of the Gods (Mardu Control, anyone? It's gonna be a thing...) And with 10% of the deck being 3 drops, keeping all Elvish Mystics seems like a good idea. Who like's Godsend on turn two? I DO!I'm running the Darksteel for the Nissa, really. I would run Traveler's Fountains (Colourless land, gains 2 life upon entry) if it was for Godsend. And while NIssa's ultimate is amazing, her ability to turn Fetchlands into 4/4 is what I want. Sometimes, you won't always be able to crack the land and profit, and that's where she comes in. Ontop of that, outside of extreme Aggro (Where she is just a tad slow), I have a hard time seeing a match up where she is bad. Turning any land into a 4/4 makes seems too good to pass up.
Thank you. I realized that as well, when I was making the deck. 3x Plummet just seemed bad and 3x Elspeth seemed excessive...I can't think of a reason (Outside Stormbreath and Control) where I would want an Elspeth chilling on the sideboard, and yet, I can't think of a reason where I would, in a midrange beatdown deck, want 3+ Elspeths in the deck. 2 Just seems like the magic number...Perhaps I played too much U/W last rotation, where 2 Elspeth's was all the deck had.But any recommendations, from anybody, on sideboarding for Dragon or anything in general?
Agreed, but currently I am G/W Enchantress. As far as I am concerned, Gift of Orzhov costs 1WW. But if I end up going into Junk (As in Underworld connections + Garrys) I will definitely do that.