
2 Decks, 45 Comments, 0 Reputation

love the proliferat poison deck looks pretty strong max out the crusader he is awesome as well id at least side vatmother if not main with the plague myr you could drop him turn 3 and without hes turn 4, which makes him the deadliest creature on the board till someone gets a titan or BSA my suggestion

-4 virulent wound side board these in against weenie decks only
+2 vatmother
+2 crusader
plz comment on my infect deck

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Posted 28 February 2011 at 00:05 as a comment on Infectliate


how does this deck play? it looks lke it could be kinda fun you have black blue simply for tezzeret no control maybe som mana leaks or fuel for the cause main?? plz check out my infect

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Posted 28 February 2011 at 00:00 as a comment on 4 Color Infect


in order to make the engine worthwhile you need to make sure you are getting the first poison in early maybe a few more creatures in here?? i agree with the stinger and possibly ichorclaw as most ppl let him threw for one counter instead of blocking him plz comment on my poison deck

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Posted 27 February 2011 at 23:57 as a comment on HELP U/B Infect Tourny


i like how this deck is streamed towards your first couple turns then stalling till you can get your bigs out i find contagion engine is hard to get out, maybe it little brother contagion clasp works better here??
you pretty much have to keep his board cleared to win as you have very few creatures so you wont overwhelm them how does this deck play???
plz comment on my infect deck

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Posted 27 February 2011 at 23:53 as a comment on Tourny Infectious Control


i find in infect you wana be guaranteed your infector early add a few more smaller infectors the 2 drops are awesome for it ichorclaw myr, plague myr, necropede definetly fits in here when you sac him you can put a -1\-1 on one of his creatures plz comment on my infect deck

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Posted 27 February 2011 at 23:47 as a comment on Infect - Standard - Eldrazi Spawns


looks like a good fast deck in the first couple turns not every game is going to end in the first 5 turns but you got alot in here to overwhelm them, and defend. definetley looks like a fun deck to play. i like vines af vastwood as a pump spell and also a defend spell if you can fit some in theyd work great when ppl are targeting your creatures

Posted 16 February 2011 at 19:01 as a comment on my 1-2-3 Deck


looking very good with white infect i like the condemn as it gets rid of an attacker and give you life sometimes when your infecting your life total gets really low so it can be a difference maker this deck looks awesome so i dont know where you would fit anything else great deck plz comment on my infect

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 17:23 as a comment on B/U/W Infect Control


this deck looks very good have you played it in tourney play yet? the sideboard is set up i cant see anything i would change out really very nice deck like it alot
plz comment on my ajani\Garruk infect deck let me know what you think

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 17:08 as a comment on Caw! You're dead..


i would put in garruk for his -4 ability +3\+3 trample i love this in an infect deck and it an angle that not enough people have grabbed onto yet so it still suprises in alot of games
plz comment on my infect deck

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 17:04 as a comment on G/U Infect


i like the deck but it looks a little slow with infect you need to try to overwhelm them or suprise them this deck doesnt have enough creatures to overwhelm and i dont see any game enders. the colossus is nice but the only way to play it is in a shape anew deck. nice fun deck but i dont see it competeing in a tournement plz comment on my deck based on the same style of deck with my take as i see it being played

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 16:59 as a comment on White Infect


in an all green deck green sun zenith just in case your not drawing your bigs, love to zenith in a putrefax they dont see it coming and ususally take 5 poison. also garruk wildspeaker is so underrated in infect decks he is awesome, plz comment on my deck

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 16:53 as a comment on Good mono green infect


i would go with contagion engines little brother gontagion clasp as it would suit this deck much more love the garruk for +3\+3 trample and infect plz comment on my infect

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 16:50 as a comment on W/G Infect!!!


nice deck very fast a little light on the back end skithryx would definetley help you cant always have turn five wins and it helps to have bigs let me know how this deck plays it looks interesting

Posted 15 February 2011 at 16:48 as a comment on B/R infect


this deck is allover the map ususally when playing standard consistency is key i know it gets boring playing the same game over and over but hats alot of what standard has become you want more threes and fours of the same card so you know you will be drawing them more consistently. I like how you are geared towards the low end of the mana curve and it would definetley keep your opponenet guessing as to what to sideboard in. plz comment on my deck thanx

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 16:46 as a comment on T2 Contagious


this decks look good as already suggested jace is a great card definetly main deck but you could sideboard it and sub it in in game two just to keep them guessing as to what your deck style is. also there are really no great infect flyers for attacking so the hawks are awesome for defense or sword them more for the effects than the damage. like the deck keeps your opponenet guessing
plz comment on my deck

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 16:20 as a comment on Caw Go Infect


this deck looks impressive howd you do with it? youve got a nice mana curve to lay an infector every turn after turn 2 maybe a putrefax ot phyrexian hydra to sideboard as your top ends a little small its nice to have some bigsjust in case. normally i would suggest garruk for an infect deck but in this on im not sure if you have room for him his +3\+3 trample is a game ender most of the time
plz comment on my infect deck

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 11:26 as a comment on FNM Infect


why not put in a memnite instead of the darksteel that way you can trinket mage it into your hand then play it and shape anew it without the 1 extra mana i know it doesnt seem like a big deal but sometimes 1 extra manas a killer
look at my infect deck and let me know what you think

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 11:13 as a comment on U/B Blighsteel Control


this looks like it could be a good deck sometimes you might run in to a problem and not get the mana to play i would put in some fetch lands and possibly some harrows but its hard to say what to take out
Plz comment on my Ajani/Garruk infect deck

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Posted 15 February 2011 at 11:10 as a comment on 1st try at a tri-colored infect deck


This deck looks like it could be effective but it may struggle in the later rounds i would suggest putting in a couple of bigs like putrefax, phyrexian hydra maybe even phyrexian juggernaut. also garruk wildspeaker is an awesome card in an infect deck his +3/+3 and trample ability is awesome and you can use it second turn ofter you drop him its usually an insta kill. plz comment on my Ajani?Garruk infect deck let me know what you think

Deck link:

Posted 15 February 2011 at 11:07 as a comment on U/G Infect Control


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