ya, a couple rogue's passage/
let us know how it plays out please.
Warrior's lesson.
no shit, really? Pit Fight is a kill card?!?!?!!?!?! <insert sarcasm in case you missed it>
With so much life gain, I don't think need for pit fight. I would add two more charms and a land.
Thrull Parasite, instead of Denizen? I like the option to remove a counter from something, and also gaining life for casting spells.
I liked the Satyr at first, and I agree with you that it is good early on, but later in the game it got me killed by creatures getting pumped up with instants. Also, in my mono red deck very similar to this, I'm trying magma jet in place of shock: i was worried about going from 1 to 2 mana, and it has been working out.
Ash Zealot for sure! Also, I don't like that Satyr either; probably cuz I don't like things that hurt me.
Ya, I'd mainboard both the Priest and Reckoner, and drop Evangel of Heliod and Court Street Denizen.
Ash Zealot > Rakdos Shreadfreaks
I took out Ajani since they are both 3 costs. I got to try it out today and mentor of the meek and brave the elements came in really handy!!!! Thanks for the tips. I'm keeping Cloistered Youth because I like it ;)Looking forward to Friday.
This looks fun to play although I'm not a big fan of Assemble the Legion. How has this deck been doing when you play?
This looks pretty solid, but the 21 lands scare me (and so does the Chaos Imp). But it seems that you have play tested it and it works.Personally, i would try this:- 3 helix- 1 imp+2 Spear+1 Foundry+1 loyalist
I was able to add 2 Brave the Elements, and I would like to add 2 Mentor of the Meek, but I don't know what to take out!
I like, but more creatures -1 forest-1 rancor-1 doomblade+2 blood scivener+1 lotleth
very nice deck, fun looking.
slitherhead instead of direghoul? I think coming in tapped later game sucks. and slitherhead allows you to discard it and then scavenge it for Lotleth.
cool/fun looking deck, i gotta try this out.
Grizly Salvage! smart card for this deck for sure. Have you tried Deadbridge Goliath? And I'm not sure about tormented soul. How is this deck working right now?
Too many red vampires. Sucks when the card yo have flipped for nocturnous isn't black. I'd for sure drop the blademaster. Also add evolving winds, so you can shuffle your deck if the flipped card isn't black.
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