I'm surprised that everyone talked so much about Voice of Resurgence and no one suggested Kitchen Finks instead.
Hey I've been thinking about a deck like this as well. I think you're missing the two strongest cards though, Leonin Arbiter and Aven Mindcensor. They make Path to Exile and Ghost Quarter a lot stronger, and they frustrate your opponents trying to use fetchlands or other deck searches. Also watch out running 4 Thalia since you can only have one out at a time. I really like Silence though. I hadn't thought of that.
Yes, but since standard is a pretty slow format you try to control the board in the early game grinding out value from MV. Eventually casting Day's Undoing will draw a new hand to giving you the resources to deal 20 dmg. I haven't played this deck but it looks like it will be fine going down to 3 or 4 cards as long as you have at least 1 non-land card. I wouldn't keep a hand with only DU unless I had 4 or less cards.
I'm all for running just red especially since I'm assuming you don't have correct dual lands to play multiple colors. Especially for legacy you will have to pay close to the upper end of $200 - $1000 just for the lands. Dragons mostly belong in your sideboard, and I would only suggest running 3 of them: thundermaw hellkite, avaricious dragon, and siege dragon. Thundermaw hellkite is good enough to put in your main deck, but you don't want to run more than 2 of them because you want to win the game before fifth turn. Avaricious dragon is great in some red decks that don't have anymore cards in hand or decks that want to discard when you play him. Siege dragon is a good sideboard choice if you are going play against hate bears or a silly killer wall deck.You should stay away from enchantments and slow cards like brood keeper, dragon egg, and dragonmaster outcast. It will probably just be easier to show you. I don't have class this morning so I can show you my idea in a deck in a minute.A red deck's strength is its ability to overwhelm your opponent early game. This deck isn't going to work because everything is too slow. It doesn't really have a chance to start doing damage until 5th or 6th turn and by then your opponent if going to have killed you a long time ago. You need 1 drops that are going to make a difference early game like lightning bolt and monastery swiftspear or more expensive options like goblin guide or vexing devil. Google a deck called, Red Deck Wins! the exclamation point is part of the deck name.
If Steve is running cavern of souls I would guess that it's because he already bought them for a different deck. So their cost isn't significant. If you don't have them already they aren't worth buying for this deck but it's really not a bad extra precaution to protect the combo especially since this deck doesn't really need much color from its land base.Since no one has mentioned it though, for a budget version of remand and swansong you could easily substitute mana leak, spell pierce, and spell snare. Its probably better for the deck anyway because it doesn't allow your opponent to path to exile your labratory maniac twice to beat you. I also think I need to point out that you can't use quicken to transmute at instant speed, so a kill spell or serum visions may be more efficient.
Hahaha bro you don't want to start planning for competitive play if you just started playing. That's skipping too many steps. You should build any deck you like/can afford that's competitive in the format you want to play and start by playing a few thousand games at a competitive FNM or online. You need to have a lot of experience to understand how to out-play your opponent, and to ensure you're playing your deck as efficiently as possible. You also need to get lucky because even if your deck has a favorable match-up against another deck you aren't guaranteed to win.
That's great. If you really want to play competitively, deck building isn't what you should be focusing on. You need to be able to predict the most popular decks and bring a deck that has good match ups against them. You should start with some research on deck Archetypes and you should really study mtgtop8.com to find out what other people are playing.
I would suggest playing Shrapnel Bast if you were still playing Hangarback Walker, but otherwise GB is much better.
Hey Mgan, As a new player you may want to start in a less competitive format. Swarmer is giving you advice for legacy, but if you've just started playing you wont have the necessary card knowledge to put together a competitive deck. You may want to begin by modifying some of the pre-made decks for standard or commander instead. That way you won't need to pick between thousands of cards that you may or may not have access to. If you have any questions about formats like standard and legacy MTGvault explains that in Card Legality to the right of your deck list. My favorite formats are modern and EDH (commander). If you are looking for a competitive deck for Friday tournaments I would suggest getting the Battle for Zendikar event deck. It contains a lot of powerful cards and it isn't very expensive. If you just want to play casually you may want to look at some of the pre-made Commander decks. If you want to see what pros are playing in each format check out mtgtop8.comIf you want to see my favorite deckhttp://www.mtgvault.com/rshukla1490/decks/just-junk/
Hey I saw your comment on that kitchen deck, and I would really be careful before trying to call this a tier 1 deck. First of all this deck doesn't have any way to deal with Splinter Twin. Second, to beat a tier 1 aggro deck like Affinity you need to have the perfect starting hand: Knight of the Reliquary, Retreat to Coralhelm, a mana dork, Emrakul, and 2 lands that have all your colors. That's in the first 9 or 10 cards of your deck depending on if you play first or not. That isn't going to happen very often.Also your deck title is incorrect because your combo can't play Emrakul 3rd turn when you are running so many shock lands. Assuming you played Knight of the Reliquary second turn with a mana dork and you play another land and Retreat to Coralhelm third turn. You have one mana that you can use before your combo on that turn. That means you are going to have to have to use the combo to get 14 untapped lands to play Emrakul. You only have 4 basic lands so you have to go get 10 untapped shock lands which deals 20 dmg to you and kills you.I'm sorry if this is coming off as harsh, and I want you to know I think this is a good concept for your deck. It's just a little bit of a misuse of the combo. Focusing on changes: most importantly there isn't any reason to play all those huge creatures. Knight of the reliquary can 1 shot your opponent when his combo goes off because he pumps himself by sacrificing lands. For this you don't need the lands to enter untapped, so they won't kill you. Also those huge creatures leave your deck extremely vulnerable to hand disruption like Thoughsieze or Inquisition of Kozilek because you end up with dead cards you will never get to play if they get rid of your combo pieces. I would suggest adding cards that are going to help draw or scry so you can find your combo pieces like Serum Visions or Collected Company. You should run Noble Hierarch as your main mana dork, and maybe Lotus Cobra instead of Arbor Elf and Avacyn's Pilgrim. Either way I wouldn't run more than 6 mana dorks because they are useless late game. Also pretty much all white modern decks need Path to Exile. It would also be very helpful to run some board clearers like Supreme Verdict.You also have tons of landfall, so steppe lynx, lotus cobra, or undergrowth champion would be very strong in this deck. Abrupt Decay which is common in jund, junk, or sultai/delver decks will still stop your combo, and there isn't any way to protect yourself from it.
Yeah when I read the deck name I assumed you would be running kitchen finks.
We might have to agree to disagree on that, but let me try to explain with an example.Kalastria healer creates a life spread of 2 health each time an ally enters the battle field since you gain 1 life and your opponent loses 1 life. With ondu cleric as long as you have more than 1 other ally on the field you are going to gain at least 3 life for each ally that enters the battle field. Think about playing collected company early in the game while you have 2 allies in play one of them being kalastria healer or ondu cleric. If you had have kalastria healer and one other ally in play you gain 2 life and deal 2 damage for the entering allies from collected company. With Ondu Cleric and one other ally you gain 8 life from the two entering allies. While kalastria healer will lower your opponents life total, it will never have a big impact on a game because you are always stuck pinging for 1 damage. Ondu Cleric on the other hand has a larger impact as the game goes on.
Yeah i would leave lantern in for sure I was thinking sub for kalastria healer
Hey I think you're missing the best life gaining ally, Ondu Clerk. It might look weak but it gets out of hand really quickly especially if you have 2 of them out.
This deck needs treasure cruise!
This deck needs treasure cruise not treasure hunt!
Yeah hes not bad I would take out the most expensive stuff first, but since you put it that way sorry I have to ask. You know that Guttersnipe doesn't combo with Pyromaster Ascension right?
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