I wasn't trying to be an ass about it. English is not my native language. Here (Brazil) the hero's name is Perseu. http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseu.But, just in case you didn't really knew, I gave the link to be helpful. And I would like to know what you think about the deck.
Ludevic's Test Subject is a awesome card!Since the main point of the deck is to make it transform, I suggest using a set of clockspinning. Not only it adds a counter, but it also has buyback, making the transformations even faster.For that I would remove Gridlock and Tome Scour.
Thanks for the suggestion. The only reason I don't use Fog Bank is because it can die easily to a Bolt or Lightning Strike. For just one mana more, Wall of Frost blocks everything and freezes the creature that attacks.What would you remove to make room for Fog Bank?