You cannot use the Boros recruit in a deck with Krenko, Mobb Boss as commander. You can only use red cards and there is a white mana symbol on that card...
This deck could use some hellriders...To burn your opponent faster.But i don't no what to change in this deck ;)
I agree with Orling Archwing dragon are very good against U/R/W- or U/W decks. And some slaughter games in the sideboard wouldn't hurt either... But it is a good deck!
If you also want to put together a sideboard you could think of 4x Archwing Dragon... But it is a very nice deck!
I like the deck! Maybe switch out 2x archwing dragpn for 2x thundermaw hellkite? Do you mind taking a look at my red aggro deck??
If you want an another win condition try 4x doorkeeper and some other mill cards ;)
I need some advice on my 2 decks Red aggro standard: Token standard:
And maybe you could change the shred-freaks for 2 more ash zealot...
MAybe some Traitorous Blood in the sideboard!
Hellrider would be a great option in this format. Maybe take out 2x cryptborn horror and 2x Archwing dragon. Do you mind taking a look at my deck?
Maybe you could throw in some goblin electromancer or something like that. It makes your instants and sorcerys cheaper. This way you could play your spells faster...
It has white and green on his card so you can use that one if you want to!
Try to fit in 4x pyreheart wolf, it makes this deck more consistent. I use them instead of guttersnipe and have 4x guttersnipe in the sideboard so I can burn them even faster if I need to.
Mayby you could make Rhys, the redeemed your Commander??
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