
1 Deck, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Looks good, but a few suggestions:

-3 darksteel relic(dead draw)
+2/3 accorders shield(less dead draw)
+1/0 mox opal(ik u dont want to spend money)

-1 spikeshot elder(3 mana to activate!)
+1 devil's play(bomby)

-3 curse of the stalked prey (its not as good as...)
+3 arc trail(one of the best burn spells in standard)

-3 chimeric mass(only good w/ grand architect)
+2 shrine o' burnin' rage(u play red. u play shrine)
+1 goblin wardriver(moar battle cry? Oh my!)

Mabs adaptive automaton? Idk

Posted 21 November 2011 at 06:16 as a comment on It's over already? (FAST standard red deck)


I hate to break it to u man, but Grave Titan + Heartless Summoning = Bad Grave Titan

Of all of the titans, this one becomes by far the worst. And there are soooo many other bomb 6 drops:

Wurmcoil, wurmcoil, wurmcoil, primeval, carnifex demon, wurmcoil, mabs even carnage wurm(but he's a 7drop :O!!!!), and most importantly, wurmcoil.

Posted 20 November 2011 at 08:10 in reply to #211486 on [standard] heartless summoning
