This isn't mono black
I cut 2 runners bane that was all
Yep definitely splash red, maybe Rakdos guildgates would be good.
Also red has some good board sweepers
Yeah red might also be some good win condition, i.e. Burn, lighting bolt
Suggestions for sideboard would be most appreciated.
This deck is really similar to my Yep,Ramp deck. Really Good!
Why is there Fury Charm in the sideboard?
Maybe you want to get some more Fear guys in.
Why, I don't need to populate or prevent damage if all goes accordingly.
It might be expensive
Grave Titan, maybe 2?
Thanks I was reviewing a bunch big green creatures but they were all reliant on Forests, while I use mana creatures.
What is the win condition?
I only have 2 Runners bane,
But runners bane is great early removal and I like the giant and instructability combo.
Maybe but what would you take out for Azor's Elocuters?
Dude you can't even play this deck in legacy. Why build it? Casual?
Great Deck, but what do you do when they have big defenders and a combo?
I'm not sure. High tide is pretty good to help get a Frost Titan out sooner. Would the Signet be able to do the same?
1-20 of 22 items