maybe dragon mage to refill your hand and possibly get a really amplified kilnmouth. and possibly run hammer of purphoros to get haste for all those dragons.
thanks very much i've always loved dragons and making a deck that can operate efficiently and fast was my goal just not too sure of what i should be using side board
daring skyjek is a human so he triggers the xathrid necromancer if he dies. though ill def try the pegasus to see how much it can help do to the evasion it grants.
also cant have two academy rectors. tho would add darksteel plate, akroma's memorial, and maybe a sword or two or maybe kaldra equipment. pull emrakul for reya dawnbringer or one of the other big eldrazi.
u can check out my jenara deck to maybe come up with some better stuff to help u out
maybe add in ashnod's altar and heartstone.
and batterskulls if ya can get em or basilisk collars they are cheap and amazing
maybe add in mirran crusader
its a solution for when they drop a wrath of god or something similar
alter of dementia believe me it makes people scared
dragon broodmother
you could try running brawn for the trample and wonder for flying all ya have to do is get them dead and have a forest or island in play respectively. also maybe that land from dissension that had graft can't remember wat its called. maybe that will help ya some not sure.
urza's saga