Clerical Error...

by rokucross on 02 March 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

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Deck Description

I have no idea what this deck tries to accomplish. Really, it just sets out to shut down the field, and then... I guess bleed opponents out with Blightspeaker? I'm not sure, just built it for kicks and giggles. X3 Do leave suggestions though.

Deck Tags

  • Casual
  • Multiplayer

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 900 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Clerical Error...

Personally I would swap the soul wardens for souls attendants. They are the same except the attendants let you choose if you gain the life or not. I like having the choice. :)
Also, some other good clerics: transcendent master, and mikeaus the lunarch. Those would go well in here I think. And ic you want something to beef up your creatures, adaptive automaton is great for creature types that dont have "Lord" cards... Such as clerics. :)

Posted 02 March 2013 at 10:59


Hi there! I just made a cleric deck that has been really fun to play. I'll link to it at the end so you can check it out if interested. Either way I have some suggestions for this deck. I know you just kinda threw this together but you need a clearer direction and to cut a few cards that are just too weak.

Mother of Runes is the best cleric and probably the best white 1 drop in the game. Protection is better than life prevention.
Starlit Sanctum could be a good way to trigger morbid.
Hallowed Healer is a bad card, cut it in favor of more of just about any other card in the deck.
Ghostly Prison seems way better than Sphere of Safety.
Academy Rector is a great (but expensive) enchantment fetcher and can be a win condition with Test of Endurance.
Mirror Entity can be a powerful pumper for mid and late game. He will also effectively be a cleric in play or for Patriarch's Bidding.
Beloved Chaplain is nice.
It may not fit this deck but Dark Supplicant and Scion of Darkness are a fun cleric trick.

Good luck with the deck!

Mursh's Semi-Competitive Legacy Clerics:

Posted 02 March 2013 at 16:50
