Thanks, I saw fling and just about immediately set aside whatever deck idea I had at the time for it. I need to clean it up a bit and round things out, but it should be a fun, "what the hell?" factor
The deck mainly runs off of white, so getting a double red on turn two would be tricky. This also isnt a heavy batallion deck, otherwise the elite would definitely be in there. Dryad takes the place of the elite on the mana curve, thus giving a constant 2 power for one mana and some protection from flashback. I do love me some burning tree though!
Thanks, it was an idea that evolved as I was making the deck. Fog seems like it would add a nice buffer for the build up like you said. I was also thinking of adding pithing needle in there somewhere. Although I think I only want to add it cause I'm a fan of the card lol