Yu Yu Hakusho reference, too?! HAHAHA
Tensa Zangetsu? :D
Pfft, Ken-chan named himself.
Menos Grande!
You mean Sado's? (I may be making a Bleach reference, but I'm not sure if you are here. :p)
BYAKUYA! I swear, I'm playing Where's Waldo right now, it's fun. :p
HAHAHA, Mayuri. :3
Man, is there something with you and Quincies? :p
Well then, expect ten comments from me. :)
I was honestly considering putting Omnath in... but I forgot the reason why I didn't put him in now. Oh well, I'll fit Omnath in somewhere.
But see, that's only in the situation of having six green mana. Besides, with the oracle of Mul Daya, the land count should increase pretty fast, and I'll be benefitting more instead of losing some. Anyway, I like H of S, but I think I'd stick with Dawn's Reflection. I'll find a spot for it somewhere in this deck.
Is the deck name a reference to Bleach? Awesome, dude.
1) It's Storm Crow. Storm Crow beats everything. Storm Crow ate Nicol Bolas for breakfast, Demigod of Revenge for lunch, the Eldrazis for dinner and Baneslayer Angel for dessert. Best part is that it's strictly better than Storm Crow. 2) This entire deck only costs $22. I'd rather spend $20 on a fun deck with the best card in the game than $150 on 32 rats.
Some of your walkers would be pretty useless, like Tezzeret and Nissa. So... yeah.
Oh man, this is great. Once you get Thrumming Stone out, you'll be crazy powerful. There's not much I can suggest, Relentless Rats decks are always tons of fun!
I just noticed how redundant that comment sounds xD Butyeah, in a nutshell, add Wall of Reverence, Edge of the Divinity and Nip Gwyllion. And maybe if you get your Divinity and Nip up to insane levels, you could rid yourself of the Angel's Mercy and Soul's Grace and let your WoR do the lifegaining :p
Awesome, I run a similar deck, but I've got Walls of Reverence and Edges of the Divinity. They'd go nicely with your creatures, and especially your Divinity of Pride. Maybe throwing in a few Edges of the Divinity would be pretty helpful as well, particularly for your Divinity of Pride. Personally, I'd switch the Mistmeadow Skulk with a Nip Gwyllion, only because of how well it goes with Edge. And by turn 2 you could potentially have a 4/4 lifelinker, maybe even a 7/7!
I'm really liking this deck; it's fast, powerful and cheap. Maybe throw in a Furnace of Rath or two to double the damage done? With or without it, this is a good deck.
Alright, thanks. I don't really plan on using Tezz for the win, just for fun if I can stay in play long enough. Maybe to avoid the FtV:Exiled cards (Skullclamp, Sensei's Divining Top, etc.) in my deck, I'll just replace the Skullclamps for the Mycosynths and sideboard the two. Speaking of which, I need to develop a sideboard of some kind. I was thinking maybe taking out the Sculptors and Sanctum Gargoyles for Inkwell Leviathans and other fatties to have more big creatures to Transmute. Then probably add in other counter spells (Hindering Light, Countersquall, etc.). What do you think?