Is the Spitemare/Stuffy Doll+Guilty Concience combo even legal? Would it just endlessly do damage to itself if you had a bubble matrix or regeneration attached to one of them?
I also might through in some more fetch cards just to make sure you get your combo. I like it a lot though.
the fastbond + zuran orb+crucible is a good combo. I guess you could do that endlessly and with vinelasher in play you ramp him up for the kill. Nice deck man.
1x Hellkite Overlord 1x Dreadship Reef
I love myrs and I never thought of using them as an eldrazi combo. You might try eldrazi conscription. Do you mind if I try my hand at this concept and use a few of your ideas?
How were you able to make them all 5/5? That is pretty awesome though.
I like Fusion Elemental and Ethersworn Adjudicator. Molten Frame is also pretty cool.
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