
32 Decks, 26 Comments, 39 Reputation

[[Evershrike]] comes to mind.
Could also use some more interaction imo. [[Vindicate]] if you're okay with sorcery-speed removal, or [[Utter End]] if you're willing to pay four mana.
How fast is the deck altogether?

Posted 02 October 2023 at 22:16 as a comment on Eriette, Aura's Matter


Is [[Prowess of the Fair]] even valid in this deck, since it makes Green tokens?
Also, I see you went with the Diamonds instead of your usual [[Firemind Vessel]].

Posted 08 September 2022 at 02:15 as a comment on BEDH: Orzhov... Elves?


It most certainly is, as a matter of fact.

Those are some good Walkers you mentioned; I overlooked those ones.
I thought about adding Clasp+Engine and [[Inexorable Tide]]; I'll see if I can fit them in here somehow.

Thanks for the helpful comment!

Posted 22 August 2022 at 06:53 in reply to #648244 on Atraxa Budget Commander


My first thought was; when playing this deck as the Archenemy, I would want somethings to protect me against aggressive decks like you said. [[Circle of Flame]] and [[Aether Membrane]]/[[Wall of Razors]] come to mind.

Posted 14 March 2022 at 03:39 as a comment on BD: Tectonic Strength (AE)


I think I see Northy's reasoning-- Jungle Creeper is a 3/3, so it can do more than just chump-block.
(You don't mind if I call you by that, do you?)

I also used to have a "graveyard value" deck of my own, which was centred around [[Zombie Infestation]]. Just putting that out there incase it gives ya any inspiration.

Posted 23 November 2021 at 01:01 in reply to #645281 on BD: Graveyard Valuetown


I see what you're trying to do. I think the biggest weakness in this current build are the quantities. But you're on the right track.

[[Shock]] and [[Lightning Strike]] are great; infact I would use 4 of each if I were you. [[Faithless Looting]] and [[Tormenting Voice]]/[[Thrill of Possibility]] can of course help you dig, unless you wanna go the [[Browbeat]]/[[Risk Factor]] route.
Since you're using so many spells, you could benefit greatly from [[Kiln Fiend]] and [[Chandra's Spitfire]]. You can also get value out of cards like [[Viashino Pyromancer]] or [[Ashmouth Hound]].
As for the "buff" portion, [[Reckless Charge]] is a must. You've already got [[Infuriate]] and [[Unleash Fury]], which are both fine too. You might also consider 1-2 [[Assault Strobe]] or [[Temur Battle Rage]]/[[Raking Claws]].
[[Fling]] & [[Thud]] are excellent choices. [[Soul's Fire]] also comes to mind.
If you wanna go the sacrifice route like your sideboard implies, [[Mudbutton Torchrunner]] and [[Tuktuk the Explorer]] are good for that; so is [[Furnace Celebration]] if you're doing it often enough.

I hope this gave you some ideas. Best of luck with your deckbuilding endeavours!

(Phew, I went off on quite a tangent, didn't I?)

Posted 30 May 2021 at 00:23 as a comment on Toasty!


Pretty good! I would be intimidated if I had to play against this, ngl.
One suggestion:- Have you considered [[Mudbutton Torchrunner]] over Arsonist? Or even alongside it. That way you can get even more value from Grenade.

Posted 11 March 2021 at 01:53 as a comment on Smashing Goblins


[[Cast Down]] isn't Pauper, (I think) but might I recommend [[Hideous End]] instead?

Posted 09 March 2021 at 16:07 as a comment on monoB Pauper: Control


That's alotta Mountains! o.o"

Posted 17 June 2019 at 23:31 as a comment on Amonkhet Fat Pack sealed


I've heard Sol Ring is restricted to 1 in every format where it's even legal, even Kitchen Table Magic. If not, it's still just common courtesy to not use more than 1 anyhow.

Posted 12 June 2019 at 22:46 as a comment on GreenBluSlivs


Not bad at all! I like the inclusion of Decree of Justice and Elspeth. Might I also suggest Hero of Bladehold, for your consideration?

Posted 02 June 2019 at 17:56 as a comment on Soldier Token


I can see why you included Figure of Destiny, and as much as I love that card, I feel as tho' Dungeon Geists would fit the deck better. Also, maybe takeout the random GitProbe and Mana Leak for..... hmm, let's see..... maybe either Authority of the Consuls if you want an early game buffer, OR-- my personal favourite-- AEtherspouts, for if the opponent gets too setup and you gotta deal with it somehow.

Otherwise, looks just fine!

Posted 02 June 2019 at 17:51 as a comment on Spirit


Admittedly, this deck looks like ya went thru your collection of Green fatties and went "ooh, this one looks coool, I'll throw it in a deck!" at each one. So my questions for you are:- What is your win condition? How consistently can you get it off? If it's within your budget, Fauna Shaman might help with getting the right tool for the job.

OR, if randomness & unpredictability is what you are going for, you might try cards such as Lurking Predators or Pattern of Rebirth, which can also help you sneak those 'spensive big guys onto the field. If you do wanna go all out with this idea, here's a short list of other fatty creatures I could think of:-

Gaea's Revenge
Rampaging Baloths
Pelakka Wurm
Elderscale Wurm
Garruk's Horde
Obstinate Baloth
Silklash Spider

Come to think of it, all this might go better in a Garruk-themed deck.

Posted 31 May 2019 at 19:51 as a comment on Landfall


Since you're exerting so often, you leave yourself open for a turn. Have you thought of adding more cards that let you untap your creatures so you can block if needed?

Other than that, I like how you managed to keep the deck theme-y. =P

Posted 29 May 2019 at 17:57 as a comment on Boros Exert


Pretty good! I like it, but..... why so many cards? Do you want help cutting quantities to get it down to 60?

Posted 29 May 2019 at 17:50 as a comment on Myr deck


Ya could take out 1 True Conviction (3 is abit much imo; you wanna be able to see it often enough without it being a dead draw) and maybe 1 Akroma's (it is a 7-drop, afterall) for 2 Privileged Position.
Also, how does the deck do in terms of draw power?

Posted 26 May 2019 at 21:52 in reply to #625022 on Knights of Orzhov


I like the simplicity of the concept, but I think some of the card choices/quantities are abit odd. Things like Akroma's Memorial, True Conviction, Sky Ruin and especially Sol Ring feel out of place in here. Infact, if you wanted to, I feel like you could easily adjust this deck to even be Standard legal.

Posted 26 May 2019 at 05:51 as a comment on Knights of Orzhov


If you wanna make it Legacy, ya could drop Skewer the Critics for Reckless Abandon and effectively have 80% more Goblin Grenades!

Posted 22 May 2019 at 06:41 as a comment on Casual Goblins


Not bad at all! Have you thought of adding Deranged Assistant or Kessig Cagebreakers? The former helps you with mana ramping while filling your graveyard, while the latter takes advantage of the full grave you're bound to have late-game.
I approve of Boneyard Wurm, Splinterfright, Mulch, Satyr Wayfinder, and Mirror-Mad Phantasm. You could also make very good use of Gnaw to the Bone, considering how much stuff you're dumping into your graveyard.
All in all, I quite like this!

Posted 10 July 2017 at 08:36 as a comment on All Hail the Ghoultree


I like it. It's simple and straightfoward. Very nice.

Oh and also, Soul's Fire is always something I use in the same deck with Fling.

Posted 05 September 2013 at 11:18 as a comment on Elemental Synergy


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