
6 Decks, 10 Comments, 2 Reputation

Chain lightning would definitely be something to consider, and I have a bunch of Staggershocks and they should work pretty darn well now that I think about it. Not sure about Seismic Assault, as I rarely have land to ditch. Thanks for the suggestions.

Posted 31 July 2011 at 01:01 in reply to #186995 on Swans Deck


Simply because it's made from cards that I've gotten from the box's and packs I've bought (I have bought a bunch of M11 and stuff :D).

Posted 31 July 2011 at 00:03 in reply to #186995 on Swans Deck


Neat deck, but it seems really reliant on Topor Orb. Maybe drop the pump spells for things like Priveleged Position or Leonin Abundas, or even Guttural Response or something to get it back to your hand. Just to make sure the orb doesn't get blown up.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 05:03 as a comment on Torpor Stompy


One very important thing to note is that your deck must be at least 60 cards, so I would definitely try to make sure you have hit that mark.

I'm not sure what cards you have access to, but try to work your way to having multiples of a card in your deck. If you really want to draw a card include 4, if you only want to draw it sometimes try 2. One of's are generally bad if you want a consistent deck. Basically don't run a whole ton of one of's.

For a Grixis colored deck. Maybe look into running black for the Go for The Throats and discard, like Duress. Red can be used for Shock and Lightning Bolt for Removal, and blue Gives you access to Counterspell and the like. Try to get a few more of either Frost Titan or Sphinx of Jwar Isle.

Really look to run cards that work toward a common theme (controlling your enemy as I suggested or whatever you want) and run them in multiples to be consistent.

Posted 30 July 2011 at 03:10 as a comment on My first deck


When making a deck try not to have just one of a card unless you have a way to get it. For a deck like this you are going to want to run 4 of's of small effecient creatures, with a good amount of removal. For example (such as elite vanguard).

I would suggest looking online for a deck type known as "White Weenie". Consider maybe going mono white and make a "White Weenie" deck. You can make it cheap, and the green cards in here wouldn't work out well anyway do to there mana costs (however you can take some of them and make a mono green beast beat-down deck).

Look for cards like:

Honor of the Pure
Leonin Relic Warder
Signal Pest

Long post but I hope it helps.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 06:02 as a comment on Green White Weenie


Zetkar Shrine Expedition is a nice budget RDW spell. Maybe drop Searing Blaze or Furnace Scamp for it. Searing blazes REQUIRES a creature to be on the field and may fizzle some times.

Might want to sideboard some, Shocks and Incinerates. Maybe some Act of Treasons too, they can be a suprising combat trick to help deal with creatures in your way.

Overall a nice budget burn deck

Posted 29 July 2011 at 05:24 as a comment on Budget RDW


Interesting concept, I like it. You may want to look at the card Putrefy as it can pull double duty. Hypnotic Specter is discard on a stick and would probably be good at shutting their hand down.

It seems you may be in danger of loosing life from your draw spells and being hit by a creature that is then destroyed by no mercy, and also a lot of permanents if they burn your totem. Elixer of immortality may be something to consider as it keeps you alive and can shuffle anything in your graveyard back into your deck.

Overall though a cool deck!

Posted 29 July 2011 at 05:05 as a comment on gb control (please help)


I like this concept. You may want to look at adding Kiln Fiend, it can get nasty and would work with your Goblin Tunneler.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 04:50 as a comment on Dat Fling - First Deck


I would do your best to not use one-of's. They are usually not good unless you have a way to get them from your deck.

For a black green infect deck you will probably want to try and get Glistener Elves and Mutagenic Growths, these combined with other pump spells (titanic growth, giant growth) means you can hit really hard in one turn.

Try to drop things like virulent swipe, and cultivate, anything that really doesn't fit in with the whole infect theme.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 02:16 as a comment on Infectious Personality


That could work, but I'm not sure if I could consistently stick a Wolfbriar or a Packmaster (people seem to like to nuke them :/) so that I would get a bigger boost than overrun.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 01:19 in reply to #186414 on Wolf Token Deck
