
87 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

Pretty standard re-animator combo. Dump Necrotic Ooze, Phyrexian Devourer, and Triskelion into graveyard. Reanimate Necrotic, win. Or, Triskelion and Mikaeous win.

A rather budget version of competitive Meren. Sideboard cards make the deck more competitive.

Posted 11 February 2017 at 00:47 in reply to #595634 on Meren Meren Meren


Yes, at least it will be after I finish making cuts. I made it public so I could get my friend's opinion.

Posted 11 January 2016 at 20:17 in reply to #572315 on Ruric Thar, the Unbowed


I agree. I added Stormtide Leviathan and am considering Inkwell Leviathan. I felt that dr was right and adding them to the deck would make Proteus Staff more versatile while only slightly detracting from the original intent.

I should have all the cards in a couple days. Can't wait to play it.

Posted 20 January 2015 at 20:38 in reply to #528939 on Talrand EDH


Yeah, that's awesome. You just may be a genius.

Posted 16 January 2015 at 09:04 in reply to #528939 on Talrand EDH


Runechanter's Pike would definitely be powerful but it does not fit with what I want the deck to be in my mind. You are definitely right about chromatic lantern and sapphire medallion is interesting but I think I might run to many one drops to really make use of it?
I considered running all of your other suggestions but concluded I would prefer to try and make as many drakes as possible and winning because I out swarmed them. The goal is to win while letting my opponents do whatever they want with their own board state, for the most part. If it effects me I have to intervene but I don't want to counter everything ever. My biggest fears are Elesh Norn, Akroma's Memorial, Eldrazi Monument, board wipes, and Talrand getting removed. I want to let my opponents do whatever they want as long as it isn't one of those things.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 19:54 in reply to #528939 on Talrand EDH


All really good ideas. I completely missed Future Sight but I will definitely pick one up.

I saw Back to Basics and a bunch of other cards that make lands into islands. I decided to stay away from them, I typically play the the same group of friends and we don't take kindly to messing with lands. Haha.

Polymorph sounds amazing. I just have to decide what creatures I want to play. Maybe Magus of the Future for a second Future Sight ability. Jin Gitaxus or Consecrated Sphinx would also be good for replenishing my hand but I think I want to try to avoid cards that make everyone else at the table sad/target me. Another advantage to Polymorph is that it will find my general if he gets tucked, ideally I will be able to counter but you never know. Tuck effects are what I was most worried about, without Talrand the deck won't do anything.

I considered Switheroo, am still considering, it was one of the last cuts. Elesh Norn will destroy me, I would probably end up holding onto Switcheroo just for her. Again, ideally I will counter her, but having an option for worst case scenario is always good. About 25% of the time Norn is tricked out, can't counter that.

Mystic Speculation is being thought about. I originally cut it because it didn't actually draw me a card but with the buyback I don't lose a card.

The remaining issue is what cards to drop. I am looking for 7-10 drop targets.

Posted 14 January 2015 at 19:43 in reply to #528925 on Talrand EDH
