Pretty standard re-animator combo. Dump Necrotic Ooze, Phyrexian Devourer, and Triskelion into graveyard. Reanimate Necrotic, win. Or, Triskelion and Mikaeous win.A rather budget version of competitive Meren. Sideboard cards make the deck more competitive.
Yes, at least it will be after I finish making cuts. I made it public so I could get my friend's opinion.
I agree. I added Stormtide Leviathan and am considering Inkwell Leviathan. I felt that dr was right and adding them to the deck would make Proteus Staff more versatile while only slightly detracting from the original intent.I should have all the cards in a couple days. Can't wait to play it.
Yeah, that's awesome. You just may be a genius.
Runechanter's Pike would definitely be powerful but it does not fit with what I want the deck to be in my mind. You are definitely right about chromatic lantern and sapphire medallion is interesting but I think I might run to many one drops to really make use of it?I considered running all of your other suggestions but concluded I would prefer to try and make as many drakes as possible and winning because I out swarmed them. The goal is to win while letting my opponents do whatever they want with their own board state, for the most part. If it effects me I have to intervene but I don't want to counter everything ever. My biggest fears are Elesh Norn, Akroma's Memorial, Eldrazi Monument, board wipes, and Talrand getting removed. I want to let my opponents do whatever they want as long as it isn't one of those things.
All really good ideas. I completely missed Future Sight but I will definitely pick one up.I saw Back to Basics and a bunch of other cards that make lands into islands. I decided to stay away from them, I typically play the the same group of friends and we don't take kindly to messing with lands. Haha.Polymorph sounds amazing. I just have to decide what creatures I want to play. Maybe Magus of the Future for a second Future Sight ability. Jin Gitaxus or Consecrated Sphinx would also be good for replenishing my hand but I think I want to try to avoid cards that make everyone else at the table sad/target me. Another advantage to Polymorph is that it will find my general if he gets tucked, ideally I will be able to counter but you never know. Tuck effects are what I was most worried about, without Talrand the deck won't do anything.I considered Switheroo, am still considering, it was one of the last cuts. Elesh Norn will destroy me, I would probably end up holding onto Switcheroo just for her. Again, ideally I will counter her, but having an option for worst case scenario is always good. About 25% of the time Norn is tricked out, can't counter that.Mystic Speculation is being thought about. I originally cut it because it didn't actually draw me a card but with the buyback I don't lose a card.The remaining issue is what cards to drop. I am looking for 7-10 drop targets.