Som en casual deck....så liker jeg ikke så godt "spot-removals - Crater's Claw". Det å "trade" kort for kort er dårlig uttelling. Kanskje noe slikt:
Snapcaster is in your deck only to take advantage of additional Mill-effect. But in all honesty, you're so low on regular Mill-cards that you will never be able to Mill down your opponent the regular way.Which means you only have two realistic win-conditions- Damage with creature- Combo out with Bloodchief.Since you're not playing any disrupts, you will most likely be dead if the game goes five rounds. That means that Traumatiz/Jace is rather useless.Kepp in mind that Burn decks kills in 3-4 rounds, Splinter Twin comboes on round 4 and the same does Pod decks.But if this is a social/casual deck, then offcourse....go for it :)
Your challenge will be to get counters on Bloodchief. You don't have any type of disrupts (hand disruption/counters/removal), so your opponent will have a relatively easy task to build a defense against your other creatures and to Bolt/Path your Inkfathom.
This deck seems to try to balance three different win-conditions:- Combo with Mind Crank/Bloodchief- Regular Milling- Death by Damage (Wight of Precinct Six/Mutavault)As it is no, the deck is only for social/casual play, in which case it is a bit pricy.As a competitive deck, you're playing a bit "fish bowl", and not interacting anything with your opponent. The challenge with playing on too many horses at once is that you might end up being too slow on each alternative. - The Combo will probably not happen, as you have no way to search and shuffle for it. Even if you get the combo out, you only have Inkfathom as a sure way to get counters on Bloodchief.- The Milling is a bit too slow to win on its own- You will stuggle to maintain enough creatures on the battlefield to establish sufficent board pressence to win with these. The few creatures that you have are very vulnerable to a Path/Bolt. Precinct Wight is easy to block with a token.Points for improvement:I would mainly narrow down my win-conditions. Either you try to win with the combo, or you try to win through regular milling.- Not sure why you play Balustrade Spy. As a four drop it doesn't provide much Mill-effect, neither is it very impressive on the board.- Jace, Memory Adept is too slow for this deck.- 4x Traumatize is way too many. One or two maximum.- If you're playing competivite, I would add Archive Trap. You can play the trap as a response to any fetch lands.- Mutavault doesn't add anything to the deck, except additional cost. Creeping Tar Pit is better and cheaper for the deck, as it's unblockable which is a sure way to get counters on Bloodchief. But this is a late game tactic, so two is probably enough.- For sideboard or mainboard you should consider Surgical Extraction or similar. If your opponent is playing Emrakul or similar, it will ruin both your plans to mill him to death or to kill him by Precinct Wight.- This deck will quickly rund out of steam. If you start to "top deck", you've probably already lost. I would therefor add Visions of Beyond to pick up the pace again.For a competitive regular Mill deck, please see:
If you're building a regular mill deck, you would not use Mindcrank. U/B Mill used to see some play previously. Now that the remaining fetch lands are introduced into modern, the deck may be revitalized again. But U/B Mill strill struggles against Leyline of Sanctity, which is a popular sideboard card. yet seen any competitive discard decks, but there are some interesting options
Your version is a Casual Vintage deck, trying to keep mine Competitive Modern. Not really comparable.
Another way to abuse Bloodshief Ascension is with Mindcrank.
Only applicable if your opponent plays enchantments in his deck. But yes, I see your point.
Fun casual concept.I would splash white for Academy Rector
Nice idea for a deck, allthough probably not very competitive in its format. Biggest threat for this deck is probably hand disruption from Thoughtseize/Hymn/Inquisition/FoW. These cads will force you to play defensively and counterspell, which again depletes the resource you need to cast and flip Erayo. Being heavily relient on playing multiple spells in succession the deck doesn't mulligan very well.Instead of Playing drift for its transmutation effect, I would rather focus on a soft lock, and use a combination of Sensei Divining Top, and Fetch Lands to find Arcane Lab. That would also open for the deck to utilize an SDT - Balance soft lock.A comment to some of the comments: No Legacy decks play Skylasher, while there are plenty of Legacy decks with Abrupt Decay.
The deck seems a bit too much focused on discard and creature disruption. Most black control decks utilize Pox-build to also attack land base. it is now Stoneblade/Deathblade/Death&Taxes will most likely wipe you out with Batterskull. I can't see that you have anything to properly counter that.
Well, it is a nice casual tribal deck as it is. But if you want to make it competitive in a format, you will have to tweak it a bit :)
By including Galina and True-Name you've made the deck legacy, but it doesn't sound from your previous comments that you can afford to include the remaining legacy staples to the deck (e.g. Force of Will). Then I'd rather just take those two cards out (Galina is crap anyway), and make the deck competitive in Modern. You've got most of the cards there anyway.Cards you should consider for a good competitive Modern Deck:4 * Silvergill Adept 4 * Aether Vial4 * Mutavault3-4 * Spreading Seas (better than Sovereign, Mystic and Aquitects, as it is tougher to remove and replace itself). And you don't need that many cards that ensure you can landwalk all over your opponent.6 - 7 * Removals and counterspells (Boomerang, Vapor Snag, Spell Pierce etc)
Why are you running Hero's Downfall and Bile Blight? It is much too slow and lacks versatility for this format. Much better to splice with white, and add 4 Vindicate. My advise:- add 4 x Scrubland - add 4 x Marsh Flats (interacts well with Bloodghast and Tombstalker)- add 4 x Vindicate- add 4 x Smallpox (interacts well with Bloodghast )- add 4 x Bloodhast (interacts well with Cabal Therapy, Smallpox and Marsh Flats)- Remove 4 x Heroe's Downfall (too slow for this format)- Remove 2 x Surgical Extractions (it's sideboard against Delver/Reanimator/Dredge)- Remove 2 x Desecration Demons (they are too slow, and you mana base can't support it fully)- Remove 3 x Bile Blight (Not good enough in this format for main deck)- Remove 1 x Dismember (It is mostly sideboard and you have plenty of removals)
I agree. When playing Aether Vial, Mothdust becomes a bit redundant and doesn't add much to the aggro.
Personally I love ninja as a tribal deck. My own version is here: ninjutsu:- Ornithopter is just excellent as an easy card to ninjutsu ninjas onto the table. Since Ninja decks are very heavy on the mana base, it helps alot there as well :)- Thalakos Seer is a bit slower, but brilliant when you have sufficient mana to keep it going.- Man O'War provides support to clear out opponents blockers, and if you get to ninjutsu it back on your hand it is even better.
yes, very sure :)
Since Training Ground does not work with Ninjutsu I would take it out of this deck. Training Ground is a bit overkill for the ability of Higure.
Played quite a bit Affinity in Modern, and I would easily replace Blinkmoth with Inkmoth.It is basically the same price, but an Inkmoth with Cranial Plating can easily be a consistent turn 3/4 win condition.
It is actually very sweet. A hard cast Emrakul can't be counter spelled and will trigger the extra turn ability, which in most cases means that you win the game.The challenge with the deck is that it is very vulnerable for hand disruption. Thoughtseize can ruin your day very badly.
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