thank you :)
lol, very funny
ok, i was just suggesting. sorry, my bad
Yes, maybe more demons would work, for shadowborn apstole's ability
Yes, crypt incursion is a really good card, also an under-rated common. I have that in my green black deck. i gained 27 life once, because of crypt incursion.
yah, i thought so. i will work good with duel lands, as i said in my comment before
urborg, tomb of yawgmoth isnt that good in this deck since it is mono black, unless, you want it for your duel lands, if mana screwed
ok, thanks. if it doesnt work out with your deck, its ok. those cards just work out with most of my decks. thats why i thought it would work with yours too.
sorry about the delay, but i think you deck is pretty good, and i will check out those cards you told me about. Thanks!
maybe want to add some cards like, ob nixilis, the fallen, hythonia the cruel, in garruks wake, gray merchant, and mogis's mauler
Thanks! You did a lot in that message. I will check out those cards for sure. Thank you very much!
yah, if this is a rat deck only, then demons wont come in. but gray merchant may help. since it is a zombie.
yes, all of those cards, except for ogre battledriver
ob nixilis, unshackled, ob nixilis, the fallen, gray merchant, mogis's mauler, soul of innistrad, sorin markov, sorin vengeance, nightmare, or indulgent tormentor would help your mono black.
You can have resolute archangel to go back to your starting life total, banishing light and oppressive will help you take control of your opponent cards, kind of like act of treason. perilous vault will help in that too, if your opponent is about to win. soul of theros will give all your creatures +2/+2 until end of turn, ogre battledriver basically gives your creatures haste and +2/+0 until end of turn, abzan falconer grants all your creatures with +1/+1 counters flying, similiar to like abzan battle priest, except that grants all your creatures with +1/+1 counters lifelink, high sentinels will help with putting +1/+1 counters on your creatures, and colossus of akros and scuttling doom engine will help you defend, but after colossus of akros monstrousity 10, you can attack with it and destroy your opponents creatures, which leads to you destroying their life total.
hey guys, i made a new deck of mine, and i was wondering if you guys can check it out and i was hoping for some input from you guys. please check it out: Thank YOU
i agree, if you are making a low-mana deck.
you may want to consider adding either ob nixilis, the fallen, or ob nixilis, unchackled, to decrease your opponents life total.
That makes sense. I will change that. Thanks!
good point. yah, then krenko wont work, since it isn't in standard
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