
187 Decks, 330 Comments, 82 Reputation

Why only 3 [[Stromkirk Captain]] and 2 [[Captivating Vampire]]?
It could be a bit odd but did you consider [[Vampire Nocturnus]] as an option?

The deck I played way back when Zendikar was out and we had access to Nocturnus is working in Modern with some adjustments. It was based on Viscera Seer, Bloodghast, Malakir Gatekeeper, Kalastria Highborn and Vampire Nighthawk together with Vampire Nocturnus

Posted 15 September 2021 at 09:17 as a comment on Lords of Night


Has Thieving Skydiver seen any play in standard so far?
I guess since the DnD expansion came out, there are a lot of Artifacts to "borrow"

Posted 26 August 2021 at 11:13 as a comment on Kicking it


What is your target format? I'd expect different outcomes on different formats and maybe some mana ramp. Voltaic Key for example could make a difference, what if you create a lot of those tokens to just burn them into mana like the Thopter Foundry deck did with Crank-Clan Ironworks and so on

Posted 26 August 2021 at 11:10 as a comment on Liquimetal Combo


Would like to see this format revived

Posted 18 February 2021 at 07:03 as a comment on [Tiny Leader] Sun Yun


Don't understand your comment because it says
"At the beginning of your upkeep, if Gigapede is in your graveyard, you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, return Gigapede to your hand."
So it is an additional [[Phantasmagorian]] even if it might not be that powerful

Posted 18 February 2021 at 06:56 in reply to #640319 on Manaless dredge


They already did with [[Faithless Looting]] which was also kind of a staple for a long time

Posted 17 February 2021 at 07:22 in reply to #640300 on Storm of bards


On the other hand, putting [[Witch's Oven]] in makes it even stronger

Posted 17 February 2021 at 07:11 in reply to #640316 on Food token


Once in a while I played something similar, how well does it go without [[Gigapede]]?

Posted 17 February 2021 at 07:08 as a comment on Manaless dredge


Snow has become rather powerful over the years. For example see [[Tundra Fumarole]] which provides a 4 damage shot for 'free' as you get the invested snow-mana back that turn or the snow-tutor [[Search for Glory]]. I also like the new Zombie legend [[Narfi, Betrayer King]] which can simply return by spending some snow-mana.

I choose this color scheme not just for [[Aegar, the Freezing Flame]] but also [[Tundra Fumarole]]

Posted 05 February 2021 at 13:19 in reply to #640036 on Foretell Control


Ever thought about putting [[Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose]] into this as well?

Posted 29 January 2021 at 07:27 as a comment on Leech Cat


Think about [[Aether Vial]] to speedup things a bit for you. Also you should have some more continous bounce engine rather than spending all cards of your deck just for it. I can for example think of [[Surgespanner]] or have something that can continously ping for damage so [[Sigil of Sleep]] will trigger more frequently

Posted 25 January 2021 at 07:02 as a comment on I've Seen You Before...


Those decks usually run a couple of [[Blue Elemental Blast]]/[[Red Elemental Blast]] and [[Hydroblast]]/[[Pyroblast]] as same as [[Force of Will]] as backup while [[Painter's Servant]] hasn't hit the table

Posted 21 January 2021 at 14:53 in reply to #639562 on Chain reaction


[[Stoneforge Acolyte]] may also fit perfectly into your deck. It requires Allys to be present but [[Stone Haven Outfitter]] is already an Ally so it should generate some value. Maybe then you won't need that much Equipment anymore and can focus on some spells as well. [[Open the Armory]] for example

Posted 21 January 2021 at 08:01 as a comment on HardKor Budget $25


Wouldn't [[Entomb]] be a better option in Legacy instead of discard or mill yourself?

Posted 18 January 2021 at 07:19 as a comment on Petitioner Deep Dive


Maybe because it is as expensive as hell

Posted 15 January 2021 at 07:48 in reply to #639412 on Moonwalker [Modern]


Had the same thoughts, why do you rely on an opponent blocking your Apostel and don't instead discard it, for some benefits perhaps. Some Serum Powder can also help to minify your deck in beforehand.

There is a starter shell that benefits from the 'new' London Muligan rules, consisting of 3 different cards and a playset each: Serum Powder, Pull from Eternity and Gemstone Caverns. It can not just clear your library (more or less successfull) but also plays well with some other "exile abuse" cards. For example Misthollow Griffin, which can be played from exile and also delivers 2 more devotion.

Another card that comes into m mind is Spoils of the Vault. I'm unsure if it is currently banned in Modern but can also help to dig for your needed combo pieces.

Damn, I have to toy arround with this as well :D

Posted 14 January 2021 at 09:42 in reply to #639379 on I love Surgical Extraction.


This deck looks interesting but I have concerns about your win-con. Spamming [[Ancestral Vision]], [[Crashing Footfalls]] or [[Restore Balance]] might not be as fast as it should to surepass in Modern. Maybe some Cascade spells would work better than [[As Foretold]] as it doesn't matter if those spells are countered as long as Cascade Ability stays on the stack.

Another idea I have is to use [[Izzet Guildmage]] to copy the more important ones of your spells, [[Crashing Footfalls]] for example to get 4 tokens instead of just 2

Posted 14 January 2021 at 09:24 as a comment on Recall, Balance, in Modern?!


Time for some Goblin-Mountain flip cards then ^^

Posted 08 January 2021 at 06:55 in reply to #639237 on Don't need nothin but goblins


It definitely wins the price battle!

Posted 26 November 2020 at 14:47 as a comment on Secure win!


When I played Tatyova in Standard, I comboed it up with World Shaper. I know it may be a bit difficult for EDH to mill yourself just to get some lands pushed back from your graveyard but it would play well together with Tassa's Oracle

Posted 25 November 2020 at 07:15 as a comment on Tatyova Control Budget EDH


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