
8 Decks, 10 Comments, 1 Reputation

Why not add a time sieve. it comes in handy late game

Posted 10 August 2012 at 07:14 as a comment on Esper Artifact, Combo Based Sphinx Deck


i'm glad to see others running the wolves. i'm still putting the finishing touches on mine, and im lookin around for ideas. i heard of the idea to put in a quick silver amulet. I havent tried it yet, so i'm not sure how useful it will actually be, but it will let you put out a werewolf while letting that same werwolf and all the others transform in that same turn. i like the concept, but i have yet to test it.

Posted 09 October 2011 at 06:37 as a comment on Bark at the Moon


I would only run the rare werewolves, and the reckless waif. the other ones will only slow you down. thats what i did. And i added some dismembers and beast within, for kill spells. And i like to run birds of paradise, because of it's mana ability, and the fact that i can use the instigator gang to make them swing in the air for 3. just my 2 cents.

Posted 08 October 2011 at 06:55 as a comment on Werewolves


Neat deck. I was confused about the marsh flats at first, but then i realized it could give you 2 landfalls in one turn. Clever.

Posted 11 August 2010 at 20:47 as a comment on Ob Nixilis turbo land


You should put in some champions drakes. Their good for blue white leveler decks, because their essentially a 4/4 with flying for only 2 mana. i personally wouldnt go without it. Another card to explore is profetic prysm. It lets you draw a card and it's usefull if you want to level something like student of warfare more times in a turn. Since it uses plains only.

Posted 08 August 2010 at 21:37 as a comment on Level-up palooza


I like it. I always wanted to try a deck like this, with eldrazi spawn. My original thought was to get a bunch out and sacrifice half to turn the other half into 7/7 creatures (With gigantomancer). this deck looks like it could do that.

Posted 07 August 2010 at 04:55 as a comment on Eldrazi Spawn Swarm


I Love it! I dont see a lot of people useing gigantomancer in a functional way like this. Like everyone keeps telling me gigantomancer is useless, but he's my favorite card ever!

Posted 07 August 2010 at 04:50 as a comment on Gigantomancer


interesting... I Like the fact that you put only 1 of most those cards in. I Dont know how functional it'll be, but still interesting.

Posted 07 August 2010 at 04:46 as a comment on White and green powahhh XDD


try dropping kozileks predator for emrakul's hatcher and nest invader for Llanowar elves. i like llanowar cause just like birds of paradise you could put it out on first turn. drop awakening zone for skittering invasion or something, cause you'll definetley gett more tokens that way. Drop raging ravine completley cause it wastes your time by comeing in tapped. I would get rid of tectonic edge too.

Posted 03 August 2010 at 22:16 as a comment on Mana ramp Eldrazi


why not wall of omens? Wouldnt that have worked in this deck somewhere?

Posted 23 July 2010 at 00:40 as a comment on walls
