Death Taxes

by rickyv123 on 18 November 2020

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (12)

Instants (3)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

How to Play

You get your opponent into a spot where they have to deal with your creatures by performing game actions, but then die to the taxes from the game actions. Very good against combo. Bomat and kroxa are great, as well as bomat and lavamancer. Sanitarium is awesome with active ascension, as it deals your opponent damage on the way up (parasite which is essentially a one mana underworld dreams) and on the way down (ascension). It also fuels your graveyard strategies.

Deck Tags

  • Modern
  • Competitive
  • Rakdos
  • Taxes
  • Fun
  • Competitive
  • Rakdos
  • Fun
  • Combo
  • Modern
  • Aggro

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,174 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Deck Format


NOTE: Set by owner when deck was made.

Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Death Taxes

I like all these new non-white taxes decks

Posted 19 November 2020 at 17:49


It's a focal shift yes.
It's fun how long it took for this to happen though ;)

Posted 19 November 2020 at 22:45


Thank you Alfred!

Posted 19 November 2020 at 23:07


Looks advanced :)
I spend a lot of time tracking the performance of individual cards, and some of them use to perform similar enough that I can put numbers on them.
I'd say that bloodchief ascension might be a three of, and the same with leyline of combustion, though I am actually a little bit in doubt with that one as it IS playable.

What I really miss in this is more synergy.
I like the burn/bloodchief and grim/kroxa synergies but it feels like you could cram in more of it :)

I can recommend kolaghan's command s one of the most flexible cards in rakdos.
It covers two aspects that you are weak on. Discard and artifact removal.
It can support bloodchief and revive your creatures (especially kroxa)

I'm also a huge fan of doomfall which I use against combo or decks with few large creatures, though it also beats boggles and infect.

I also think you could somehow squeeze in two simian spirit guide.

You might also get more aggro out of the deck by running ash zealot in mainboard. It's first strik ability works really well with lightning bolt and grim lavamancer.

Back when I was playing legacy I faced a lot of dredge, and often used 1 bojuka bog main to stop that strategy.
I figure with uro being such a huge part of the meta, they will hate to see that move.

If you can give me a hint at your problem decks I might have more ideas.
I've got an old grixis deck that I'm working on fine tuning these days, and it has some crazy adaptations, like 1 zealous conscripts to highjack a planeswalker the turn before it ultimates.

Speaking of planeswalkers. Dreadbore ?

Posted 19 November 2020 at 18:06


Boggles is a deck with a few big creatures

Posted 19 November 2020 at 21:25


Yes, but they are untargetable, and doomfall can handle that. Boggles is giantbuilding.

Posted 19 November 2020 at 22:43


Thank you so so much for your feedback!

I have to keep the leylines and ascension as I designed the deck around it. I love those cards.

Doomfall is too slow for me, I want more out of my three mana cards. Although the choice of effects is nice, both of those effects are slightly underpowered for three mana.

I love zealot, but the double red is tough. Also there is nothing in the main deck I would really want to take out for it, and for that reason if I put it in I would rather it be to dredge. It is also a nonbo with kroxa.

Dreadbore is nice, but not too worried about walkers, I have burn and lots of attacking creatures.

Ok, I have saved the best for last.

I love your command suggestion. I used to run this card in the deck, and it kind of fell out. Lavamancer is nice but slow and competes with Kroxa. I DID NOT REALIZE THAT I COULD RETURN CROXA WITH COMMAND. This is sick. Turn two kroxa, and turn three command return kroxa is so much value. Thanks!

Posted 19 November 2020 at 23:07


Command is also good at doing end of your opponents turn two damage to speed up activating ascension :).

Posted 19 November 2020 at 23:08


Glad to help :)
I sent someone your way, who was wondering which gideon to choose for a deck.
Did he show up ?

Posted 20 November 2020 at 00:04


Not yet! Would love to assist.

Posted 20 November 2020 at 03:03


Maybe he forgot?
If he shows, he shows.

Do you have s gameplan against mill, other than escaping kroxa with timing ?

Posted 20 November 2020 at 06:16


If I have an active ascension, or a parasite, or leyline, or eidolon, you can’t cast your mill spells, target me, draw cards, or put cards in your graveyard without taking damage.

Posted 20 November 2020 at 13:06


I guess it is just who gets set up first

Posted 20 November 2020 at 13:06


I recommend putting surgical extraction at least in the sb, but it’s a Great Card against most decks

Posted 20 November 2020 at 16:33


I'd say it looks like classic mill will be in trouble ;)
As for my own designs, our battles would probably be real weird.

Posted 20 November 2020 at 18:47


Not even mill, but it’s great against graveyard decks, reshuffled decks (I‘ve only ever seen you and me make, but it’s possible), and combo

Posted 21 November 2020 at 01:29


I've seen at least one who had a deck with several primal command so he technically could go reshuffle. But I saw it just after I made my "reshuffler" article, so I don't know if he was inspired to put it there. I was talking about the article with him while writing it.

But he could have happened to have it beforehand.

It's like that author of "the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" (douglas Adam's I think)
He got into his authoring because of an unlikely event.

Hed made a stop at a town for some reason, probably to ask for directions, and everytime he tries to ask someone they just start waving their hands and don't let out a single word.
It goes on for a while and he's feeling hes trapped in an episode of the twilight zone.

Much later he discovers that there was a Congress for the deaf being held, and even the locals hed met had just happened to be deaf too.

Posted 21 November 2020 at 19:31


Amazing, but anyways you and I are the only ones I saw, didn’t say there wasn’t more

Posted 21 November 2020 at 20:03


Yeah it does seem to be really rare.
I can't got over it. It's been around forever in this game. And then one year it just goes poof.
Decks like dredge, goryu animate and living may have had some influence on graveyard hatred, but I don't believe that would have pushed the concept away.
Could be a shift in the player base, with lots of players probably settling into a life where they don't have time for the game, like having kids or a demanding career or other stuff.

Posted 21 November 2020 at 20:36


The latter can’t be true as KCI was big awhile ago and those turns took forever, and people netdeck whatever they want as long as it’s Good, so that can‘t be it either

Posted 22 November 2020 at 02:29


It depends on the form of hatred that got used at the time. I'll go take a look at it.
Be back soon.

Posted 22 November 2020 at 22:46


The deck sure had it's fun in Columbus :)
With only 46 versions registered I had troubles identifying if any decktypes were a threat to it.
I believe Phoenix decks were popular enough to have been a contender, but the opal mox ban could also be a cause.

I remember it's first rise during 2018, and at that time I had my shrieker grixis and didn't count the deck as a a big threat.

Later when I was out of the game loop I was surprised to hear that it had led to the ban of the mox, because I didn't see it as a threat.

Then Phoenix decks were everywhere, and they were graveyard based too.

It could have been these two decks that lead to a reshufflerless meta, but the only way to know is to look carefully at what decks were able to hate these decks.
I couldn't find enough kci decks with a 2nd place to look at what defeated it.

Do you recall what the popular name of phoenix decks were in 2019 ?

Posted 22 November 2020 at 23:19


At that time I didn’t look at the meta at all, so I couldn‘t even steal an idea, I just remember the really big decks

Posted 23 November 2020 at 01:54


Hmm, not sure I will persue the reason, although it would be pretty good to put an exact reason on the decline.
Since reshuffle has been such a huge past of magic it would be nice to know how to deal with it if it ever catches on again. I believe some versions of turbofog would be decks that could suddenly spontaneously rise again.

Posted 23 November 2020 at 08:14
